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Troy Apr 2020
I write.

But Why?

Because I must?

I have to?

I want to?

I must, deep inside, have to want to.

I want not to write because I have to,

Yet I must write because I want to,

Yet I write with pen, key, pad, and spacebar.

I hate writing the most when I must write little,

Yet I Must want to write when I want to write much.

Now, when much is written, and little from me,  

Is it still poetry?

If written for no one yet everyone,

Or layered between that which is not me

That which is not human

That which can only see,

The words themselves and translate to action.

Not inspire, but cause.

Where once I wrote to uplift that most complicated machine,

Now I dictate to the most powerful,

Yet least imaginative.

Least want.

Because I want to do.

Writing is doing,  

Insofar as it is creating,

But I must write.

Yet I have to write.

Yet after writing to the machine,

I must write to myself.

Both in meter and constraint,

And both absolute.

One must be correct,

One must be perfect.

One must work,

One must do.

I am responsible for the machine,

Yet I am the writing.

Thus, I must have to write.

I must want to.

But I must make myself

Want to must have to write.
this poem rambles a lot. I attempts to understand my multifaceted feelings about writing, whether that be essay, code, article, or poem. More or less, poetry feels like something I must write. my soul will slowly seep from my body if I dont. Articles, posts, graphics, are things I want to write, as they do things, theyre interesting, but not high priority. Assignments I have to write, since there is a deadline. things like code, or essays. its the balance of things that make me happy or make me be able to exist and find a future. if you got this far, Thank you.
Troy Mar 2020
My quill set for the page,

Yet my mind’s eye is upstaged,

Betwixt them sits a wall,

But here no war shall be waged,

I search for beauty and pathos,

Yet my aperture gathers only stone,

If the barrier were to give itself kudos,

For having left my page all alone

But to think of the possibility,

That the wall itself but not a writer,

That the curvature of the laden brick,

Creates a paradox of the block.
Told myself I havent written a poem lately, and I got a rather rapid writers block. so Why not use what I have?
Troy Oct 2019
The battle done,

Remaining combatants one,

Gazing up to the gray cloak,

Tailored to the palace of the moon,

Threatened only by the ever-fading emissaries,

Of the ailing sun.

Each a perfect sentinel,

Of solar prowess technical.

The ceasefire teased opposite

By the lunar composite,

Of that sweeping cloak,


Where the moon once woke.

Neither one nor other,

As if my breath could the life

Of either titan smother.
an effort to make someone feel an image
Troy Sep 2019
I flinch at the noise,
Staring straight at the alloys,
Of the behemoths stopping m…
Stopping me from reaching my destination.
The journey that forms the foundation,
Of the treadmill walking m…
Walking me in baby steps
Just so that the next,
Class I take could let m…
Let me live my life
And be free from this strife.
Let me move forward instead of
Being stuck in traffic.
This one is a reflection of how I feel about life right now. Simple, but again, one of those things I had to write.
Troy Apr 2019
From deep within, all of our souls begin,
With unweighted steps from the shallow breaths,
Of every race our young hope was to win,
Against any of the James, Marys or Beths.

From deep inside, we try so hard to hide
All the insecurities we suppressed.
In every person we hope to confide
In how we are exterior obsessed,

From deep inward, all the steps we have heard,
From all the mentors we once could have known,
Tweet just a beat louder than the blue bird.
Right here is where all of our fear has grown.

After passing over the peak of mirth,
We sit humble again for our rebirth
A sonnet, which as admittedly a very tight structure, but I enjoyed the framework for exploring a cyclical theme. The idea isnt even necessarily for spiritual rebirth. Each stanza is a developmental stage of life, getting older, but still starting at the bottom of the social ladder and working up until you climb out into the bottom of another one.
Troy Feb 2019
It’s a verse I’m averse to,
But the walls of Whitman crash
No less strongly than those waves
His pen chiseled in mind.
How can one find meaning  
Structure, when the structure itself
Is left behind?

Polysyllabic scheme could hold
But how can I  
Myself to rules that cannot exist?
Chess with no pieces
Or Twister with no board.
Completely free,
Yet completely free.

And more than all,
How to let anyone see.
With rhyme gone its just...
Where does one move forward
When the axis is so
it doesn't happen often, but sometimes your soul just yells at you until you create something. with this something created, my soul can be quiet for a bit now, at least.
Troy Feb 2019
Time makes the heart grow fonder,
As the ropes of friendship fray,
I know that thoughts will wander,
Despite what good intentions say,

As places remembered,
Now places long forgotten,
Each experience membered,
By memory gone rotten

With miles and miles,
Between once good friends,
Thousands of styles,
And more wasted weekends.

Despite all of a life’s resistance,
I hope we all can close the distance
a little something for valentines day. not necessarily about romantic love, but not seeing my girlfriend for about a month had some inspiration to be sure.
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