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 Sep 2022 Troy Wylie-Hill
"When will you leave?" I asked.
"When you use me to grow yourself,"
replied the pain.
The emptiness in my eyes,
The truth behind my lies,
The fall before my rise,
And the goodbyes;

It scares me.

The dark beneath my skin,
The light within my sins,
The voice that loudly sings,
And my broken wings;

It scares me.

The wounds I can't heal,
The pain I can't feel,
The loss I can't deal,
And when I am real;

It scares me.

The silence in my little talks,
The stillness in my moonlit walks,
The thought of separate ways,
And my numbered days;

It scares me.

The demons under my bed,
The words spinning in my head,
The blood in my sweat,
And my cold breath;

It scares me.

-Paras Bajaj #PoetrybyParas
Instagram : @mr.parasbajaj
 Feb 2021 Troy Wylie-Hill
 Feb 2021 Troy Wylie-Hill
The hurt may go away
but your memory will
forever rest in my soul.
I am drowning
In my own
And only I
Can pull me out.
Don't put me in a corner
or back me in tight
it's probably the only time that I will stand and fight
If you leave me little option
here's what I'm gonna do
I'll leap out of my corner
and bite a chunk off you!
They say
Writing is best
When done with a heavy heart
So you delve
Searching for sorrows
To make stories out of.
And it feels queer
To carry the weight of the world
As if it's your own.
When we dream
we take down a book
from the shelf
of ourself
 Feb 2021 Troy Wylie-Hill
I wonder if when I die
Someone will find comfort in the poems I write
That when I reach a peace
They too can see some sort of calm in the distance

Like a withering light
A flickering spark
It's fleeting
But enough for you to walk through the tunnel.
I wish my poems to be found after I die, although it's kinda a violation of privacy since I don't write these in my own name, I want to make a difference in the world even if it's just through language.
I recently found an author named Sylvia Plath and im absolutely amazed, yall
should check her out :)
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