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Oct 2024 · 41
Akta Agarwal Oct 2024
रंग अपने में हि कितनि खुब्सूरत सी होती है।

हर रंगो की अपनी हि खासियत है।

हरा रंग प्रकिती से मिलाती है।

हमें सेहदमंद रहना सिखाती है।

पिला रंग उम्मीदो को बढ़ाती है।

हर हाल में खुश रहना सिखाती है।

लाल रंग कभी गुस्सा दिलाती है।

है खतरा अगर कोई तो भी बताती है।

यह रंग मोहोब्त् से मिलती है ।

पागल प्यार मे हमें बनाती है।

नीला रंग जिम्मेदारियों को संभालना सिखाती है।

मुश्किलों से जब घिर जाए

तो हमें यह शांत भी कराती है।

काले रंग की बात हि अलग सी है।

वो हर रंग के साथ जच जाति है।

पर फिर भी कोई शैतानी भरी राज यह छुपति है।

थोड़ा सा यह डराति भी है ।

पर उजालो का कदर करना भी सिखाती है।

सफेद रंग हमें उजालों का पता बताति है।

और सारे रंगो को खुद में छुपाति है।

हर रंग कुछ खाश सा हमें सिखाती है ।

हर होली आ कर रंगो से हमें मिलाती है।

रंगो की ऐसी हि कहानियो से मिलाति है ।

हमें हर रंग कुछ खाश सा सिखाती है ।
Oct 2024 · 598
Save your peace of mind
Akta Agarwal Oct 2024
Save your peace of mind
To do works right
To show your brightest sight
Save your peace of mind
And sleep peacefully at night
Wake up at morning fresh and bright
To take the decisions right
Save your peace of mind
Always to smile
As your smile can make
Someone's days bright
Motivate all to smile
If someone is crying
Do the things
So that they can smile
Save your peace of mind.
Peace of mind is necessary
Oct 2024 · 555
It's love at first sight
Akta Agarwal Oct 2024
I saw your face for the first time
In deem dark light
An innocent face
with bright smile
And that was the time
I was fallen in love with you
and that's my
love at first sight

Don't know how
But there was some spark
that your innocent face held
I was fallen right there
or maybe your innocent face
and bright smile affect me hard
that I just want to take care of
your innocence beauty
adorable smile

I better save you
from all evil sight
may they burn me once
but I want to protect you just

If necessary, I will fight
and will save you
from even tears in your eyes

I know it's hard
you too have to face the harsh
to learn to fight with the world
we never know
will I be there till the last

but then also
I will teach you
to protect your innocence
from the world outside
maybe tomorrow
I will not be there
to protect you
but you can be able to fight

but I will try to protect you
from all the evil sight
as am madly in love with you
from the very first sight

I love you ******
it's love at first sight
love just to happen it's not need perfect time or place
Oct 2024 · 219
Akta Agarwal Oct 2024
Music is everywhere
It's in the crippling of birds
It's in the flow of wind
It's a melody to hear
To cry of a new born
It's in the beginning of new life
With melodious cry
Music is the medicine
That always seems to heal
Whenever we feel alone
We just started to listen music
As per our taste
And with music
We start to tap our feet
We like the way music makes us feel
Music always tells many different stories
And the stories are for both old and young generations
Some music have power
Of motivation
Of making us strong
Making us believe our own selves
It's work like a medicines
Which can heal all alone
And It's a medicine
Which we can found easily too.
Music has the power to heal
Oct 2024 · 26
Akta Agarwal Oct 2024
आँखों में तूफ़ान गेहरा है
बेजान सा इनका चेहरा है
साँस भी ले दोनो तो सीने में दर्द
एक सा उठता है
दो अलग इंसानो का
आपस में दर्द का गेहरा रिश्ता है ।
दर्द का रिश्ता अनोखा सा होता है
सबसे अलग सबसे गेहरा सा होता है
Akta Agarwal Nov 2021
आई है दीपावली कि तयोहार है  देखो
लाई ढैर सारी खुशहाली देखो
दियो से सज उठे हर चोखट देखो
खुशियों संग हुई उम्मीदो की हैं आहटे देखो
रौशनी ही रौशनी हर और छाई देखो
मन में भरा हर्ष और उललास देखो
पधारे गणपती संग लक्ष्मी मा हैं देखो
आसमा भी हुई रौशन हैं देखो
रिश्तो मे भी घुलि मिथास हैं देखो
आए है दिपवलि कि तयोहार् है देखो।
Sep 2021 · 530
Akta Agarwal Sep 2021
सर को कभी ना जो झुकने दे
मान को जो ना गीरने दे
हर उलझनो को जो सुलझा दे
हर मुसीबतो से जो डट कर लड़े
हा सायद पुरी तरह ना जीते
पर सच का साथ कभी ना छुटे
खुद के सोच से बस वो आगे बढ़े
ओरो को यह अभिमान है लगे
पर सर पर सजा ताज यह बने
जीसे स्वाभिमान हम कहे
वो स्वाभिमान जो नाहि कभी सर को झुकने दे
ना ईरादो को तुतने दे
नाही कभी कदम है दगमगाए
सच्चाई की राह जो हम अपनाए
वो हि तो स्वाभिमान हे कहलाए
और वही हमारी पहचान है बन जाए|
Akta Agarwal Aug 2021
रब दा मेहेर हो
सागे वीर और बहन हो
ना हो कभी जुदाई
अरदास करे ये रब से बहन और भाई
राखी की शुभ बेला जो है आई
भैंया बहेना एक दुजे का जनमो जनमो तक साथ नीभाए
कभी लढे और झगड़े
तो कभी करे तागं खीचाई
महोबत और खुशीयो का यु ही साथ रहे
बहनो और भाइयों मे प्यार रहें
Akta Agarwal Aug 2021
काश ना हुआ होता बटवारा
तो कीनना सोना होता आज का नजारा
ना हुई होती दंगे फसादी
ना ही हुई होती कही मारा मारी
तो कितने आजाद होते आज के खयाल
ना मज़हब में होते फासले
ना दिलो मे होती कोई दीवार
नाही हिंदुस्तान और पाकिस्तान दो नाम होते
दोनो एक मुल्क और एक जाहान होते
हंसते - खेलते दोनों मज़हब के परिवार होते
दिल मे महुबत और होंठों मे मुस्कान होते
नाही दिलो मे लगे होते कोई घाव ही
नाही पिंजरे मे कैद हुए होते कोई ख्वाब ही
उन बटवारो ने ना सिर्फ़ मुल्क या मज़हब को ही बाटां
उसने कई घरो को है उजारा
कई बनते ख्वाब को है बीखेरा
तो कई सपनो को बुझा डाला
बहुतो के सपने टूटे
बहुतो के अपने है रूठे
अपनो के हाथ ही नहीं छुठे
या बटवारे मे वो बीछर गए
या दंगो मे कई मारे गए
ईन बटवारो के आग ने कईयो को जलाया है
सिर्फ़ ईनसान को ही नहीं ईनसानीयत को भी मार गीराया है
काश ना हुए होते बटवारे
तो किनने सोने होते आज के नजारे
नाही लाला रतन और ईकबाल बेघ कभी जुदा हुए होते
नाही मोहबत के आरे कभी मजहब की दिवारे खरी होती
आज भी लाला रतन और ईकबाल बेग साथ होते
मुस्कुराहट की किलकारीया हर जगह गुंजा करती
ना कोई सपने राख हुए होते
नाही मीठी सी मुस्कराहट मातम मे तबदील हुई होती
और नाहि बच्चो की मासुमीयत कभी खोई होती
काश ना हुआ होता बटवारा
तो खुशीयो से भरा होता आज का नजारा
काश ये काश नहीं हकीकत होता
काश आज भी ईनहे बदल पाने का कोई तरीका होता
वो खुशीयो को वापस लाने कि गुनजायश ना अधुरी रहती
काश ना हुए होते बटवारे
तो कुछ अलग ही होते आज के नजारें
Akta Agarwal Jul 2021
डर हैं लगता
खुशीया जो मिली
खो ना दू उसे कही
मुठठी मे बंद किये थे
जो रीशतो कि दोरीया
छूट ना जाए हाथों से वो कही
कही खुशीये और रीशतो को समभालने की कोशिशे मे
हार ना जाऊ मे कही
Akta Agarwal Jun 2021
बेवक्त साथ जो तेरा मीला
आदत सी जो तु बनी
तु ही सासे और राहते बनी
देखते देखते तेरे अलविदा कहने के पल भी नजदीक आने लगे
दिल ने रखी चाहत तुझको रोक पाने की
पर अफशोश है इस चाहत के अधूरे रह जाने के
आया जो वक्त अलविदा केहेने का
ऐसा लगा कुछ चुबन सी होने लगी अब दिल मे
गम भी है तुझको ना भूला पाने का
क्यू तेरा जाना है जरूरी
क्यू अलविदा केहेने की मजबूरी
जैसै दद् भी हो जरूरी
सोचा ना था की कभी अलविदा भी होगी ईतनी दद् भरी
सच ही कहते है लोग की अलविदा होती हैं इतनी दद् भरी
Jun 2021 · 198
Most precious person
Akta Agarwal Jun 2021
As if I say there are almost many person who is very precious
And everyone has their own place in one's life
But a mother is always precious
Not only because we have 9 months old relationship with her
But because she teaches us moral values of life
For me she is the most precious gift of my life
Whom I adore a lot
She has to face many problems but she never let anybody hurt me
She is the one who cares for everybody
She is my inspiration
She is my super hero
Whenever I needed her she was always there
In my all difficulties
she is the one who will always be with me
Whenever if I do a mistakes
She never have scold me and never have judge me for my actions
She have lots of trust in me
For my mistakes she lovingly taught me
That it's wrong
She is the one whom I can't express in word
Nor I will be able to say why she is most precious then anybody
Because the feelings can't be express in words
It's just a feeling
Akta Agarwal Jun 2021
खुबसुरत सा लागे रंगीन आसमान यह ,
कितने ही रंग इसके बादलो में है छुपे कही
रंगो कि खासियत ही लाजवाब सी है ,
हर रंग बाते करती कुछ खास सी हैं
कभी उदासी का अंधेरा छाने लगे
तो आसमान की चांदनी
रोक दे उस अंधेरे को
खुद ही आगे आ के,
और झोली मे भऱ दे लाखों खुशीया आसमान से ला के,
लाखों खुशीया आसमान से ला के।
Jun 2021 · 164
Akta Agarwal Jun 2021
Jealousy make you envious
It's do block your mind
It's stop your mind from thinking
It's make you greedy
It's make you feel
You are not pretty
It's make you become crepy
You just lost yourself
In the hands of jealousy
And at that only time
You have looses your pretty side
Jun 2021 · 138
Society and it's norms
Akta Agarwal Jun 2021
We live in the society
Where we have no freedom
Where we have to live as per societies norms
If we ever go against society
Our family have to bear the taunt
But whenever needed in darkness and sadness
Where will they gone?
They never are happy with our happy forms
They want to crate fudge in our home
Who they are to taunt?
They say this girl stayed out of house whole night
Means her liscence for living in this world has got cancelled
what about their's own homes?
Who they are to judge us,?
And to take a decision of our lives?
When we didn't have given our parents that right
Why whenever an injustice or **** happened with girl
It's says to be quiet
And whenever society got to know they didn't have catch the culprits
They always blame a victim
Who gave them that right?
When an injustice or **** do happened with boys
They says you are boys
Not a girl
So how can it happens with you
Or you are of that type
Means a gay type
Why this society never able to do a justice with a girl or even with a boy?
why do we listen to these so called society?
Who are they to judge us or blame us?
They are no one
No one to anyone of us
And we do have to fight with this society and it's norms
To get back our dignity and our rights.
Jun 2021 · 520
Abhi to suruwat h
Akta Agarwal Jun 2021
Abhi to suruwat h
Saathi to hmare aap h
Janne ki yh suruwat h
Kuch h jana tujhko
to kuch ab v raaj h
Pr fir v aap khash h
Sabdo ki aapko khubh pehechan h
Un sabko m bya kya aapne wo ehsash h
Ha nhi hue hmari mulakat h
Pr fir v ek dusre pr kuch alg s vishvash h
Or aesa yh dosti ka bndhn h
Jo sabse khash h
Jun 2021 · 276
Hai pratigya yh
Akta Agarwal Jun 2021
Hai pratigya yh
Ki bdlaao h Lana
Sachchae ka hme h saath nibhana
Sach k khatir apno ka v saath chor jana
Hr paapiyo ko h hme sabak sikhana
Gunaho ko jhr s h mitana
Apne desh ki raksha k khatir
Khudh k jaan ko v daao pe lagana
Hai pratigya h
Sch ka h saath nibhana
Hr archano ko hra k bsh aage bdhte jana
Jun 2021 · 134
Akta Agarwal Jun 2021
Daughter's are like angles
Who has came from fairy world
Who always do filled everyone's life
with the colours of happiness
She has come as a beautiful gift of joy
Which god has send for us
It's hard to describe her in a words
It's hard to describe a tint of love which I felt on seeing her beautiful innocent and lovely face
She is our cutest
Which we always adore
She is our life line
Who has a positive vibes
She is daddy's little princess and mumma's cutest doll
Jun 2021 · 357
An invisible person
Akta Agarwal Jun 2021
After being tortured for a year,
She started to live in fear
Until an invisible hand held her for her support,
And she started to loosing her fear,
She started to talk with a person who is almost invisible
She started to talk with an invisible person,
May be it can be her innerself or an imagination,
But this invisible person make her a new person.
Now she is not an afraid girl.
She is a girl full of confidence and courage.
She have courage to fight back all the difficulties.
An invisible person made her courageous and brave,
And she has became a lawyer,
Who do fight for justice
Whenever in the needs that invisible person is the only support she have.
It's unbelievable but it's the truth that an invisible person has changed her and her life positively.
Akta Agarwal Jun 2021
2020 changes
My hobby, my personality and also me
It's teaches me the value of life
It's teaches me the value of my family
It's give me the strength to fight back
I started to write
I am not even hesitate to speak
In front of camera
It's just have changed my life in good way
It's changes a student and teacher in a writer
Jun 2021 · 132
Best friend
Akta Agarwal Jun 2021
You are my friend
with the relation which can never end,
You are my strength
With whom I don't have to pretend,
The one whom god has send
For my life to spend,
I know may whatever happens
You are the one who can never deceive me,
You are my heart
Without whom my heart can able to beat,
No difficulties or misunderstanding have the power to tear us apart,
because love,trust and respect are the beautiful emotions we do share,
With so much of care,
Love you my bestie
for being with me here.
Best friend are the bond which can't be express in word
But by the emotions it can be share.
Akta Agarwal Jun 2021
Home is a place where we can relax,
Home is a place where you don't have to pretend,
Home is a place where you are surrounded with your love ones,
Home is a place where you can be with your mom with much care,
Home is a place where your brother teaches you for all the small things,
But he is the only one who always save you from mom's scolding,Home is a place where your sister share all her stuff with you,
Home is a place where your father love you,
Home is a place where you can sit together with your family,
And talk as much as you want,
Home is a place where we can find utmost peace with love and care,
Home is a place full of beautiful memories,
Home is a place where our heart remains
Jun 2021 · 537
Kathor patthar
Akta Agarwal Jun 2021
Sabke zindagi ki kuch aesi kahaniyaan hoti h jo logo s chupi hoti h
Jo bsh kuch anjaana sa hota h
Tik wese hi yh kahani h
Isha ki

Logo ka manna tha wo kathor dil wali amir ghamandi ladki h
Pr log kya jaane wo amir ** k v akeli h
Logo ko kya pta ki wo v bsh kuch waqt pehle khudh s mili h
Mohobbat tutne s jada dard apno k ruthne ya bharosha tutne pr hota h
Wo to ek maasum si thi
Ushe to pta hi nhi tha ki wo kabhi esh Isha s milegi jo ki kathor patthar ki trh sakt h
Pr jis waqt ushe fareb, dokha or bewafaae k dard ka ehesash hua
Uski sachchae s jo wo wakif hue to usne apni masumiyat ko khudh k saamne mrta paya
Usne uske dil ko gilli mitti s kathor patthar bnta paya
Usne apne bharoshe pe bharosha kr sb kuch tutta - bikhrta paya
Ush din apne ko hi nhi apno ko v khudh s dur jata paya
Or ush waqt khudh k maut pr khudh ko rota paya
Or fir bn k tayyar hue kathor patthar
Jisko puri trh smjhna aaj v aashan ** na paya
Jun 2021 · 652
My childhood
Akta Agarwal Jun 2021
My childhood was the time full of love and happiness
Where sorrow can never able to enter
And love was so **** pure

My childhood was full of happy colours
With which I want to play
My childhood is the best moments
Where I can ever to live

My childhood was the time
When I didn't know the meaning of selfishness
When everything was selfless

My childhood was the time
When I didn't have to fight
For the attention and time

My childhood was like a beautiful fairy tale
Which only be true in a dreams

In my childhood I was like a princess and queen
Who always win

My childhood was like a sweet candy
Which I love to eat

My childhood was the time
When I have nothing to fear about

But that innocent  lovely times are long gone

I just want my childhood back
Where I have nothing fake

Because as I grown up
I got to know about this world
Which is totally fake

But whatever happened I know
The child in me will never go
I will never let the child which is in me go
Never ever
Jun 2021 · 826
Have patience
Akta Agarwal Jun 2021
It's always have said to have patience
Do your work
You will get the fruit on tym
Have patience
Every thing will be right
Have patience
Your life will be bright
But it's hard to have patience
In the very bad tym of life
as at that time we forgot to survive
We just lost our cool, our thinking ability
We just because blank
And it's tough to have patience at that time
But without patience
You can't able to reach the high height
So have patience
And every thing will be all right
Jun 2021 · 451
Meri adhuri kahani
Akta Agarwal Jun 2021
Ek sapna tha dekha
Hoga koe ghr mera v apna
Jo bsh hoga mera
Mere haaton s sicha hua
Koe na hoga kehene wala
tu praae ghr ki jaae h
Tu praae ghr s aae h
Fir na hoga sawal
Ki rabba tune kon s ghr k liye mujhe bnaae h
Pr zindagi k kitab k enn panno ko puri krte krte
Ush kitab k kuch pnne khali hi rh gye
Mere zindagi ki kuch khani adhuri hi rh ***
Wo panno ko bharne ki kosishe to thi
Pr hr kosish kamyaabi k sikhr tk nhi le jaati
Zindagi k kuch kisse adhure hi rh jaate h
Tik wese hi jese ki
Meri adhuri si kuch kahani rhi
Jun 2021 · 119
Mobile a drugs
Akta Agarwal Jun 2021
Mobile is like a drugs
How much we get addictive of it
That's hard it became to live without it
And by going near it
We started to loosing all the will
We started to loose
our family, our career and our dreams
It's like that sweet candy which is so sweet to eat
but if we get addictive of it
Then we started to loose our teeth
Jun 2021 · 106
Dear pillow
Akta Agarwal Jun 2021
Dear pillow,
You are the best friend of mine,
Who never get tired of me,
May it be day or night
It's awesome to find a chocolate under you,
Or sometimes poem or some letters,
Whenever I cry you are the one who wipe my tear off,
In my happy time,
you are the first whom I do give a tight hug with so many kisses,
My husband always get jealous of you,
But whenever he have to give a surprise,
You are the only medium
he always use,
Whenever I have to beat someone
Then also you always have became my support,
You have always being with me
in my tough, hard and happy time,
Thanks for being with me my pillow,
and I am promising you
may you grow how old
I will never betray you
and will never ever leave your side,
Just like you have supported me
whole my life
I love you my pillow
Akta Agarwal Jun 2021
Death is the ultimate truth of life
Which no one can deny
It's not the opposite of life
But its a part
Which can never be deny
Jun 2021 · 270
The voice of mind
Akta Agarwal Jun 2021
The Voice of my mind,
Is hard to find
Sometimes it's right
Or somrtimes
It's make us blind
and we started to write
About the fight
which is occurring between
Our heart and mind
And then
It's hard to find the difference
between truth and lie
But then the writing help us to be kind
And with this
the voice of mind
can bring the light
Jun 2021 · 441
Power of writer's pen
Akta Agarwal Jun 2021
Writer's pen is the power of the world
With this a writer can effect the change
May it will take a lot of time
But can able to stop some crime
Can able to break the silence
It's has power to bring the light in darkness
A writer portray his emotions through beautiful words
It's a power of pen
Which can bring the change
Jun 2021 · 110
Akta Agarwal Jun 2021
So handsome to look in human attire
And so fearful in their real form
They ***** the blood of human and animals
They are the king of night
They didn't have emotions
They are walking dead creatures
Who can mix up easily with human
But can never be human
Jun 2021 · 456
Reality vs. Imagination
Akta Agarwal Jun 2021
We imagined our life as fairy tale
But in reality we know it can never be true
In our imaginary world we can get whatever we want
But not in reality
In our imagination everyone and everything is just perfect
But in reality nothing can be perfect
Imagination give us the false hope
Reality take us to real world
Imagination is sweet and
Reality is bitter sweet
Reality and imagination are pole apart
Jun 2021 · 149
Dear yesterday
Akta Agarwal Jun 2021
Dear yesterday,
Why are you bitter today?

Why your memories are making me sad?
You know na it's very bad
Let's me remind of some beautiful moment
Which we have shared together

Dear yesterday,
Don't became so harsh on your ownself
Let me give the opportunity
to remind you
Our best moments
And you do erase all the bad moments
From your memory

Dear yesterday,
Just do favour
For me and for yourself
Jun 2021 · 152
My dear diary
Akta Agarwal Jun 2021
My dear diary,
     You are the one
With whom I have always share my loss and gain,
Sorrow and pain
Who never have judge me
We have a understanding chain
Which hard to break
Thank you for always being with me
Whenever I need your friendship
You never have betrayed
You are the one who knows my every secret
I love you my best friend,
My dear diary love you a lot
Jun 2021 · 96
I have a world too
Akta Agarwal Jun 2021
I have a world too
of my own
Where I reside as only me
Not as someone's daughter, sister, mother, wife or guide
There have no restrictions of any thing
I can wear shorts, dance freely, eat whatever I want and also can laugh as maniac
And that's my world
where I reside only as Akta
Not as Akta Agarwal
It's hard to fulfill everyone's wish and every responsibility
I got tired of that all
But after returning to my own world
am feeling relax
Am feeling like I also have a life
Because by fulfilling all the responsibility
I filled like am just caged in some cage
Where I have to forgot myself
But that's how the life is
We have to fulfil all our responsibility
and am happy to fulfill it
But I got restless when no one able to see my distress
But my world let me be relaxed and happy
Jun 2021 · 413
Akta Agarwal Jun 2021
Dream even if world says not to
Bcoz dream can give you that
which reality can't
They fill your life with hope and positivity
They give you aim and confidence
to fight for yourself
Surely this world never want your success
But your dream can only give you success to achieve
The dreams may be never ending
But don't keep mum
Don't stop because of anyone
Go and try hard to get your dream successful
Because if you have the courage to dream
then you do have capability to make it come true
Jun 2021 · 236
Akta Agarwal Jun 2021
Sabse choti
Sabse piyaari
Ghr m sbki raaj dulari
Kbhi pari to kbhi gudiya
Khke pukare pariwaar hmara
Naam jiska h Akta pyaara
Laad pyaar S
naajo s h pala hme
Sbse choti, sabse pyaari
Jiske bina na hota andhera
nahi ujala
Pr fir q nigam yha v na bdla
q hme khudh s dur h krne ki chah bni
q na niyam hamare liye h bdla
Esh ghr ki laad supari
Na bn saki ush ghr ki ujwari
Praye ghr s jo aae hu
Pr yh q na koe keheta
M paraae ghr ko apnaae hu
Q ush ghr ki pari
k pnkh h cut gaye
Jo unka saath tuta
Jun 2021 · 334
Mata - pita
Akta Agarwal Jun 2021
Apne hisse ki khusiya hmpe waar diye
sine m apne chpaye gum ko
hme khusiyoon ka uphaar diye
Hr kaaton pe chl kr v
hate jholiyo m khusiyaan dhaal diye
rab K hme mata - pita K naam pe
h jg K do anmol uphaar diye
Jun 2021 · 495
Ek khat mere rabba K naam
Akta Agarwal Jun 2021
Hey rabba sukriya jo tune yh zindagi diya
Jine ka mauka brpur esme diya
H rkha mushpe varosha hmesha
Saath na kbhi mera chutne diya
Kabhi kitaabo m saathi bna
kabhi khayalo m raahi bna
Jb v ghum hue khusiya
tune fir unse ru-ba-ru kra diya
Sukriya jo tune mera saath diya
Jine ka ek aash diya
Saath to tera mila
ab to dr v nhi lagta Kuch khone s
tune jo thame haath h
khul K jina ki khusiyaan
ab hmare pass h
Sukriya bhala karu Kin kin baaton ka
etne tere aheshaan h
ki sukriya kehene ko km pr jaaye yh saash h
Tune jannat ki sher krae
Khudh m hi hsne ki aash jagaae
Kbhi thi m v dri sehemi si
pr tere saath ne umeedein bharpur jagaae
Or un umeedoon ne khusiyon ki h barsaat karaae
Hey rabba sukriya kehene ko km jnm yh pr jaaye
For v enn khat K jariye
Kosish meri kaam aaye
Ek baar fir sukriya
jo tune hr pal h mere swath nibhae
May 2021 · 246
Aakhir q?
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Dharam K naam or hote dange h
Dharam K naam pe khote insaniyt h
Akhir yh dharam h kya
Hindu, muslim, eshahi
Kya hm kisi K khun s dharam ka pta lga sakte h
Fir yh dharam nibhana etna jaruri q h
Q dharam K naam pe insaano ko bata jata h
Kya dharam h sarwopari h
To fir yh insaaniyt Kay h
agr insaaniyt nibhane K liye dharam ki maryada tuti to yh paap kese h
Q un dange pashad m Kuch maasum bchcho ki masumiyt chinta yh smaaj h
Aakhir dharam kese bdha hua jb wo glt rash m hi le jata h
aakhir q yh log dharam K arth ko bigaar rhe h
Or jhuti insaaniyt K naam or insaan ko maar rhi h
Aakhir q?
May 2021 · 150
Periods in pandemic
Akta Agarwal May 2021
A life of woman is full of struggles.
She was always blamed for everything,
But with time everything started to change,
Then why not yet our society have accepted a girl with their period,
Why she have to locked in a room for atleast 5 days,
Why her pain and agony left unheared by everyone,
Why a people treat her as a curse on these days,
Why can't thinking may also be updated with time,
Why a people says her shameless when she discuss about period even with her husband,
Just why when we says red is the colour of love and of a married woman then how came its become bad when a girl is having periods,
Just think what will even heppen if she was not blessed with this curse ,
Just think its really curse,
Just think it and try to change the cheap mentality,
Try to see her pain and agony in this pendamic,
Just try to think once about her periods in their pendamic
May 2021 · 178
Dad - unsaid struggles
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Dad have never think about his dreams only to fulfill his child dreams
but he never complained about it
He have forgot to sleep
bcoz he want his child to sleep with smile
He is the backbone of the family
He never wasted a penny on himself
so that he can fulfill all his children wishes
He is strict also
but only bcoz he never want his children to be hurt ever
Whatever he do he always comes after mother
because it's hard to see his unsaid struggles
It's said he is stonehearted because he never show his love like a mother do
but they never understand this only for their children's best future
Mother always being like a friend
and father's like being a teacher
both guide their children in their own way
but what's an irony a mother's have given a name motherhood for her struggles,love and sacrifices
but what for father,
Why do he always left alone
because his unsaid struggles can never be seen by anyone
and he also never said that
if he never cries it'd doesn't means he is not hurt or he do not love his children
It's just he himself don't know how to express it
May 2021 · 121
Busy life
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Why we are so busy with our lives
that we can't able to adore a nature for sometime
which gives us positive vibes,
Why can't we able to enjoy the sunshine?
Why we don't have time even for our friends and family?
Why sometimes we got engrossed in work
that we forget to live a life without work,
We do forget to eat our foods for sometimes
Why we do always forget their is not an use of wealth without health
Why we are so busy that we can't sit for just a minute to feel a diamond drop of rain water
it's always take away all the stress,
Why can't we just do enjoy it for a while
Take a time and sit for a while
and do think about your life
why it's so busy that we do Forget to smile?
Yes you may be so busy but surely do yourself a minute to think about your life,
Just a minute from your busy life
May 2021 · 498
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Happiness lies on both health and wealth
Because without health
no use of wealth
and without wealth
no use of dreams
Happiness lies in dreams
Happiness lies in caring and sharing
Happiness lies in positivity
Happiness never means to hurt others in any way
Happiness never means to destroy someone
It's never can give you happiness
Happiness lies in never ending journey
not in a fixed destination
Happiness lies in us
Just we have to find it with love
Happiness is something beautiful
which ones can be adore
but when a person started hating someone instead of loving others and ownselves
they started lossing their happiness forever
that's why it's said forget, forgave and move on
That's only give you extreme happiness
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Me - why sometimes I like to be with you?
My loneliness - because sometimes people be tired of crowd and want to be with me.
Me - And why so?
I have always heard that you are bad because you always bring sadness.
My loneliness - that's not true. I never bring sadness. When the people are rejected or dejected by someone then they want to be with me. It's not me who have gave them sadness but because of sadness they come to be with me.
Me - Yes,  you are right. But am not rejected or dejected then why I am liking to be with you?
My loneliness - because you are tired of this fake and crowded world. And when the people get tired of crowd and fake smile on their lips they want to be with me. But they can't live with me always. Not even you, because in this big world all need someone.
Me - but that will be selfishness to be with you only in sadness and then blame you for their sadness.
My loneliness - it's not someone's faults. I am guest here. And guests are never mean to be stay forever.
Me - but a friend can stay together
My loneliness - means?
Me - means by living separately also a friend are there for you always
And whenever I will need you be with me and whenever you will need me I will be with you always.
My loneliness - you can promise it?  Because it's easy to say but hard to do
Me - it's hard but not impossible and promises are never meant to be broken
My loneliness - OK so we are friends?
Me - yes we are friends forever
My loneliness - yes forever and ever
And thank you for being my friend and for understanding me
Me - you are always be welcome
May 2021 · 148
Her memories
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Her memories are like medicine
Which is sour to taste but can heal us,
Her memories are like a innocent child
Who always bring smile in someone's face,
Her memories are like flower
which have eternal beauty,
Her memories are like worship
Which give us peace,
Her memories are like music
Which is very melodious to our ear,
Her memories are very special
and have securely saved in my heart,
But why can't I securely saved her in my heart,
Why I can't able to stop her from going away?
May 2021 · 108
My brother
Akta Agarwal May 2021
You are my dearest brother
Who understand me some well
And never let me sad
And you do hate my tears because
it's so bad
You are my best friend
with whom I can share my happiness, love and pain
who always do tease me and fight with me
but never let me be hurt
with you everything is so beautiful
Am glad to have a wonderful brother like you in my life
you have always guided me to the right path
and you have also played the role of my father and teacher
You are not okay my brother but also my partner in crime
Thank you for being in my life
Love you my darling brother
Love you a lot
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Anger do always harm us
It may didn't effect others
But in anger we don't loose control over ourselves
And at that time we destroy us
Sometimes in anger we do or say such things
That can hurt others
And then we regret and try to rectify our mistakes
But the harm is already made
We not only harm others with our anger but
we can harm our ownself
That's why it is said
An anger is a path of destruction or self harm
May 2021 · 329
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Mausam bsh aate jata h
Kbhi khusiyon ki bahaar lata h
to kabhi aanshuon ka sehelab
Kbhi mithi si muskaan
To kbhi udasiyon ka toofan
Jo saari khusiyon ko apne saath bha kr le jata h
Mausam to bsh bdlne ka naam hota h
Wo kbhi v smaan nhi rhta
Qki esh jagat ka ek maatr sch h bdlaao
Chahe wo bdlaao mausam ka **, waqt ka **, haalat ka **, taqdeer ka ** ya fir khudh insaan ka
Jese sardi k waqt kmbl ki garmi ka jarurat hota h
pr garmi K waqt wo jarurat bdl jata h
Tik wese hi insaano k mijaj m bdlaao aata h or unki soch m v
Jo waqt K saath nhi bdlte wo piche hi rh jaate h
Kehene ka arth bsh etna h badlaao zindagi ka mull aadhar h
Or mausam v usse pre nhi h
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