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Should be free

PALESTINE is so peaceful

Just like me and


I'll set you free so you'll

Stay in my heart

Forever beating with me.
Every Day It's The Holocaust Of The PALESTINIANS

🕊️ 🕊️ 🕊️
is nothing
to your
I think I write best when my heart is physically sound and emotionally unreceptive.

That's when my heart usually drifts, carried by winds of anger,
And more discombobulating feelings like emptiness. drifts until it lands on the zenith of either apathy or peace.

And I write.
How does a 22 year old handle unwanted emotions?

She couldn't be a mortal, just simply born;
but truly a goddess, ignited, free from form.
The day the ground met with her delicate toes
was the night the stars aligned in symmetrical rows.
In dream, she dances and glides upon air.
Awake, she braids comets in the threads of her hair.
My greetings seem hollowed, I am drifting afloat.
The language of fondness is a lump in my throat.
Her outline is gleaming with a soft, vermilion luster.
Her eyes, subtle jasper, urges your core not to trust her.
Not a staza, nor an epic can contain flawless grace,
or the yearning I feel when we are sharing this space.
this is for those without the words to describe
Within a poem I found little things -
The scent of earth, the summer of youth
Within it I found the comfort of words
A restful haven of solitude.
I found, too, the thorns that bleed
The world and life when the heart breaks
I saw the beast of wasted lands
And heard the fire of the cannonade.
And within a poem, I found art and soul
I felt the core and the residue
And with every thought shared
Each word written -
Within a poem, I found you.
Rhyme, Meter, Punctuation

Rhyme, meter, punctuation
Help to clarify
The explanation/situation
Sitting in the poet’s eye,
Growing there
To share with unknown others.

Rhyme and meter; punctuation
Put in order the occasion,
Make it easier to question, reason;
To arrive at some conclusion.
An idea kept in seclusion
Is not happy on its own.

We created language
As a telephone.
Rhyme and meter; punctuation
In the  the genome.
Verse in form; verse informed:
A condensation of the all,
Dependent on the mind-sized wall.

Rhyme, Meter, Punctuation 1.22.2021 The Processes; Creative, thinking, Meditative II; Definitely Didactic; Arlene Nover Corwin
It Never Lasts

TV ad:
A girl with gorgeous legs
Steps from a gorgeous car,
The gorgeous car the star.

The gorgeous car will rust one day;
The gorgeous leg change, decay,
The shifting muscles waste away.
It never lasts.
The leg, the car.
The gorgeous things we long for.

But bad things too -
They go also, so
Don’t despair.
The hair that falls from top of head
Will start to sprout from parts instead.
The rusty car - the modern-est
Will sadly or indifferently turn into rust,
Crushed, turned into plate,
To use, become a roller-skate.
Jaguar, Rolls, Mercedes Benz,
Converted, crushed, a concentrate
Become the answer to a cancer.

Nothing lasts.  It simply changes
As each atoms strangely dances  
To a different tune.
Loony as it sounds,
To quote a song I’ve often sung,
“It all goes round and round.”

It Never Lasts 2.19.2021A Sense Of The Ridiculous; Our Times, Our Culture II; Arlene Nover Corwin
i get tattoos
to love my skin
instead of scar it

i get tattoos
to love the art
that goes into it

i get tattoos
to love myself

i get tattoos
to reclaim
what you stole

this is my body

this is my art

this is not yours

this is me
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