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 Apr 2016 Twisted Sweetness
 Apr 2016 Twisted Sweetness
I'd like to know
the topography of your body;
every mountain range,
every valley.
I'd like to know you
with my eyes closed,
become familiar with every curve.
Use my fingertips to trace
mazes on your skin.
Use my lips to wander across places
I sit here,
In silence.

Holding in my deepest thoughts.

This is reality.
This is me.

Overflown with anxiety from head to toe,
I feel as vulnerable as someone without a home.

I speak honest words and I behold an honest mind,
Not afraid to be exposed anymore,
Because I have nothing to hide.
You can be sure of one thing
I want to be in love with you.

But my love for you
shall not be ordinary
My love for you
might neither be extraordinary
somewhere in between
somewhere beyond both

My love for you is like my love for starry night.
I can't have it every night
But its all I want when I am looking at it.

Like rain that turns to snow for the love of mountains
Like snow that melts on the warmth of sun
I want to be in love with every inch of your existence
Even if it means losing my own

I want to love you the way I am in love with loneliness
Alone but fulfilling

I want to love you like the way I am in love with destiny
It keeps me moving forward forever

Have no doubt about my love for you
You are the sun I love ,
that shines the light out of my soul

Like moon can't have sun and  still dances on it light.
I want to be that moon with all my dark sides hidden by your light.

I want to be over mountains,
just to see you,
with no veil in between,
to have no clouds between us.

I will write your name over snow
knowing-- it will melt down as river
down the plains of valley
where flowers of your name will blossom

I want to love you the way bees are in love with flowers
Without one, both wouldn't exist.

I will close my eyes laying down on your thoughts.
And my love for you ,
I will let it blossom...

I want to be in love with you
like silence loves music
I want to vanish in you just like that.
तिमीसगँ बिताईएका थोरै पलहरू
कोपिला बन्दै सुस्तरी रमाउन खोजेका
प्रेमका स्वप्निल कल्पनाहरू
फूल्न नपाउदैँ
फूलाउन खोज्दा खोज्दै
पिटिक्क भाचेर तिमी हिड्यौँ।
तर सजिलै यो फूल औलाउन पाएन
मन विचित्रको हुँदो रहेछ
मनको किताबको पानाहरू बीच
जतन गरि राखेको त्यो कोपिला
आज फेरी सम्झनाको पाना पल्टिँदा
भेटिएको छ
मेटिएको छ कि केही थोरै तिम्रो माया भनि केलाउँदा कहिल्यै नऔलिने गरि बसेको पाए
अब सायद फूल त हुने छैन यही कोपिला
तर पनि रहर छ, अर्को फूल रोप्ने
त्यसै गरि, त्यसरी नै तिमी सँग
पिटिक्कै भाचेरपनि नसुक्ने नऔलाउने
मखमलिको फूल जस्तै
जीवनमा किन खै
तिमी मात्रै यसरी मनपर्यो, म साच्चै बुझ्दिन
There was a boy
He became a man
Yet inside
The boy is who
I really am
We're only people
Fighting to be heard
When we should just realize
We are all the same

Fighting about fighting
Everyone loses
If there is a God
That God would never
Encourage violence
Doesn't make any ****** sense

It's about love
It starts with our children
Telling them
To welcome their neighbor
With open arms
To share culture,
Not abhor it

To tell them
Because someone is different
Don't judge them
Don't hate them
Get to know them
They probably have something to teach you

The world is a crazy place
Always has been
But now, because of the internet
We know about it

It's okay that we're all different
But we (not the extreme people) want the same things
A safe place to sleep
Somewhere to go home to
A future for our children

If you are a person that isn't extreme
It's time now, to speak up
Let others know
(Especially anyone extreme)
That the rest of us have a voice too

**** the hate
Don't be afraid to debate
 Nov 2015 Twisted Sweetness
I just want to be tangled in your arms with my head in the crook of your neck. I want to feel you kiss my forehead as im falling asleep

I want to run my fingers up and down your bare skin. I want to wrap my legs around yours and feel you pull me closer to you

I want go fall asleep and wake up with your scent filling my nose. I want to see your sleepy stares and tired smiles

I want you to steal the blankets from me in the middle of the night and when I try to pull them back, you wrap them around my shoulder

I want you to run your fingers down my spine and kiss me softly. I want you to leave trails of kisses down my neck and my chest. I want you.

meeting you
was finding a pond
after years
of knowing only desert
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