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True love is not a word to recite, but an emotion that your heart is concealing.
Lovers express love all the time, but those are just,
thought to be feelings.
How does one even know,
if it is love for thee they are feeling?

Some lovers are love drunk all the time,
but once awoken,
with hatred they are dealing.
Is that the irony of love?
or is it the lust of the flesh,
that kept you wheeling?

You can’t blame love for what you do,
if not for love,
life would not be appealing.
It is this four letter word,
when truly felt,
to every soulbwill bring healing. Other than that,
all words are simply to your heart teasing.

Your heart may have many beats, but only one tune,
will leave you kneeling.
Look for what I call a wise love, and set aside what to your eyes may seem pleasing.
The painting that is today flamboyant,
tomorrow will be dull and displeasing.
Don’t seek perfection in a world of deception,
a place of  test for he and she.
If God intended for man perfection,
no mortal being will disagree.

For every time you feel rejection, only the truth will set you free. And when you tread in wrong direction,
your path will lead to misery.

So be alarmed,
request protection,
from every evil in you and me. Extend your hand and attempt connection,
don't hesitate to make a plea.

For every action that causes friction,
will wear our bond and **** our glee.
I wouldn’t say that life is fair,
but sometimes the wind blows in our favour.
We do sense tension in the air, every time life issues a disclaimer.
In life you may be coerced,
in to becoming a self blamer.

What bitterness and grief has life in store for me?
If only my good deeds redeem me from being a shamer.
You may mock me for what I am today,
but tomorrow to your deeds you will be a claimer.

Whatever good you do along the way,
will come back to save you when you need acclaimer.
On earth you have no time to spare,
on your target you should be the aimer.
Life can be shocking sometimes, but no need to be the exclaimer.

It’s little things that do count in life,
if to your soul you want to be a tamer.
A friendly smile or a nod of the head,
to your self-esteem you will be a reclaimer.
Or a kind word that might earn you respect,
or for which you could enter the hall of famer.

Honour your word and gain peoples hearts,
to your reputation it won’t be a restrainer.
Seek wisdom in the womb of life, to your dignity it will be a maintainer.
Don’t sell your soul for what it’s worth,  
unless you want humiliation to be your enslaver.
I sit in darkness,
hiding my pain,
in regions of sorrow,
my thoughts remain.
Torrents of tears,
run down my face.
as I search for comfort,
In a warm embrace.

A thousand thought,
Is cruising my mind.
enduring pain,
of every kind.
Soulless shadows,
Are blocking my way.
I try to resist,
But they push me away.

From the heart of darkness,
I cry out loud.
My feeble voice,
Is lost in the crowd.
I’m losing my mind,
While longing to stay.
My helpless soul,
Is slipping away.
I raised my sight towards the heavens, and stared deep into the night.

There is no sound but the sound of silence, or maybe the sound of space out of sight.

On earth I have seen many wonders, but none like the sky when alight.

Scattered stars into the black glitter, some fairly dim and some glow too bright.

Some for the naked eye are clear, to saddened hearts they bring delight.

In some you can see formations, but others are too far apart.

To man the universe may seem simple, or just a display of celestial art.

A vast knowledge beyond our comprehension, Godly creation that we can’t explain.

Some knowledge mankind has mastered, but what lies beyond will drive you insane.

I see a shooting star there in the distance, in silence a humble servant I remain.
A bird was humming,
not far away.
In search of nectar,
in midst of May.
I looked from yonder,
at beating wings.
A sight of wonder,
in early spring.

A little bird,
with a slender bill.
Who seeks a rose,
in field and hill.
From every flower,
he takes a sip.
With ease and skill,
he makes the trip.

As He devoured,
some honey flower.
His thoughtless mind,
devoid from power.
There are two things,
he seeks in life.
To earn a meal,
and find a wife.
Don't waste your time on play and fun,
if yourself you want to carry.
To wealth and fame you should make a run,
before you are to marry.

In younger days you have a chance to make your life succeed, but if you wait there will come a day from work you shall retreat.

For precious time is gliding by in Winter, Spring and Fall,
in Summer time you should relax as time does bind us all.

Don’t sit and think and take a chance on things you can’t relate, a narrow mind will only end behind an iron gate.

So look above but not too high, not where the kings are sitting, the higher the eye of heavens will rise,
the closer it is to setting.

On stormy days avoid the wind when rules do not apply,
no mortal soul shall have it all, for all are doomed to die.
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