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 Jan 2018 G Rog Rogers
I am suffering
I am burning
My eyes are melting
In this ring of fire

The concrete walls
Have fallen
The burried ruins
Have sunk

I am crying out loud
Calling unto you
But my hands are no more
To raise up to you

The sky has turned ******
And the sun is out of sight
The fire is eating away
Like how darkness engulfs the light

My screams are licked by the flames
That slowly leaps towards me
I am blinded by the shadows
For which I can not see

I fall to the ground
A pit full of unknown skeletals
I feel myself being dragged
As my sense pickups rattling metals

**** me please
Mercy on my suffering
Release my soul
As my body is melting

Feast on me, O' fire of death
Make me into ashes and dust
Crush my bones, till I am no more
Let everything of me burst

Coz I am suffering
I am burning
I am melting
In a womb of fire...

I really don't know why this spilled out, how and for what reason. I just wrote it down. So I'll class this as SCRIBBLE FICTION.
 Jan 2018 G Rog Rogers
I clasped my hands
Got on my knees
Closed my eyes
Took a deep breath
And started:

"Dear Lord, hear me pray
My days are going in grey
With nothing more to say
As people have turned away
Am left with grief and pain
Mostly depressing insane
I have no one by my side
So I clasped my hands to abide
And talk to you as you are my guide
I may have done wrongs and lied
But I am your child and for me you died
I ask for forgiveness for the sins
As the dark angels gained their wins
For I confide in you my savior
Please forgive me for my bad behavior
You are the only one that I trust
Others cause my brain to rust
I ask for your blessings
Dear Lord, so the dark angel can stop messing
My life I surrender to you
You are the one
You are my guru
I ask thee for guidance

I kept sitting in the position
And thought of my situation
I smiled away
As my savior showed me the way...

 Jan 2018 G Rog Rogers
Young And Old
There's A Moment Cherished Like Gold

A Minute And An Hour
There's Lot To Conquer And Empower

Good And Bad
There's Always A Story To Be Read

Rich And Poor
There's Humanity For Sure

Hot And Cold
There's Hardly Anyone To Keep On Hold

Truth And Fake
There're People With You For Sake

You And Me
There're Lines Drawn Locked With Key

See And Heard
Backstabbers Got Me Bad

 Jan 2018 G Rog Rogers
The unseen forces dwell around me,
Some just whisper to be free, just free,
They house on the old ancient trees,
It's quite nice to enjoy the breeze,
But once you are a target,
That's the start of their game,
It's evident that most people say the same,
That you hear a whisper of your name,
Little unfortunes happen as people say,
Mostly experiences encountered during the day,
I have heard lots of stories from people around,
That people insanely do rounds around the trees,
And later found fainted or sitting freezed,
Some babble and laugh or just giggle,
The old stories keep people away from this area,
As the community has created sort of a barrier,
A notice read:
"Caution: Ghostly Whispers on patrol
From 12.00pm-2.00pm
Keep out of this area"

I was quite curious to find out about this,
And later decided to take a stroll to meet the risk,
The trees were quite old but stood bold,
With soothing breeze cool to cold,
I stretched my hand to catch a branch to hold,
My heart thumped as I heard a whisper in my ear,
Startled I turned around in fear,
But no one was even near,
I felt my cheek slightly pressed,
Then I saw a figure in white dressed,
An enchanting smile,
I stood helpless frozen for a while,
Then as fast as I could...I ran,
I knew the stories were true man!
Till today I've never tried walking near those trees,
Even though they provide the most enchanting breeze...

Fictional write. Spilling imagination.
 Jan 2018 G Rog Rogers
 Jan 2018 G Rog Rogers
In the beginning it was "it"
Then it changed to "I"
Then "Me"
Then "We"
Then few years down it was "I" again
In ashes was I and then referred as "it" again

 Jan 2018 G Rog Rogers
This cool breeze
This moonless night
The swaying of trees
The stars glow bright

Your hand in mine
This night seems so fine
A gulp of red wine
We had a lovely dine

You got on your knees
"Will you marry me please"
Your proposal was so sweet
That got me on my feet

"Yes", was all I could say
A diamond ring made its way
On my finger forever to stay
A gentle kiss on his lips I lay

A happy moment we had
Until I fell off my bed
Oh it all came to an end
It was morning again, my bad

Just a dream.
 Jan 2018 G Rog Rogers
Days are getting dark
My mind has lost its spark
I can barely see the sun
As the heavy clouds seem to run
My eyes have gone blurry
Loads on my head is too much to carry
I walk up the same paths everyday
But I sat down to watch the path today
A steep walk one can take
To the beautiful enchanted lake
Surrounded by the wild flowers
A beautiful scenery with trees tall like towers
My favourite of them are tulips
Seeing the blooms take dips
In the lake to quench its thirst
Then open its bud like a fireflake burst
Such a wonderful fairy tale place
You can follow this path and trace
The dreamland forest where the lake flows
Where the wind slowly blows
This is where my heart really glows...

Feel of nature.
 Jan 2018 G Rog Rogers
The morning dew on the grass
Feels like sheets of glass
One could walk on bear foot
To feel the chills and pure bliss
See how the dews drop to kiss
Each flower that blooms today
An amazing morning, a lovely day...

O' what a lovely Tuesday morning...good morning :)
 Jan 2018 G Rog Rogers
The arrow shot came,
Piercing through my heart
The flow of blood
Made way, for his fame art

I fell with tearing eyes,
Before him on the ground
He looked away,
To see who else was around

I gasped my last breath
With his picture in my eyes
Love could be this cruel
That he believed in foreign lies

Spilling imagination. Fictional write
 Jan 2018 G Rog Rogers
A gloomy day
No sun! no ray!
I've lost my way
What to do?
What to say?
Whom to speak?
Cause I ran away
Here in the forest
The tall trees sway
I wish not to return
I wish to stay away
Away from home
All alone
Among these trees
I wish to be free
From the people
From the filthy minds
From everyone
That's not my kind
I wish to find freedom
In this enchanting forest
Which is now,
My kingdom.

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