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  Jan 2015 David Moss
Amitav Radiance
In the sanctuary of love
Precious relics are on display
Rare moments of solitude
Stupefied by the grandeur
Reading the precious scriptures
Invoking the celestial force
Long forgotten rituals
Trapped between the papyrus
Love is not what love seems
Leaving us with our interpretation
Here, in the sanctuary
The soul awakens
Flame from the core enlightens
Guiding light of love
A path leads to the heart
If love is not true
It won’t hold strong
Will be swept away sooner
In the debris
It’s more than the cloak
Simple, yet so rigorous
Love is the force
That will withstand time
David Moss Jan 2015
The Scots are a friendly old folk

With Whiskey they share till you soak

But call them a Brit

And they'll **** up your ****

Heritage to them ain't a joke!
No Kilt Jokes please. They don't wear knickers to get into knots, anyways.
David Moss Jan 2015
Drinking is a lovely pastime
Whether whisky or ***** or wine

But mixing your drinks
Makes it harder to think

And you'll just **** your pants everytime
For Angie
David Moss Dec 2014
God has a wife

Mother nature's her name

And we as their children

It is safe to say

We're the epitome of rebellion

Misguided young minds

Universe of investment

To nurture mankind

We've ruined the household

From which we live in

Our parents so caring

Simply say nothing

Godly calm patience

They hope we grow up

And one day

Learn something
Hopefully before we get a good spanking ;)
David Moss Dec 2014
'Education' these days

Is about 'pure' information

And by information

I mean presenting facts verbatim

And by pure i mean it's taken

As truth with no contemplation

That behind all this initiation

Is nothing  more than total indoctrination

Into cookie-cutter patriotic nations

I mean even the word information

Is unsettling with reiteration

Think of it

like this



Conspiracy? Could be.

Though that is another story.

For now lets call it coincidental consideration.

To keep in mind what's lacking

In a cold calculated system of education

I ask you and i beg

Where's the social validation

That everyone is different

In the way they treat a situation

That people are so vast and varied when it comes to inspiration

And still we wonder why kids in school

Get bullied, beaten and mistaken

Treated by their peers as some kind of social retardation

By other young minds bored and rampart with frustration

From a system failing day by day

Generation by generation

I mean is it no surprise from a society with a hellebent  fixation

Upon competition

Survival of fittest

And human exploitation?

Of mantra screaming profit, selfishness, and lack of real cooperation

Nature over nurture and people under nations

That leave us standing divided and alone amongst as sea of potential collaboration?

And yet we're told to sing our anthems of patriotic proclamations

That we live in lands of freedom, justice, love and consideration.

So please believe me when i see

Your sense of self worth and participation

As something lacking emergent notions

When it's simply in-formation

What we need is real change via total non-cooperation

And to rest assured that our minds, and our childrens mind, and future generations

Are part of real solutions

And also full of inspiration

To take hold of our own thoughts

And redefine the importance

Of something we've all lost

Called self education

So please don't simply repeat after me

Don't seek my words as your savior or salvation

Just find your version of what it means to simply be

And forget what others see

As being in-formation
David Moss Dec 2014
They say that first impressions last

I say

That's assuming way too fast

I'd like to think we're a bit more trusting

That every one we meet isn't busting

Lusting to rip off their pants

And **** the first thing that gives them a seconds glance!

I'd like to think that

But sometimes i can't

Cause just like you

I live the life of a guarded heart

I mean we have to be careful right?

Cause if we smile back that just might

Make someone else think "OH EM GEE.

They totally want to have *** with me."

No, you have some mustard on your lip actually

And i found it kinda funny

You see to me most of our first impressions

Are the false flags of real connections

And if we choose to make those last

Then aren't we just living in the past?

So rather than that, let me be forward.

I want to connect with you, in whatever way we both want it to be.

And that right there to me

Is my definition of equality

I mean

Is it fair to assume that if i'm male

That I'm simply out to get some tail?

That isn't me

And that isn't it

And personally

I think gender roles are *******

So please allow, wholeheartedly

For you to see the real me

Rather than a mirage of assumptions

Society may have you choose to believe

Of what a male is meant to entail....


I want to share with you the galaxy and it's wonders we can see

We could take our chairs to rooftops and marvel nights beauty

And there may be a moment where your hand fumbles to my knee

And you'd feel me, vulnerable, still, yet shaking anxiously

Because connections what i crave

But it's rationed out these days

Cause just like you,

I too

Cannot bear to be broken, constantly


I want to sing and play with sounds
Pulling faces jokin' round
Being ridiculous without care
Rolling on a floor somewhere

Or on a bus, or in a bed
Our faces red
Laughing hysterically
It really doesn't matter to me

Because connections what i crave

But it's rationed out these days

Cause just like you,

I too

Cannot bear to be unhappy, constantly


I want to walk through unknown forests getting lost amongst the trees

Laugh and run and hide and scare each other playfully

And sure right then, we could lie down in the sun

Entwined bodies like soft vines writhing for a deeper connection

Or we could just sit solemly listening to melodies

Of wind whistling through wondrous waves of leaves

None of this bothers me you see. Either makes me happy.

Because connections what i crave and it's rationed out these days

Cause just like you,

I too

Cannot bear to be alone, constantly


So why does all this matter, to connection and equality?

I mean to a huge degree, men do have it easy

That is clearly plain to see

And ladies I know

That we as a society
Have a long way to go

To make sure you are all treated just as equally

Believe you me

But did you know that as a guy

We're mostly brought up to try

To keep our emotions hidden inside?

You can't tell the guys your woe
Unless you want to be called '*****' or '****'

So a lot of times these men

Crying out for connection

Isn't always

What you're thinking it to be

To me, thats the biggest problem men face socially

Stagnant and rampant suppression
Of real connection, emotionally!

And now, connections what we crave
But it's rationed out these days

And just like you,

We too

Cannot bare to be neglected, constantly


Cause just like me

I know your scared

You've been hurt and unprepared

To have others use

Abuse and mistreat loyalty

And just like you

I am afraid

I've been wronged

I've been betrayed

And i am just as scared to let go

And be me

Because our connections are depraved

It seems it's rationed out these days

But wait

Hang on a second.

Did you feel that?

I mean, just now we have connected...

So if this notions not rejected

Then maybe there's still a hope

For you and me.

I guess all Im asking is that you find

Compassion in both heart and mind

When a person bares their soul

So openly


This is a connection that we've made

And I hoping that it stays

So maybe someday we can change society
David Moss Dec 2014
A new force begins in this century

With ancient notions of greed and scarcity

It pushes us hard

It hits our home

But last time i checked

We aren't alone

In fact we are more than enough

Community is key when the times are tough

And in numbers we hold still

We hold steady

We hold true

We are ready

And as we stand, shaken, surrounded, subdued and silent

Still we stand strong, together and without violence

And it all starts there

It all starts when we start to care

By separating past and present

By stimulating body and mind

By speaking out when something's left unspoken

We can find solace in these soul-less times

Within moments we are undefeated

In these moments we are truly divine

So exhaust yourself

Brake yourself

Challenge yourself

Remake yourself

And if you still don't understand the truth to the questions

And you still have to ask a selfish and backhanded 'WHY?'

Then fine

Lets find

Lets define some final answers to the demons in your mind

Have you considered that perhaps together if we share them

Lay it all out and bare them

That half the fear of it all

Might just simply unwind?

No way you say?

Well what if i told you

That the vessel that holds 'it' all in

Your pain

Your struggle

Your self proclaimed entitlement to 'sin'

Those things that you thought was just yours to fight alone at home without having ever known you aren't the only one that fights it on your own....

Your disdain for the insane frame that entraps your brain that leaves us crippled and maimed through what feels like the end of days.....

What if i told you

That your own shell is the only thing

That's truly stopping real change from happening?

That the struggle from within each of our minds defines the rest of time well at least the rest for all of mankind?





We must reach through it.

Cause if we don't, who in hells name is going to pursue it?
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