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 May 2016 cw
Ivy Rose
 May 2016 cw
Ivy Rose
You stare at your feet for a few moments,
you weigh out the odds of surviving,
and you jump.

You start falling, or rather, flying.
you get the chills.

Thrills. Sparks. Genuine laughter.

You feel free, you feel more alive than you ever have.

In the back of your mind there is worry,
will you make it? Or is this rush only going to last until the water hits?

You don't care,
in fact,
I don't think you ever did.

You scream, you feel as much as you possibly can,
and then you hit the water.

Passion, rebirth, lust.
A new beginning.

And that's what loving him is like.
I just hope I can remember how to swim.
 May 2016 cw
 May 2016 cw
Early to bed early to rise
More time to sleep
Less time to cry.
But sleep isn't peace
And peace isn't sleep
Because bed is the place
Nightmares come to me.
They haunt and they taunt
They whisper to me.
Show me the things
I beg not to see
Show me that I'm
What I plead not to be.
Take me away
And poison me gently,
On thousands of pillows
I lay there and suddenly
My mistakes fly over me
And cast me into calm
And then this calamity hits me
And I want to run
But its all so stunning,
So bright and obscure
That I get confused
And go out the wrong door.
What I thought was the way
To forgetting and home
Was the door leading into
My horror struck home.
The fire was leaping
And my sins pushed me out
I fell with a scream
That wouldn't come out.
 May 2016 cw
 May 2016 cw
I came home to you one day,
Your things all packed
like you were going away

"Change of plans?" I asked.

"Change of heart."

 May 2016 cw
Not A Poem
 May 2016 cw
I remember when you loved me;
Those were my happiest days.
They say times pass, memories last
And that things would change.

"Nothing lasts forever," they said
I didn't expect what you'd respond
But you said, "**** right" and that
Was what caught me off guard.

This is not a poem,
As I would only like to speak
About the anger in my heart.
After doing everything I could,

We still fell apart.

 May 2016 cw
Sammy Whitelaw
11:44 PM // do you remember the first time we met? i do.

12:02 AM // i remember the first time we locked eyes like it was yesterday

12:09 AM // i remember the swirl of green and brown all in one mesmerising gaze taunting me like a bad dream

12:57 AM // you were never just a stranger to me, you were never a face that didn’t matter  

1:18 AM // from the moment i laid eyes on you i knew you’d break my heart

1:32 AM // i can't stop thinking about the last time you told me you loved me

1:55 AM // you called me up after weeks of nothing and told me you'd never love anyone like you loved me

2:07 AM // you were saying goodbye, weren't you?

2:50 AM //  i could have forgiven you if it was only a kiss, but you fell in love with her

3:49 AM // i've kissed lots of people since you, but none of them pulled my hair and tasted like fanta

4:27 AM // my god i loved you with everything i had

5:01 AM // it still wasn't enough, was it?

5:55 AM // it was always meant to be her.
 May 2016 cw
Lost (Friends)
 May 2016 cw
At the moment
You feels like you've lost your friends
Without a reason
Without any words
Without goodbye wish

Then you see they're happy without you
They can stand on their shoe without holding you

And you feels just like "It's okay. I'm happy for you"
Because you always put someone else's happiness, their happiness
Over your own

And always keep praying
They'll more happier

*walking away
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