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thyreez-thy Jan 15
Tryna play pirates in the backyard, ah
bluey playing market with a credit card ah
Rusty throws sticks just to hurt you ah
Honey wears glasses just to tease you ah
None of these hounds on a lease too, ah
Turn a school year into a week too, yeah
Main doggo out of your field yea
Side dog outta yo field too, yea

Kennel so loud need some discipline
Twenty biscuits on me, made with cinnamon
Cut that bone meal into meaty pieces
Honey licks her face, man I love my doggo
You talk buckaroos need a saving space
We're playing shadow running to the shade
Switch up the game, driving in a plane
I switch My cuppy, I don't feel the pain

baa ba baa ba baa ba baa ba ba
Look what you've done!
baa ba baa ba baa ba baa ba ba
Look what you've done!
I'm the motherwoofing Stardawg

Everyday a doggo tryna test me, yah
Everyday a parent tryna end me,yah
Pull off the scooter in a school zone ah
Pocket over weight, stones  heavy, yeah
Coming from the shepherd, thats a far cry
I come alive during play time
No competition I don't really listen
and just like bluey, bumping keepy uppy

Kennel so loud need some discipline
Twenty biscuits on me, made with cinnamon
Cut that bone meal into meaty pieces
Honey licks her face, man I love my doggo
You talk buckaroos need a saving space
We're playing shadow running to the shade
Switch up the game, driving in a plane
I switch My cuppy, I don't feel the pain

baa ba baa ba baa ba baa ba ba
Look what you done!
baa ba baa ba baa ba baa ba ba
Look what you done!
I'm the motherwoofing Stardawg

Let a dog play tablet
Legend of the winter, on the grind like bandit
Bought Bingo a crib and a brand new wagon
Chilli hit the grocery store looking lavish
Star trip ceiling in that house plan
Sheep get loose when the hear this song
Hundred stones on my sheep get me close to DOG
Don't pray for love we pray for candy bars

Kennel so loud need some discipline
Twenty biscuits on me, made with cinnamon
Cut that bone meal into meaty pieces
Honey licks her face, man I love my doggo
You talk buckaroos need a saving space
We're playing shadow running to the shade
Switch up the game, driving in a plane
I switch My cuppy, I don't feel the pain

baa ba baa ba baa ba baa ba ba
Look what you done!
baa ba baa ba baa ba baa ba ba
Look what you done!
I'm the motherwoofing Stardawg

baa ba baa ba baa ba baa ba ba
Look what you done!
baa ba baa ba baa ba baa ba ba
Look what you done!
I'm the motherwoofing Stardawg
A piece I made after I told a few people I could make a weeknd song (Starboy) into a "child friendly" bluey song. while I'm not sure if this counts as anything good, it was fun to make none the less.
There are dreams I’ve folded, tucked away tight,
Like old forgotten clothes, out of mind, out of sight.
One dream is my family, proud, happy, and strong,
But in truth, they’re splintered, fighting who’s right, who’s wrong.

Another was of healing, of wearing a vet’s coat,
Or moving the masses with the words that I wrote.
Helping the helpless, animals small and in need,
A life lived in service, a world I could lead.

I dreamt of a wedding, a dress pure as snow,
Walking the aisle, to see your smile’s glow.
I dreamt of a farm, vast and self-sustained,
With crops that thrive and animals well-trained.

But the dream I can’t fold, the one that won’t fade,
Is the thought of a child, a love never swayed.
It’s wrapping gifts from “Santa” late Christmas Eve,
It’s seeing you hold them, as they sleep and believe.

It’s watching them grow, teaching what’s right,
Helping them learn from what keeps them up at night.
This dream, I hold close, though I dare not say,
It lingers with me, every step, every day.

I don’t ask for this dream, nor expect it to be,
But it clings to my heart, a part of me.
Folded, yet vivid, it whispers, not yet,
For some dreams stay alive, though they’re placed in regret.
I wish you’d rise above it all
And be the person I thought I saw.
The loving parent I dreamed you’d be,
Cherishing your kids unconditionally.
But once again, I see the truth—
That dream was never meant for you.

You taught us right from wrong, it’s true,
But failed to practice what you knew.
Believing yourself better than the rest,
Yet you’re no top-notch, high-class success.
Not even the middle ground you aspired to be,
But the dollar store version of what a parent shouldn’t be.

Your children are shattered, broken, and torn,
But instead of reflection, you point and scorn.
Blaming others, yet blind to this fact:
Every hand shaped the pain we’ve packed.
One told us love wasn’t ours to claim,
That our worth was tied to our weight and shame.
Another sought love and found none to give,
While one taught us grace in how to live.
The rest hid away, their courage sold,
Leaving us with lessons both cruel and cold.

But you, you’re the real masterstroke—
You taught us to carry everyone’s yoke.
To put ourselves last, to give and give,
Till there’s nothing left in us to live.
Now we’re all broken in different ways—
One’s near the grave, another astray,
And the last just fights to make it through the day.

They cry softly at night, their breath so thin,
You wouldn’t notice—it doesn’t fit in.
All they’ve ever wanted was to make you proud,
To feel seen, even once, above the crowd.
But your plans for them twist and betray,
Stealing their hope and their dreams away.

You rob them of money, of land, of peace,
All for a façade that will never cease.
Chasing a life to save face at work,
Pretending you’re more than a person who shirks.
But the truth is plain for all to see—
You’ve failed them, and you’ve failed me.
Rose scented candles burning softly through the night
aurora rays of holy fanning, beauteous returns
Emerald dreams give birth to dessert moon's ignite  
if life unfolds before you, meditate, discern ...

Ethereal reveries of flowers flushed in gold
pick a petal, sing a song, dance to hearts delight  
Heaven waits for angels just like you, unfold
before the sun and seize the light

Let the springtime share its prose  
watch the Bluestar flourish    
kiss the lilac, hold the rose,
close your eyes and make a wish

Rose colored glasses and fairy dust galore,  
the best things in life, you can't find in a store.
Silent echoes of my heart beating next to thine
sultry kisses in the dark, tasting fine as wine
Rhythm of our souls, waves upon the ocean
like the ebb and flow of constant emotions

Heart beat to heart beat, we move as one
like the moon circling round the sun
We are stars orbiting one another  
living and breathing, only for each other.
  Jan 14 thyreez-thy
i think i was supposed to be a bird
the way i hate winter
and the cold weather always seems to get to me
i would love to migrate somewhere warmer
somewhere my seasonal depression would never eat at me

i think i was supposed to be a bird
the way i always flee from things
and leave things that are good for me
i would love to be able to run away from my problems
run away from people that love me and never look back

i think i was supposed to be a bird
the way i long for family
and raising kids
i would love to make a family that is better than the one i grew up in
to make a home full of love

i think i was supposed to be a bird
the way i wish i was a part of a flock
and have people to count on
i would love to have a group that always gets along
always there for each other

i wish i was bird
i saw a huge flock of birds migrating today and it made me realize how interesting they are and how badly i want to be one
  Jan 14 thyreez-thy
i'm so tired
of hurting people

i'm so tired
of hurting myself

i'm so tired
of my own thoughts

i'm so tired
of myself

i'm so tired
of others

i'm so tired
of missing someone who doesn't think about me

i'm so tired
of my family

i'm so tired
of school

i'm so tired
of winter

i'm so tired
of sitting in my room

i'm so tired
of having no energy

i'm so tired
of being alone

i'm so tired
of eating

i'm so tired
of looking at myself

i'm so tired
of my body

i'm so tired
of taking care of myself

i'm so tired
of waiting for a sign

i'm so tired
of living
there is much i want to write about but this is all I could get out
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