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 Sep 2017 Christine
Do not approach me
for the use of my body;
I am more than that.
 Sep 2017 Christine
Miss Honey
Been thinking bout love
Thinkin' bout the way it's soft and warm

She's a calm and holy thing, my love
She's a kiss rich like indigo
and my one hand praying behind my back

I thought we knew
Thought we both know I'm a little wild,
little bit of a tidal wave inside
I think we both know she's up in a cloud somewhere,
think we both know she's Aphrodite

The unspoken is the holy sometimes
and the humanity is a bedsheets love
Real people love in real skin
its playful
its present moments

Sometimes the present is forever
Sometimes fantasies never come
Still always predicting and,
doubting the usually right
We never wanted to be right
 Sep 2017 Christine
Miss Honey
I’m gay I’m gay I’m gay I’m gay I'm gay
it kind of
spills off my tongue
when I don’t want it to
burning choke in my throat
falling out of me when I wish it would stay inside
when strangers are around
they really don’t need to know

it’s painted on my face
it’s written on the backs of my hands
my collarbone is burning white hot with a tell
and my eyes watering every secret of it

can they tell?
can everyone see right through me?
too scared to ask
also too scared to keep it inside

It wants out more than anything
she wants to be safe more than anything
 Sep 2017 Christine
 Sep 2017 Christine
the sun we worship is made of the sinners we are.
 Sep 2017 Christine
My gender
My ****** orientation
My disability
My problems
My colour of skin
My size
My voice
My place of origin
My clothes
My religion
My past
My mistakes
My label
Shouldn't be the determination of how you treat me
 Sep 2017 Christine
 Sep 2017 Christine
She showed me many things,
But most importantly,
how hearts can be homes too.
 Sep 2017 Christine
Daisy Rae
I don't want to hear
        you're hot
I want to hear
                     you're funny
          your personality is amazing
you're adventurous
             you're lovely
                         you're an inspiration
          *you're worth it
 Aug 2017 Christine
I walk in the middle of the road
This is how it goes
Passing cars wonder
Is she on her phone?
Walking backwards now
If only my mother knew
And she'd ask me, "why?"
I just laugh and say
"I couldn't tell you"
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