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Jan 2021 · 211
Bk Jan 2021
It's raining here today
I could see
the particles of dust
crumbling  into pieces
I could
smell the air,
ripe with the pleasant,
dewy petrichor
as if the Lady Earth had her ******.
Jan 2021 · 357
Bk Jan 2021
It rained here today
I could see
the particles of dust
crumbling  into pieces
I could
smell the air,
ripe with the pleasant,
dewy petrichor
as if the Lady Earth had her ******..!
It actually rained here today..!
Jan 2021 · 247
Bk Jan 2021
Hung upon the beatings of my heart,
  unleash the ardour ,
and relish the ***** inside !
Jan 2021 · 458
My Lady
Bk Jan 2021
you were the sorrow of my life
    And I'm elated that
      it was filled with you.
Jan 2021 · 288
Bk Jan 2021
I know your  presence hurts
                          But I'm afraid
                        your absence will hurt even more..!
Oct 2018 · 376
And I never saw her again
Bk Oct 2018
Have you witnessed  something
but Couldn't remember yet you can potray even minute
Details of that incident , I had
My 4yrs old eyes had witnessed that
She was burning right beside me
And I was busy wondering about the
The the design my castle should have
It went on , I succeeded my castles did
Even the heat from her pyre did it's job
Fulfilled what her child wished

My father poured the water from the river
Onto the settling pyre , as everyone with a bamboo threw the
Burned remains into the river , may the the creatures
Below this water satisfy their hunger , the priest chanted
While i kept jumping in the shallow blue waters
I was given a new name "Shankara". As I'd came home
On my dad's shoulders completely covered in the ash
As I had spent hours trying to build the castle with that as well

Everyone's eyes were numb , my father's weren't
Probably his heart would have been
Lost childhood
Oct 2018 · 348
First love or infatuation
Bk Oct 2018
For the first time when I saw you
You were gossiping and giggling with your friends which I assumed them to be
Second I saw you being pinched in your naval by one of our classmates
After a year or so we had a good bond
When I saw you smooching that very guy
It felt a little bad , but still hadn't an issue
Days went then weeks and months
That giggle, your behavior had changed a bit
We had exchanged our cell no's
Had been talking late night
You're the one who gifted me something for the first time in a long
We had started altering our schedules with each other's priorities
It went for few months when
I decided to break the ice between our friendship-***-love
I proposed you on the day of our board exam
You didn't replied for days ,just to say
BK I do love you BUT......
And that was it . At least from your side
You never called again nor did I
Friends made fun of mine when I cried
Just cause I'm a boy and boys don't cry

It's been 2 years now
I still go through our conversations,
Your pictures and every moment I could remember .....
Just to remind myself that how cheated I'd been
Never to fall in that situation again
Weather it was my "pious love" or " you attracting beauty that lead me to have a infatuation towards you"
Something, sometime and you
Oct 2018 · 292
Dreams I still believe
Bk Oct 2018
We hadn't shared any moment since years
But whenever I had a dream , I find you
still cuddling , playing with my hairs
Rubbing your nose against mine

But it hurts when you say
I'll have to go and I had to readily accept it
With a hope that one day
I'll wake up just to find you laying beside me
Oct 2018 · 277
Silent memories
Bk Oct 2018
It has always remained with me
Like a constant companion, from
The burning pyre of my mother to
The sleepless adolecent nights of my life
I was 4 , everyone I saw weeping, crying
As if something very agonizing took over them
I didn't know what it was , I just hadn't seen my mother
Since morning she is with my grandma
I was playing brick-brick with my friends
I saw my dad, got into his shoulders as always
As he Kissed me , which he generally did
I came home and saw a little angel crying all over the house
I saw my mother sleeping , I felt an urge to ask
Her for food but I couldn't As my grandma
had it for me, .......
I was fascinated to see the huge blue river which flows
By my village , I urged to go as everyone was going their
Even my mom as I got into my father's arms
Everyone did something, arranging woods etc
While kept building sand castles near the shore
My dad lit the pyre as I helped him
Unkown of what I'm loosing , can never be fulfilled
Small part of someone's memory who lost his mother at age of 4.

— The End —