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 Jul 2015 b
hello , you.
do you remember the first time we had ***? because i cant, but i can remember the last time, it was at that golf course by your house the night i popped a tire and you had to come save me.
you were always saving me.
its been exactly a year since we started to date , and about 5 months since you left. crazy right? look how far we've fallen. does it ever make you sad?
i still have yet to meet somebody who makes my heart feel the way you did , not for a lack of trying.
i see that youve moved on, i have also. i hope that she knows that you hate being told what to do, and that you like your tea with two splendas and no lemons, because you hate the seeds. and that the best way to get you to laugh is to bite your earlobe.
we aren't what we used to be , in fact we don't even speak, but i catch myself thinking about you every now and again. i hope that when you hear my name you remember all the good instead of all of the bad
 Jul 2015 b
whiskey dipped flower
This is the song
That makes you cry every time,
The one you play on repeat
To punish yourself.

This is the pattern you've trapped yourself in.

This mantra,
This melody,
"This is what you get"

These scars you wear,
The heaviness you harbour
"This was never what you wanted"

How many symptoms
before it's
a sickness?

Stay still,
Keep quiet,
You are shattering yourself
 Jul 2015 b
 Jul 2015 b
i told my heart
im sorry
for all the times
loving you was wrong
many worls in progress.. this august.
 Jul 2015 b
lost and found
The first thing he said was,
"Sorry, I'm not usually the type to cry,
but I loved her, I still do, I always will, forever."

No one knew what to say or even what to do,
persons came and hugged him,
but it didn't make him feel any better,
their hugs weren't going to bring her back.

"She's the love of my life, absolutely no one
will ever be able to compare to her,
but now she's gone and I'm alone again.
She always knew what to say, or what to do,
but she's not here now, so what do I do?
Everyone offers me their condolences and
I appreciate that, but it doesn't help, it really doesn't.
All it does is remind me that she's gone,
that she's never returning, that my baby is gone."

They all knew that talking to him now wouldn't help,
so they just sat there and watched him cry.
They just sat there,
wishing they could bring her back,
but knowing that they can't.

"I don't mean to be such a crybaby,
but when you lose the love of your life,
it's the worst day ever."

He walked away.

No one ever heard from him again.

He disappeared into thin air.

He didn't want to live a life without her.

So he lived a life dedicated to her. //
 Jul 2015 b
too many poems
too many poets
describing the
same **** feelings
and yet
throughout the centuries
none of us
have ever found
the right words
// spent my whole life tryna put it into words //

thank you so much for the daily ♡
 Jun 2015 b
Sweet Tooth
 Jun 2015 b
I think you are a cavity
In the way that everything that led to now
Was sweet
But now I can't get rid of you
And you are just a sore
 Jun 2015 b
Notebook Prison
 Jun 2015 b
I am trapped behind
The pale, sky blue bars that line
My blank notebook page

Fed empty words
And decorated, flawed lies
That hold no meaning

— The End —