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  Feb 2022 The Foodie One
Things wont be the same after this.
I know that they weren't for me.

It takes time for these things to heal,
and it leaves a nasty scar.

But it's a scar you wear with your family,
It's a scar that keeps you strong.

Know that the sadness is okay,
know that I am never far.
This one is for you. I hope you are doing okay... I really, really hope that you are holding on.
The Foodie One Feb 2022
I am a
Lego Castle -
this Me, standing tall
for Everyone to see -
Is an Us

I’m made of
a million
of different pieces -
tiny colorful ones,
each different and unique

I was born One
and became Many
as years passed by;
Every new little piece
I made contact with,
changed me -

I haven’t lost myself,
I just
And every time
I meet a new part,
It makes me a little more

© 05/02/2022
I thought if I could swallow the stars
I’d be as beautiful as the evening sky
I tried one night    with fireflies
They burned my throat
Their legs striking at soft flesh
But my skin did not glow
No moon crawled from my eye sockets
I was left with corpses in my stomach
I soon learned I would only ever be
A cemetery
The Foodie One Jan 2022
I'm a Mountain
I'm a Rock -
I am Everything
That I'm Not

Ain't it funny,
this little show
Of Play Pretend
what You are Not?
© 16/01/2022
For a portion of my life I’ve lived
Inside this little box
Where everything I do is safe
And this tragic life can rock
But fate, it seems, had other plans
And took it in her wake
And now I sit, weak and exposed
And feel like a mistake
I can’t seem to remember now
A time when life was good
The future gets no brighter
Only harder to endure
I miss my box, where everything
Was perfect and exact
Where nothing was ever scary
Where nothing ever attacked.
So as I curl up in a ball
And let the fear sink in
Don’t pity me, nor rescue
….. for I fear I’m dead within.
  Dec 2021 The Foodie One
can i tell you a secret?
some days, when the sky is its darkest hue
and the clouds are a light gray-blue
i write poetry.
it's all about you.
The Foodie One Dec 2021
I am nothing
A body;

some Thing that
struggles and strives -
Keeps pushing

Through the darkness
and shadows of
© 10/12/21
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