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Jun 2021
Dear pillow,
You are the best friend of mine,
Who never get tired of me,
May it be day or night
It's awesome to find a chocolate under you,
Or sometimes poem or some letters,
Whenever I cry you are the one who wipe my tear off,
In my happy time,
you are the first whom I do give a tight hug with so many kisses,
My husband always get jealous of you,
But whenever he have to give a surprise,
You are the only medium
he always use,
Whenever I have to beat someone
Then also you always have became my support,
You have always being with me
in my tough, hard and happy time,
Thanks for being with me my pillow,
and I am promising you
may you grow how old
I will never betray you
and will never ever leave your side,
Just like you have supported me
whole my life
I love you my pillow
Akta Agarwal
Written by
Akta Agarwal  21/F/Kolkata
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