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Sep 2017 · 251
Acina Joy Sep 2017
My first real fall was when I scraped my knee.
My first real scar was from a needle piercing my skin, in the wrong spot.
My first real cry was when pointless things hurt me.
My first real experiences didn't feel so real, until now when--

My first real fall was from being pushed too much by the crowd.
My first real scar was from the blades they all held, pointed to my heart.
My first real cry was, when I ran, my sobs being silent and my tears nothing but hot and cold.
My real experiences only came after I let myself, and let everyone else, feed me lies.

I let them, and now, it seems so real.
A pariah to the masses; I, being a solitary being. Poetry is my escape to a place where I am able to express myself without having to alter anything.
Sep 2017 · 203
Every Nothing
Acina Joy Sep 2017
We sing in silence; a beat with no end
With the clock turning, waving its hands
Refraining from paying us attention
Acting as if our problems didn't exist

Each second bore thoughts
Each second was an infinity
Of all the good things and bad things in life
Following a small chain,
Linking itself into seamless events
In a cycle of a second, in every millisecond

Everything in the world is happening
At this moment of nothingness, and it's insane
Because everything and nothing is happening at the same time
And you're now nothing, yet you're still destroying
Every single thing about me.
"I feel infinite."--Charlie, The Perks of being a Wallflower.
Sep 2017 · 170
Acina Joy Sep 2017
It's so silent, and there is fear.

Is fear an external presence?


I am so scared, and that's what I only know.

And the more I listen, the more I am scared of what's there. Of either who I am, or of either what's not there.

I am scared.
Sep 2017 · 199
The Promise
Acina Joy Sep 2017
Words were only promises worn onto our souls. A desperation when life is tainted with things unknown. Of course, the moon didn't fall for the sun in the horizon, when their gazes met in a minute of a terrible departure.

The sun knew what sacrifices were made when love fell, mimicking the way his lips met the sea and burnt it red like trails of ash on a used bed sheet.

Clouds parted, showing clear skies, and words were met with an expectant goodbye, like the clashing blue and red of the sun and the moon, all over again.

The promise of a better tomorrow was darkened by the night,  lit ablaze by the day, and still, the words were sewn into their souls; bleeding, tearing, and frayed.

Humans cried, animals wept, and nature mourned as days became hours of shifting pain between torn souls, who stared at each other across the sky, weeping, "It's always goodbye."
old poem from a few months ago
Sep 2017 · 357
Bridges of Starlight
Acina Joy Sep 2017
We build our bridges of starlight
only burnt down by the blazing sun.
But we've just transgressed to night,
where owl wings have come undone.

The rat scuttles past the forest floor,
leaves crunching in their path like the fall,
as some people leave open doors,
when they have no one else to call.

The owl swoops in to take its meal
on four, short weak  legs.
The shadows across her window
shows the two dropping into her bed.

The owl took its meal and ate;
his stomach was now full.
The man had what he wanted to take.
He left a feeling so cold and cruel.

Burning bridges isn't fun
if they can only be seen at night.
They can only be burnt by the sun,
and these were bridges of starlight.
I hope you guys like this poem. It's my first one on this website.

— The End —