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  Oct 2014 Visceral love
Adithya Gowda
With a pencil you wait
Hand on paper
To behold and make still
That point in time
Covetous mind

Each stroke a bar in the cage: eternal vacuum
Each stroke a transformation; a window built
On your graying walls ; covetous mind.

You bear the child of perception; gestating
Each glimpse a sad caress; a plea
Asking every detail to stay behind.
Each birth of salient insight; a tradesman
Haggling with the ravages of time.

It's a wonder how
Each line, each shade
Is a mirror; reflecting

Cradles and tears; and
The miracle of learning
How to ride a bike
That first love
And the first child.

That full moon in a clear sky.
That mouthful fare from a mother's hands.
Those conversations of cuckoos
Hidden from those who pry.
The love radiated from parched land
When messengers from teeming clouds are let fly.
And a touch on memory bereft;
Of a lover's hand.

A collage of senses that flows
To the captive hand
Held by you; covetous mind.
And as I sit here, contemplating
On why we draw
I realize, what I do
Is a conspiracy lead
By mine own
Covetous mind.
  Oct 2014 Visceral love
Paul Butters
Get your finger out!
I hear you shout.
Give Life a clout.

But what’s it all about?
What does it mean?
Out of what?
A hole in a gun?
Or your ***?

How do you think I sit?
Is my finger covered
In something not too pleasant?

So you think I’m lazy!
You must be crazy.
I’ve worked off my socks
Yet I’m tied to the stocks.

We are ALL in this mess,
Yes it’s time to fess.
Too much wrong in this world:
Time our flag was unfurled.

To do nothing is bad,
From Rome to Riyadh.
Don’t want to feel sad:
We’d rather be glad
That we acted
Without being distracted.

So get that flipping finger out!

Paul Butters
From a common saying...
  Oct 2014 Visceral love
Natalie Neo
I know there's no hope left,
I knew.

I just needed to hear it from you.
I needed you to say it,

"I don't love you anymore."
But I still do.
  Oct 2014 Visceral love
Sari Sups
There is no denying we both feel it,
nothing more to try and understand.
Cause you’re the peter to my wendy,
Who won’t take me to neverland.

I know the feeling has to be there.
I know you must have felt it too.
Because suddenly the clouds of black,
Have overcome your sky of blue.

And I feel as though it all ends tonight.
I think it’s best you leave.
Cause you're the bottle of painkillers,
Which eventually murders me.
An old piece, back when I was practicing my rhyme-y poems </3
  Oct 2014 Visceral love
Ocean Blue
What if we had met
In Florence, say five centuries ago
Would you have let
Me be your Leonardo ?
You gentle face I would have framed
In the back, a sfumato of Tuscany
You, I would have named
My Mona Lisa, smiling to eternity.
  Oct 2014 Visceral love
I don't remember the exact moment when the lines between friendship and love became blurred, when I started losing myself inside these lines.
All I know is that you are all I can think about, day and night. I breathe you, I taste nothing but you, I want you.
But I need you more than that.
It's this incessant need, the way the moon needs the sun, fire water, salvation destruction. And this need scares me. As I am a bird of flight, never to be tied down by any one rock.
But now I want to be held by you. I dream of being in your arms, lost in your smile. You have changed me, love.
That's why I need to forget you, to dispel you from my system, shatter your image in my head, so that you no longer are my inner song but another broken lyric.
I'm saving myself.
Building these walls again.
Running away.
Because I can't wait for you anymore, Shane.
I'm sorry.
  Oct 2014 Visceral love
Thrown in a black hole,
Named "His Love."
Years floating through darkness
Of dust and stars.
I have escaped.
I've seen the sun.
And for the first time,
It isn't you.
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