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 May 2016 cw
full circle
I'm laying here with the window open listening to the rain for secrets or something or waiting for you to tell me what you haven't been telling me
like maybe there really is a girl out there with love in her eyes and flowers in her hair and her eyes are the kind of blue that is never mistaken for grey
she touches your chin before she kisses you, real softly or maybe she traces the spot above your lip where we all know angels rested their fingers before we were sent down here to rot or thrive
maybe you talk about gardens with her, how you'd never ever own an orchid cause that ***** ex of yours demanded one every hospital visit
how flowers aren't for boys but you'll pretend to watch football while you're really watching her bend down to touch the dirt like she used to smooth her baby brothers hair out of his little eyes
before their parents decided that it was more convenient to buy them a little apartment and keep money in the safe while they spent their pensions in Florida watching alligators and Dolphins and toucan ******* Sam but never at the same time
you see, I don't drink earl grey cause it tastes like fruit loops
and I don't eat fruit loops cause it tastes like the childhood I erased from my memory by forcing myself to dissociate
maybe this, is something else altogether
maybe this... is not true, another delusion, maybe your hands are busy counting change out for cardboard signs
maybe your feet move a little bit faster, not because you're in a rush to see someone who isn't me but because you're so scared of ending up back where you started
 May 2016 cw
That Girl
 May 2016 cw
She's the quiet one, who
never stands out the chick
who'll rather write a poem
than speak to a crowd.

The one nobody notices
when she walks down the
hall, the girl who's voice is
unknown but her mind's
full of thoughts.

She's the introvert, the girl
in disguise, the one who
builds up walls so her
life won't collapse.

The one whose tough
exterior in reality is
full of cracks.

She's a timid soul, a
daydreamer at heart,
creating the ideal future
while she tries to
forget her past.

The person who tells
her pains to a stranger
who asks, but can't
have a conversation
with those that are
by her side.

She's your classmate,
she's your sister and
friend, she's your
cousin and niece, she's
your aunt, she's your tale.

she's the girl that stares
back when you glance
at the lake, the one
no one knows, she is I,
she is her.
You told me you loved me
As much as there were stars in the sky
Then you shattered my heart into twice as many pieces

You always warned me
About the dangers of selfharm
Because you had been there,
Yet now;
You are the one who causes me to pick up the blade.

And when you promised
Oh so many times
That you wouldn't,
Couldn't leave me
I actually began to believe you.
It was the start of my insanity.

We had plans to move South
Start a life together
Start a family together.
The only thing we started together in the end
Was my slow descent to insanity through depression.

How is it possibly
To completely loathe the person
Whom I love more than life itself?
Although I suppose it wouldn't be too difficult,
After all,
I hate my life so much I'd end it in the blink of an eye.
 May 2016 cw
Megan H
I am.
 May 2016 cw
Megan H
I am weak,
But I am strong.

I am silent,
But I can scream loud.

I am shattered
But I can rebuild

I am beaten
But I can fight back.

I am many things,
But don't underestimate me.
Happy International Women's Day!
 May 2016 cw
Megan H
Happy Birthday
 May 2016 cw
Megan H
I'm not going to let this happen.
You will not ruin this day for me.

There are people out there that actually care,
And I don't care if you aren't one of them.
Not anymore.

I wish...
That I could find happiness
That someone will see me for who I am
That you will see what you've lost.
You've lost me.
Happy 19th birthday to me! I've decided I'm no longer going to let anyone bring me down!
 May 2016 cw
 May 2016 cw
feed me poison,
watch me die,
savour while I struggle.

stab me with knives,
hear me cry,
make my screams your favourite song.

cut me up,
bleed me dry,
swim in my tears.

let me go through hell,
in beds of fire, lie
make castles of my ashes.

leave me behind,
and say goodbye,
carry with you a piece of me.

but please.. don't say you love me
only to lie.
 May 2016 cw
Ianna Gayle
 May 2016 cw
Ianna Gayle
I asked for your hands
You gave me knives

I asked for the truth
You gave me lies

I asked for laughter
I was given cries

I asked for honesty
I was awakened by infidelity

I asked for hope
I was given ropes

I asked for a little rest
I was given death
 May 2016 cw
Love is...
 May 2016 cw
Love is such a weird thing.
It makes you cry, laugh, scream, hate.
Love controls all.
To love is to control your emotions, your family, your life.

Love and hate are very similar in some ways.
The emotions caused by both are thrown around
causing so much trouble in a lot of people's lives.
To love is to want and need.

Pain is also like love.
It's what comes with it.
A big package that nobody signs up for willingly.
To love is to have a ticking time bomb in your pocket.

To have pain
is to have hate
is to be in love.

How could such a small word
have such a big meaning?

So, what is love?
Is it pain?
Or is it something most of us have not experienced yet?
Making us quick to judge those who have.
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