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Ma'ya Jan 28
Blurted my mind when I,
First laid my eyes on you.
The way you laugh,
The way you smile,
The way you stand there pretty.
Is this what I should uhh,
Really be saying about a guy?
I do not know..

But what I do know is that,
It tickles?
The way you call my name,
Oh so endearingly.
The way I am reflected,
In your eyes, only me.
The way you laugh so contagiously,
Over my dumbest of jokes.
It tickles.

And I wish, I knew then.
What started out as admiration,
Became something I fear most.
Because the moment,
My heart voluntarily beats for you,
Was the day I would lose,
A part of me forever.
The part of me that,
Refused to believe in love.

Started to believe,
In Loving Only You.
Counting years.
Ma'ya Jan 27
I like my poems flawed,
I like my poems human.
My poems are me.
Ma'ya Dec 2024
Maybe I stayed awake,
So I don’t see you anymore.
But is this an attempt to forget?
Or to remember you by.
Ma'ya Jun 2024
Your ship,
Is not mine to sail,
I am only damaged goods,
And you're not.
I am unworthy,
To aboard your journey.
So sail without me,
Following traces to your star.
Guided by the wind in your heart.
On forth and find her sea,
Away from me.
Ma'ya Jun 2024
I'll hand over this flower,
Any day, any given time.
To remind you with,
The Magnolia in my name.


The Magnolia in my hand,
A gift, yours to take,
The symbol of our tomorrow,
Our forevermore.
May our love,
Be as ancient.
As long lasting,
Forever be.
Like a Magnolia Tree.
Ma'ya Jun 2024
If I could turn back time,
If I could turn back,
If I could turn,
If I could,
If I,
If you knew me now,
Would you be proud of me?
Or would you still,
Compare me to them?
If you knew me now,
Will that wipe a smile off,
of your pale sickly face?
If you knew me now,
Would you still tell me,
That I took after him?
Knowing full well that I,
Take after you.
Ma'ya Jun 2024
I knew an old flame,
That once burn bright in frame,
A passionate flame,
That put others to shame,
I recognize your spark,
Similar to its scorched mark,
Will you hurt the same?
Or will you be more tamed?
Answer me.
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