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Sep 2020 · 1.2k
GUNI VATS Sep 2020
She sits atop a hill,
the brown stone Goddess

She squats and part her legs,
the yoni splattered with red,

No cloth, no pad, no shame
a wild wild woman untamed,

Her vermilion melts, and drops and paints,
her forehead to her yoni,

The blood feeds earth
melting the hearth,

The red of life,
preserved in a menstrual cup

From the kumkum to bindi to choori to saree,
she a woman deliquescing in red,
A saga of India revering the goddess of *******.
Sep 2020 · 1.9k
GUNI VATS Sep 2020
A red bulbous cactus
Seated on the green,
A crown too heavy for the head.

The Narcissist king
Tumbled off his throne,
Seated on the corpse of wisdom.
My metaphorical rendition of a democratic leader abusing power.
Aug 2020 · 850
call her an ANGEL!
GUNI VATS Aug 2020
Bind a river
Burning and wild,
Tame the stream
And colour me red.

Touch and ***** and chew the flesh
Chain my wrist and paint thine stench

Seat me on the bed and hail
A pale body, hair dipped in red
Dance in frenzy and scream and wail

Sew the wings in her flesh
And call her an angel!
Constructing an angel!
Aug 2020 · 902
GUNI VATS Aug 2020
On a sea of sand
A pair of parched lips
Pasted on the burnt skin.

Under the violent Sun
She stood by a *** of water

The bent crooked back
wrinkled flesh falling of her bones...

Sun runs to his mistress
Hidden behind the clouds of West,
She stands watching their union

Waiting for a drop of water
From the *** kept beside her

The *** she can't touch

She, a woman
A polluted piece of flesh
A scheduled caste!!!
Aug 2020 · 197
GUNI VATS Aug 2020
Chop chop tree
Whip whip glee

Tame the horse
Hide remorse

Make a home
Build a dome

Dam on river
River under dam

2 acre wheat
3 acre bajra

Marry a woman
Veil the face
Make a son
Buy the lace

Make a God
Build a shrine
He ain't yours
He all mine

Chop chop tree
Hammer the glee

Cut the hill
Continue the drill

Make a home
Destroy a dome

Dam under river
River on dam

2 acre wheat
3 acre bajra

**** a woman
Burn the face
Make a son
Tear the lace

Sell the God
Buy a Shrine
You ain't His
He ain't thine

Chop chop tree
Buy the glee
He ain't human
Nor are thee.
the degradation of humanity
Jul 2020 · 223
GUNI VATS Jul 2020
I am a name
divided in two
my past and my future
I search for me
father's daughter
husband's wife
a legacy of name
a carrier of Name

I am never a whole,
Just a piece
broken in
the question of half a identity of a woman!
Jul 2020 · 47
him and Him.
GUNI VATS Jul 2020
I made him
flesh to clay
breath to Breath

hailed him

**** of becoming
frenzy of being
He made me.
Jul 2020 · 196
GUNI VATS Jul 2020
The muse that keeps you alive,
The demon who kills you.

— The End —