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Jun 2021
I have a world too
of my own
Where I reside as only me
Not as someone's daughter, sister, mother, wife or guide
There have no restrictions of any thing
I can wear shorts, dance freely, eat whatever I want and also can laugh as maniac
And that's my world
where I reside only as Akta
Not as Akta Agarwal
It's hard to fulfill everyone's wish and every responsibility
I got tired of that all
But after returning to my own world
am feeling relax
Am feeling like I also have a life
Because by fulfilling all the responsibility
I filled like am just caged in some cage
Where I have to forgot myself
But that's how the life is
We have to fulfil all our responsibility
and am happy to fulfill it
But I got restless when no one able to see my distress
But my world let me be relaxed and happy
Akta Agarwal
Written by
Akta Agarwal  21/F/Kolkata
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