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 Jun 2023 Chuck Kean
She speaks in clouds,

her curves drink lost

Her dress entrances.

This marketplace so full
of colour,

many fragrances merge.

I watch her dance with
gypsy jazz tones.

Olive skin and dark hair.

She beckons me forth, to
a flaming beauty.

With her clouds I
The death of tomorrow
rebirthed in stone
Its sculptor blinded
by fear unknown

The future vacant
the past denied
Where carved in darkness
—an image cries      

(The New Room: June, 2023)
 Jun 2023 Chuck Kean
 Jun 2023 Chuck Kean
She does not ask me
May I be there
She does not ask me
If I want her
She does not ask me
In the right time
She does not ask me about the day
She is just there
The fear
 Jun 2023 Chuck Kean
you say my writing is
but you forget that you’re
the one
inspiring it
 Jun 2023 Chuck Kean
The poet lives two lives.
One on the outside,
And one in their mind.

When you look in their eyes
You could see an abyss.

If you looked long enough
You could sink into it.

But most people don’t see it.

Take the time to read the words, though,
And you would know for sure.

The poet lives in two different worlds.
A little escape from the madness.
Or maybe, into.
 Jun 2023 Chuck Kean
fray narte
She was an art,
but she wasn't the type
you'd find in museums
or the type that would
make you feel profound things
in your chest.

She was an art
tucked in hidden pockets
of a faded yellow dress.
She was an art,

slowly sketching herself
out of existence.
 Jun 2023 Chuck Kean
 Jun 2023 Chuck Kean
The pain is gone,
The pain is gone,
I've finally found a friend,
I can count on.
Click, click
Scroll, scroll
Light shine in my face
Clock is ticking
As I lie awake

What time is it now?
Doesn’t even matter
The birds will chirp soon
I’ll hear all the clatter

My family waking,
Breakfast will cook
“You’re up early!”
But sleep I never took

Click, click
Scroll, scroll
Tap, tap
Roll, roll

Side to side
I rocked all night
A comfortable spot?
No, not quite.

Time to get up, another restless night.
Will I ever sleep again?
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