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May 2021 · 74
Teen life
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Teen life is beautiful
It's to enjoy
But been a teenager
Many things distract us
Sometimes stress of topping their class,
Stress of becoming favourite of everyone,
Stress of looking handsome or beautiful,
We so much get engrossed in it
That we just forget to enjoy our life
We get problem of anxiety, depression
or may get involve in bad things
and when we grow up
then we do realise what we have missed in it
We have to be free,
to do madness,
or we have crush on somebody,
Or we can talk unnecessary,
It's not about comparing or taking stress of anything,
we missed our innocence,
We just get lost ourselves in all the false vibes
Thinking we are just grown up
so we don't need any guidance
We don't need our parents
We just can't understand it's our teen age life
Just we have to enjoy this and also have to balance our study,
We don't have to take much stress over anything
Thing will get smooth with time
But just we have to understand this
Teen life is not to compare yourself
It's to live nicely
May 2021 · 112
I myself
Akta Agarwal May 2021
I always have listen to my heart
Its guide me to the right path
I love to live in solitude as its help me to gain peace
I am inspired by my thoughts
As it's give me new directions to lead
I don't care about what's the world think about me
I never let my tear to be wasted
as it's my precious diamond that I have
I love myself
I have no regretion over my mistakes
Am so proud of my mistakes
as it helps me to never repeat it and
to choose what's right for me
I have always taken all my responsibility of my mistakes and lies
As it's give me courage to try
I am so much fascinated with my smile
as it's do work like miracle in my life
May 2021 · 1.1k
I regret
Akta Agarwal May 2021
I regret to never open up before anyone 

I regret too be caged in the wall of my own house 

I regret to boxed up my emotions 

I regret doing make up and wearing jwelleries for others 

I regret that to allow others to badmouth me 

I regret too never raised a voice against any misdeed 

I regret that am not that much brave to even do fight for myself 

I regret to let go the culprit who have touched me in a bad way 

I regret for becoming toy in the hands of this so called society 

I regret that I ever agreed to marry a guy who ***** me

I regret that to save the so called reputation of my family I have sold myself 

I regret that not even a one person from my family have ever come to save me 

But I never do regret to have my last breath as a brave warrior 

Who have lastly raised her voice against all the crime 

I have no regret over raising my voice and losing my life 

I have lived all my life with regret 

But am happy I am proud of myself that I am not dying like a coward 

I have fight and dying like a brave warrior
May 2021 · 289
Paani pyash bhujati h
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Paani pyash bhujhati h
Hr aag bhujati h
Ankhon S jharna si beh jati h
Dil ko thandak de jaati h
Apni manjil ki talash m bsh yu hi chalti jaati h
Paani kathinaeyon K pth pr kv na thamna sikhati h
Paani tabhae v machati h
Piano toofano ka sehlab v laati h
Paani kv dhubati to kv uthati h
Paani bhram mitati h
Paani pyaash bhujati h
Akta Agarwal May 2021
After being betrayed by you
You still live in my heart
Because you are the only one
Who's have given me hope to live again
You are the only one who have hold my hands
When I was left alone and betrayed by my loved ones
After being strangers you didn't left may side
You came as a ray of hope
Who have given me hope to live fully
To never think about the world over your happiness
You are the only one who have mended my broken soul
You have given me the beautiful moment of my life
Yeah you have betrayed me
But not able to break me
Because you only have taught me to never be broken
You still live in my heart
It don't why do have you betrayed me
But I can't hate you
Because you are still and always be my someone special
And will always does live in my heart
Akta Agarwal May 2021
After being tortured for a year

She always do fear

With the sound of gear

Or when anyone is near

She has forget to cheer

The painful voice of herself and others she could only hear

But she can't able to share the reason of her tear

But She know all alone she have to bear the pain

She always do panic with everything

She do need very much  care

But she never allows anyone to come near

She have said once she is broken to the core

And unable to repair

But she will not live with this panicness and fear

She know she have to be brave

To fight with her fear

And she will surely fight with all her fear

For again to cheer
May 2021 · 149
Time flies like a birds
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Time flies like a birds on wings
circling across the skies
Time flies so quickly
that days melt into weeks and weeks into months
Time never wait for one
Memories which feel it occurred yesterday
turn on flashes of months and then fades away
And the truth is that
tomorrow is promised to no one
So welcome each day with sweet smile
And collect all the beautiful memories of life
That only will bring sweet smile
And you will have no regret over the time that past
May 2021 · 472
The city of my dream
Akta Agarwal May 2021
I am in the city full of happiness
Where to live we don't have to follow any restrictions
Where we can have time to see the beauty of the evening
Where we want to stay
Where there will not any jealousy or hatred can stay
Which is only made up with love
Where no one has tears in their eyes
But that's only the city of my dream
And after realising it
I got to know
It can't be real
May 2021 · 137
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Sapno ko pura krne ki thaan lene aashaan h
Pr apni becheniyon s larna muskil
Wo ek khauf hota h
Jo brte kdm ko thaam leta h
Wo becheni, ghabrahat kisi anhoni ki dastakhat si hoti h
sapno ko pal m chur kr jo deti h
pr khwaisho ko puri krne ki taqat usse kae bdh k hoti h
Jo manjil tk rukh mor hi deti h
yh becheniyon s aage bdh
sapno ko pura krne ka hosla jga deti h
May 2021 · 91
Your heart
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Your heart is my peaceful area
Where I can live without any fear
Where I don't have to worry of tear
Where I can live peacefully
May 2021 · 870
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Empathy means to understand one another without a word 

Empathy means to real all the emotions in eyes of others 

Empathy means to feel the sorrow and joy of life 

Empathy means to feel all the pain of others 

Empathy means to be happy in others happiness 

Like when we saw a kids happiness 

Automatically that brings happiness in our lips 

That's only the feeling 

Which we can call empathy 

That's hard to be describe in words 

Its an beautiful and deepest emotions
May 2021 · 307
Mom's magic
Akta Agarwal May 2021
There is magic in mom's love and care
Its vanishes all sorrows of life
We can only be as child infront of her
She has magic
and that's magic is love
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Oh lord!
Grant me the strength to bear
all joy and sorrow
Oh lord!
Grant me the strength to fight with tomorrow
Oh lord!
Grant me the strength
to help the people and
in bringing smile on the face of people
who is in sorrow
Oh lord!
Grant me the strength
to help the wonded sparrow
Oh lord!
Grant me the strength to not swallow the bad words
Oh lord!
Grant me the strength to filled the hollow
Oh lord!
Grant me the strength to follow you
Oh lord!
Grant me the strength
that all the happiness can borrow
for the poor kids who is suffering from sorrow
Oh lord!
Grant me the strength
to become their rainbow
and can filled all their life
like the colour of rainbow.
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Mom - why you again rejected one more guy
Like this no one will marry you
Me - and I want the same mom
Mom - and why so?
Me - I have my dreams mom I have to achieve that
Mom - so what you can achieve that after your marriage also
Me - how like you ever dreamt of
My dreams will also be in a dustbin then
I didn't completed my degrees to marry and do household chores
Mom - and after marriage also you can fulfill your dreams
I also didn't have worked so hard to only give you degrees
I also want that you will stand on your leg someday
but that didn't meant that you don't have to marry
Me - you know what mom I also want to marry but only after fulfilling my dreams
Mom - when will you will be of 60 years
Me - sorry mom I can't agree with you in this mom because I have made my mind to fulfill my dreams
I love you a lot mom
but I can't destroy my dreams for anyone
I know neither I nor you are wrong in our place but I can't let the marriage destroy my dreams
Mom - OK do as you like
But never became burden on ourselves
Me - don't worry mom I will never be burden on you or others as my dreams is like that only to never became burden on others and never let others to become burden.
Mom - OK as you want as I am nobody to you.
Me - that's an emotional blackmailing but it still can't effect me.

( in this convo neither the daughter is fully wrong nor mom it's only the difference of thoughts
So we can't judge anybody)
May 2021 · 66
I was left alone
Akta Agarwal May 2021
I miss the times when I have you to support
I never thought of living without you
When you were here
I have nothing to fear
You always do hold me strong
Whenever I was about to fall
I miss your sweet lullabies which help me to cheer
You were a most caring mother
Who helped me to never get hurt
You have guide me through the tough days
You have never left me alone
But we can't control destiny
No matter how hard you tug to it
You were always forced to leave
To never returned back again
And that's what happened
I was left alone to mourn and moved on
But yes I was left alone
Without any support
May 2021 · 79
Sweet childhood memories
Akta Agarwal May 2021
With time I have forgotten that sweet lovely and innocent memories of my childhood
Now also whenever I do think of it,
its brings sweet smiles with sour tears
As I do missed that innocency, sweetness and friends
that time will never come again.
May 2021 · 116
Pain of trust
Akta Agarwal May 2021
To trust someone is so hard
but when you trust someone it's from your heart
and when they backstabbed you its hurt to the core of heart
Life is full of suprises
The kind of surprise
you never expected
Its seems funny sometimes
But it's the bitter truth
which we have to except
After getting hurt so many times
that made someone trust less
The pain which a person feel
when their innocent trust get broken
when they were little
and their soul is pure
Its hurt very hard
That that pain never ends.
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Warriors are like an angles
Who became light in danger
Angle warriors are the one who protect our innosence
They are the warriors whom we didn't saw
May be like the unseen warriors
Who fight with the outer world to protect us from evil
They can also have the ability to wipe all our tears
The god have send them after listening our prayers
they do embrace us beautifully with little care
Warriors are like an angles
who are always their beside us.
May 2021 · 339
Its becoming harder
Akta Agarwal May 2021
its hard to hide the way you feel,
losing the will on truthful words,
forgetting what is real
its hard when you are scared of laughing or crying,
that someone will see your agony and pain from which you are suffering from,
and you forget to laugh , you forget your happiest and cheerful nature,
because of the fear that someone may know about you and will start to judge you,
and may you will loss the love of your friends and family,
when you are sad ,
its hard to pretend that you are happy
When you are terrified that someone might ask about your situation and and your sadness,
then what will you answer to them,
its becoming harder every day,
its becoming harder to lie and hide things,
its becoming a very hard task of life.
May 2021 · 69
"The stars of education "
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Education is the key of life
Which brings the light of knowledge in one's darkest life
It's a gift to adore
It's the stairs which we can step to achieve our dreams
In the process teachers are our special gem
Like life they also do take test
For making us best
The teachers shows us the right path
The process of teaching and learning help us to dreams earning
They do motivates us to choose the right path
They are the real stars
The "stars of education."
May 2021 · 782
My gentle love
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Am waiting for the right time to come
Waiting to open up the biggest secret of my heart
I have waited till now
days passed, months passed and I patiently waited for the year
but now may be the right tine came to open up my dear
it's hard to share your pain and happiness with someone
y can able to share this with only someone special
and you came in my life and became my someone special
I didn't fall in love
I have rises in love more day by day
Its not an intentional love
It's just happened
But yes it's my sweet and gentle love
May be my wait is over
but now again my wait have started
and from now am waiting for your answer my dear love.
Love is so gentle and you can wait for it forever
May 2021 · 76
Why they judge them??
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Mistakes are the part of life
it's do happen by everybody
but yet it teaches us the greatest lessons of life
but it can also destroy us to the core
First time it's called as mistakes
but second time it's become blunder
yes if we have done mistakes we have to face the consequences
but mistakes didn't meant blunder
Sometimes with or without mistakes they have to lost the most valuable things or person of their life
they have to suffer all alone
there will no body to support him / her
I can't understand if someone ***** a girl then how the girl is responsible for it
how can people able to say that it's her mistakes
If a girl slapped a boy without any reason then
how can we judge that may be this boy have done something wrong
Why in this modern world also there is no equality
Not always girls are responsible nor boys
They both suffers very badly and becomes victim in the hands of others,
She is a girl then she have to pretend that nothing has happened because of her parents sake,
and if he is a boy then also he have to pretend nothing has happened otherwise all will degrate and will make fun of him,
How's the world is?
Why they can't let them both ( boys and girls)  live in peace ?
Why they judge them with their mistakes which they not even have done?
May 2021 · 60
Struggles of life
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Struggle is the part of life
It starts from the first day of our life
Each day comes up with new struggle
and then the person learn to deal with it
or they got tired of struggle
and commit suicide
When a child first start to talk they struggle to say a sentence
but then they do learn it
a person struggles to face new persons
they struggles to fulfill their dreams
common man mainly struggles financially
It's the life which itself means to struggle and learn from the struggle.
May 2021 · 91
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Everyone do have some desire to fulfill in life
Without desire life have no means
Bcoz if we don't have desires then what's the need to earn more money
Desires sometimes becomes the reasons to fly and touch the sky
But sometimes it's also becomes the reasons of our failure
May 2021 · 64
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Life is a mirror
which reflects back the mistakes
done by us
May 2021 · 64
Learning never ends
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Life is a teacher
from whom we learn every day a new things
Life teaches us to smile
Life teaches us to cry
Life teaches us to fight
Life teaches us to live
Life give us a toughest situation to deal it with until with don't learn to deal with it
Learning is a process which we started from the first day of our life
and then it never end
We learn to talk to walk and everything
we learn to be patience
We learn each and every thing till our last breath
learning never ends.
Akta Agarwal May 2021
If we want respect then we have to respect others
no matter who they are
If we cannot able to respect someone's beliefs
they how can even we expect the same from others
it's like a give and take policy
Give respect and take respect
If we want respect then we have to start treating them respectfully
otherwise we ourselves have to face the consequences.
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Scars are the memories of past
which is related to painful moment of life
I heard once my mother have said " never hide your scars
it's shows how powerful you are "
Yeah it's right
but this scars always do remind me of those painful nights
It was not my fault
that someone has harshly given me those painful scars
but then also after suffering
I do have to kept quiet
as if anyone got to know about it
then my family have to face humiliation
they will be ashamed
but it's not my fault
it's hard to accept
on those painful nights
I cried all alone
there was no one to support
This scars remind me of my loneliness
when someone is at fault
they why do I have to suffer
but yes that scars shows me the true colours of peoples
and have became my strength
It's always do remind me of my pain
as well as the power I held
It's have given me the power to fight the battle against those people all alone.
May 2021 · 82
Strange love
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Love is always strange
We can't understand what is happening with us
Whenever we do fall in love with someone
It's like we smile without reason
It's like we always think about the only person
It's like we forget ourselves
It's like founding light in darkness
It's like the moon which shines in the dark sky
May 2021 · 63
This time will also pass
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Yes we are in the hard phase of life now
but this time will also pass
like all the tough phase of life
may the happiness is playing hide and seek with us
but we will do find happiness and then
we will kicked this sadness out of our life
but without sadness their is not a value of happiness
because sadness add favour in our life like salt
tough phase of life remind us the meaning of both happiness and sadness
only we have to face sadness and will do wait for this sad time to pass.
Akta Agarwal May 2021
If I think to choose my parents over you than
am I ugly for you
If I ever think to disobey my parents decision
than also
will I ugly for them
If for my beautifullness someone will get jealous of me than also
will I be ugly for all
and if someone is not beautiful from outside
but have great heart
than also
will she be ugly for all
Only because of her face
I have a question
Is the outer beauty is that important
if yes
then why the life of beautiful girl become like hell
her condition will same as that ugly
than what the difference in the word beauty and ugly?
Why don't someone has the right to take their decision by themselves
Why do the world including parents do judge them with their decision or outer beauty?
Why they can't u its their life and decisions?
If they will not take the decision
may it be wrong or right
how do they will get the ability to fight with world
because the outer world is more more dangerous than darkness
not the outer beauty or their decisions have ability to judge a person
that he / she is ugly or not
and nor the looks matter to judge a person.
May 2021 · 709
Bachpan ki yaadein
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Aaj fir wo bachpan ki yaadein khuli dhup ki kiran si yaad aa ***
hoton pe pyaari si muskaan khila ***
ek bchpn ki maasum chali dikhla ***
wo yaadon hamare befikre pn ki h
jb ersha se koe nataa naa tha
jb hamare muskano m chupa koe dokha na tha
jb khilkhila k hsne s waqt ne hme roka na tha
nahi koe bndhn ki beriyon ne jhkra tha
ab to bndhn ki beriya h
or rok tok ki jangire
wo bchpn ki yaadon ke aate hi
ek masum - schchi si muskaan chere ko khila jaati h
pr ush bchpn k chale jaane ki maeusi aankhon pe lata andhera sa h.
May 2021 · 67
Destination wedding
Akta Agarwal May 2021
I have always dreamt of destination wedding
but as I have arranged marriage it's hard to be fulfilled by my groom
as because of arrange marriage my groom was still a stranger for me
but my husband have fulfilled my dream of destination
because after marriage I got to know about him
and he got to know about my dream
and have started the preparation of fulfilling my dream of destination wedding
and have fulfilled it on the day of my birthday
in a unique way
I feel touched with the overload love
which he have given me
my husband do treat me as a Princess
and it's an awesome feelings
to be witness
and my husband is my someone special who have fulfilled all my dreams
he is my prince charming
and I feel so lucky to have him in my life
I love you my prince charming,my hero
I love you my husband.
May 2021 · 80
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Relief is like a flow of breeze
which is cool and refreshing
It's lifts us up from the saddened soul
making us feel to live a life with heart again
Relief lift us up
a freshens our mood
and destroy all the emotional turmoil of our heart
Relief is something so beautiful gift of life
May 2021 · 85
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Moon is so beautiful
it's a sign of love
whenever I was left alone
moon is the only one who was always besides me
whenever I have lost faith in everything
moon is the one who kept me believing in him
moon is like a diamond
which shines in the dark sky
it's the only one
who gave me hope.
May 2021 · 67
My father
Akta Agarwal May 2021
He is the only super hero of my life
Whom I trust in my whole life
He  pampers me 
He spoiled me in a good way 
He is my god
but he always do pray to god that he never let any harm come in my way
He is the one always with me in my tough times
He never betrayed me
and never ask for an explanation for my actions
because he have a lot of faith on me
He always promises to god that he will do best for me, 
He says, "you may grow in whatever way you want 
May be as an astronaut, teacher, doctor, lawyer or housewife 
I will be always there to support you 
And if you fall I will be there to catch you "

And he do fulfilled all her promises
He never let me fall 
He is my life, my breath, my heartbeat 
And he always says that I will always be daddy's little angel .
He is my lovely father,
And I always want to be his only lovely little angel.
May 2021 · 191
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Knowledge is an art of learning
which never ends
and learning is the part of life
which begins with the womb of our mother
and will continue till our last breath
May 2021 · 81
Sweet serendipity
Akta Agarwal May 2021
A hidden beauty
That's hard to look for
A gift that's you receive in your hard time
Something by which your suffocation will
Whenever I was about to fall this serendipity guide
to again rise and fight
But sometimes this serendipity became the solo reasons of our sorrow
but then it's only the one who gives me courage to move on and fight back
Thanks my dear sweet serendipity.
Apr 2021 · 791
Love can replace drugs
Akta Agarwal Apr 2021
Drugs can destroy life,
it's a bad vibes
but why the person get addicted with it,
because they were craving for love like this,
Why do we blame the person
who is addicted,
why don't we have taken care of its
from the beginning,
why she felt lonely?
why she have to find out something to share things
other then her family,
yes that's true drugs destroy many life
but not only the addicted person is responsible for this
her close one is also responsible for this,
but she can be free from this cage called drugs
which is eating her happiness,
if she will get love,
for which only she has taken support of drugs,
do love her so much
that's there is no needs of drugs,
yes it's hard
and it will also take a lot of time,
but only the drug called love can replace this harmful drug,
and the persons have to be patience also,
and then slowly everything will gonna be fine,
just assure her that you are here to give her positive vibes.
Love is the strongest power that is capable of replacing drugs
Apr 2021 · 226
Target of life
Akta Agarwal Apr 2021
We want to fulfill our dream in life
and we set a target for that
and when we achieve that dream
we have another target to reach
We have so many dreams
and we will fulfill that by setting a target
that's the life like of fulfilling all dreams one by one
by setting a particular target of life.
Apr 2021 · 841
God and devil
Akta Agarwal Apr 2021
God is the power of positiveness which always stop us from falling
But devil will let you fall
God is the one who give us hope to fight the toughest situation of life
Devil took us to the bad situation of life
Devil is none other than our negativity
Devil force us to do the sin for which we will regret for our whole life
God do wash all our sins
Only we have to knock his door
and it will do open within a second
God is the love and the love is god
Devil is the hatred and hatred is the devil
God guide us to live life happily and peacefully
Devil guide us to live a life with hatred
So that's why god is positivity and
devil is our anger and negativity
God is beautiful and devil is ugly
Apr 2021 · 64
Akta Agarwal Apr 2021
It's strange that the most important drink which give life to others is water
Without water animal's, plants or any living beings can't survive
Although water has no taste no smell
but it can save a person from dying
Don't waste water
Apr 2021 · 94
Writers Fantasy
Akta Agarwal Apr 2021
Where fairies fly
and the flowers dances in rhythm
inspires poet to capture the moment
with pen and paper
It's gives writers mind
some magical, blissful or delightful view
to capture it by their poem
And then the writer create fantasy world of words
Apr 2021 · 417
On the wedding day
Akta Agarwal Apr 2021
On the wedding day of our friends
We met coincidentally
And from there our destiny met coincidentally
That one coincidence
Tied us in a relationship of love and friendship
After that we met several times with the excuse of coincidence
And then we ******* forever
In the relation of husband and wife
And that's coincidence of wedding day
Leads us to our wedding
Destiny can let you meet your partner anywhere
Akta Agarwal Apr 2021
Books are friendly things
If you are busy
then they will not disturb you
by calling on your phone
Or they never wake you up in midnight
They always stand quite in a shelf
and don't distrub ourselves
It can become our friends
and it can fill the void space of loneliness
They will comfort you
whenever you are I'll
they will never see your fault
or never will say it to the world
They will never complain about anything
and will never break the friendship
They will pass your time away
They will lead you to a right path anyway
They are true friends for night and day
Who is with you right time to stay.
Apr 2021 · 1.2k
Donate blood
Akta Agarwal Apr 2021
Donate blood as much as you can
You will be blessed
It's a harmless and priceless act
to save someone's life from death
May by your blood
a baby may found her mother back
or may a sister can save her brother from going into grave
may by it our grandpa will be awake
to tell us many stories
which might not be fake
Drop of blood
flowing vein to vein
may save a person from becoming insane
may you can become a reason of their joy
Donate blood
It will be best gift
anyone can ever give
spread smile and omit tears
it will help you in troubles
Donate blood
And get blessed
Donate your blood
It may help the needful
Apr 2021 · 298
Akta Agarwal Apr 2021
Silence is a conversation without sound
Silence is a way to find yourself
Silence is an absence
Silence is also dread
Silence cannot be spoken
Altho it's a word
Silence is a presence of nothingness
Silence is a
Which may never solve
Silence can fill a room
But can never be seen
Silence is a peaceful feeling
Silence silence is the sound of the sea
Which can only be feel
Silence can also heal
Silence can also hurt
But sometimes when other give pain
Silence give you rest
Silence is hard to be found
Silence is what silence is
Silence can be everything or nothing
Akta Agarwal Apr 2021
Sometimes that times will also come when I show the world that am not burden for anyone
I am capable of handling myself
I am a girl that doesn't mean I have to be burden for my parents or my in-laws
I don't need favour or sympathy
That time will also come when I show the world that am capable of fulfilling my dreams by my own
Yeah, I will fall but I know to rise myself again
It's hard to face the world alone but not impossible
Life itself means struggles
So we have to struggle here alone only
Sometimes that times
Apr 2021 · 381
Akta Agarwal Apr 2021
Fault is all mine
That's I didn't know the value of your
And have tortured you to the core
and now karma is punishing me
By giving me the punishment of loneliness,
In this whole world
Now the most loneliest person is I.
Fault is done by me so the karma will also punish me
Apr 2021 · 171
Earth and we
Akta Agarwal Apr 2021
We say earth our mother
But ever do we treated it like the same
Is we treat our mother like a dustbin
Do remember like we are no one without our mother
Like that inky we are no one without our mother earth
Earth is so precious mother
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