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The sound of heavy downpour,
the cheerful chirping of birds,
The restless rustling of leaves,
The smell of moist soil,
A free period,
And noisy class compelled her to close her books and look outside the little window.
As she turned towards the window behind her,
The noises of her fellow classmates slowly faded away.
And all she could hear was nature and rain.
All she could see was tiny droplets of rain falling gently on the surface of  those blooming little pink petals and the shimmering dark leaves.
And then she forgot her surroundings and was lost.

From the other corner of the class room, his eyes were stuck on her.
His eyes denied to look away from the sight of her gentle smile, the sparkle in her  clear eyes, the pink blush on her cheeks and her blowing hair.

He was lost too.

She suddenly turned her gaze, her eyes met his, their hearts skipped beats.

He panicked, fidgeted, not knowing what to do, he tried to look away, but couldn't.

She now came to know that the guy she had a crush upon since two years has a secret crush on her too.

His nerves relaxed and he was relieved when a shy smile lingerd on her lips.
He smiled back at her.

Both now were lost in each other's eyes.
today my feelings
are sick
I don't know why
because life is pretty good
I smile genuinely
brighter than before
My smile sits on a chin held higher

maybe they are just a mirror
Of my still struggling health
and today is just part of my journey
It has been a while since I've cried
i am
worth more
than the
labels you put on me
 Feb 2017 Twisted Sweetness
 Feb 2017 Twisted Sweetness
how many men
do i have to fill myself up with
before i am able
to get the feeling of you
out of my chest
म हांगो समाति उड्न खोज्छु
अनि पातसगैं झरेर सुक्छु
म बादल सगैं उडिहिड्छु
अनि झरीसगैं वर्षेर बिलाउछुँ

म सुकेको पात हुदांपनि
हावासगैं बहन सक्छु
म झरीसगैं वर्षेपनि
नदीसगैं बहन सक्छु

किनकी मलाई था'छ
म उड्न बनेको हुं
म एकदिन आँधि बन्नेछु
म बग्न बनेको हुं
म कुनैदिन बाढी बन्नेछु

म छुँ
म हुँ
एक अन्नत यात्रा

मेरो अस्तित्व शुन्य
म घुमिरहन्छु
न छ मेरो कुनै शुरूवात
न छ कही अन्त मेरो
मेरो जन्म यहीँ
मेरो अन्त यहीँ

म छु यहीँ
म छैन कतै
DAY ELEVEN: Write a poem about yourself, in Nepali

The final day of 11:11 Challenge!!
Oh yes it is really sad,
No job, so he is mad,
No more particular choice,
Just any job,will be glad !

A lot of forms will have to fill ,
End result remains always "nil",
Friends ,family always grill,
finding job, a task uphill !

But oh boy, don't give up hope,
Hold your grip on the rope,
You are a big born fighter,
Will you give up, never, nope !!
Just stay true to your roots.
Branches grow, deceiving you.
They burn,
They shed,
They fall,
But you grow.
Stronger each year.
Maneuvering obstacles.
Conquering what you believe in.
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