There's a little bit of devil in her angel eyes
I'm a angel, but anger makes me a devil
The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns, he come in everything you wished for
333 I'm only half evil
My attitude will always be based on how you treat me
I don't care if I fall in love with a devil, as long a devil loves me the way he loves hell
You must have the devil in you to succeed in any of the arts
Black as the devil, hot as hell, pure as a angel, sweet as love
We are the kids our parents warned us about
What is light without dark? Right without left? What is goodness without the choice to be evil?
There's someone in my head but it's not me
Never regret something that once made you smile
Everyone needs someone that can handle your dark side
The scariest monsters are the ones that lurk within our souls
Here in the forest, dark and deep. I offer you eternal sleep
If you can't wake up from a nightmare, maybe you're not asleep
If you are reading this, then you blissfully unaware of what is creeping up behind you
She was like the moon; part of her was always hidden away
Death is not scary. It's where we'll go that is
I have already been through hell. So give it your best shot. Not only will I survive. I will win.
I went through a dark phase at one point