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Jun 2021
As if I say there are almost many person who is very precious
And everyone has their own place in one's life
But a mother is always precious
Not only because we have 9 months old relationship with her
But because she teaches us moral values of life
For me she is the most precious gift of my life
Whom I adore a lot
She has to face many problems but she never let anybody hurt me
She is the one who cares for everybody
She is my inspiration
She is my super hero
Whenever I needed her she was always there
In my all difficulties
she is the one who will always be with me
Whenever if I do a mistakes
She never have scold me and never have judge me for my actions
She have lots of trust in me
For my mistakes she lovingly taught me
That it's wrong
She is the one whom I can't express in word
Nor I will be able to say why she is most precious then anybody
Because the feelings can't be express in words
It's just a feeling
Akta Agarwal
Written by
Akta Agarwal  21/F/Kolkata
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