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In the
of a soul...

I have ever done ill,
it is only because
I have been ill.
Wrote this on the inside of a book on Zen I own. Funny concept, in itself.
  Oct 2014 Visceral love
I woke up,
and scavaged through my bed for my cellphone.
i realized,
my earpieces formed a noose around my neck
and my sheets,
already seem to wrap my body.
i commited suicide in my sleep.
I woke up this morning,
no texts.
I expected that, but i never failed to check every morning that i woke,
in case you remember me before you fall asleep.
I woken up from a nightmare.
And to be honest,
i was in a state of denial.
Did it happened,
did it not?
In reality and in sub-consciousness,
you wrecked me in both.

  Oct 2014 Visceral love
Haydn Swan
Ship ahoy !
she sails into the harbor,
masts glistening in the morning sun,
her decks a wash with the promise of discovery,
her groaning timbers telling tales of forbidden pleasures,
rich is her cargo and she bows under weight of collected treasures,
take me away oh merry band of sailors,
take me to your lands of bounty,
never again to return to these shores.
I wrote this sometime ago, whilst looking at the tall ships moored in the harbor near to where I live.
  Oct 2014 Visceral love
Mikaelyn White
Caress my soul a thousand times.
Drag me out of the dark...
Pull me in and open my eyes.
Feed me, love me, trust me.
Believe in who I am... your everything, your hope.
Show me the stars... show me heart.
A heart full of confusion
...a life of lies.
Who is real?
The flesh is a scam,
A wicked, twisted trick.
Who may prevail?
I wrote this last year. It is no longer applicable.. for my Savior has saved me. He is the answer to my questions, and I pray the same for all!
lightning doesn't strike the same place twice,
but typhoons and hurricanes do,
and just like the rain, i keep falling for You.
  Oct 2014 Visceral love
Country Girl
Independent, Selfless
Daring, Trusting, Hardworking
Loving, Challenging, Caring, inspiring
Another assignment for school, hope people like it.
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