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David Moss Dec 2014
I took ten random words from a dictionary and used each of them in a line, in the direct order I chose them. All the words acquired, start with a capital letter. I want to hear others attempts! Give it a try, and list your title in the comments! :) Enjoy!*

an Agricultural paradise, we control mother nature's life

Overmaster's of her laws, her reigns we hold precise

our Alimentative elixirs? From her womb we choose to thieve

her Hems we tear and take our share

a Ghostly life to lead

her Briny tears an ocean

she's still Endearing and motherly

yet we treat her like a ***** Bathhouse

pure Artificial stupidity

i truly pray for her Ascension from humanity.
I want to hear others attempts! Give it a try, and list your title in the comments! :)
David Moss Dec 2014
I met God the other day.

And this is what I had to say.

But first, let me tell you a little of my thoughts along the way

You see to me the subjective thoughts on freedom

I've had most of my life

Reinstate a calming notion

That there's really no difference between wrong and right

What's wrong to me is right to you

And what's wrong in God's eyes is just another perspective too

And i've told my self that we are all living proof

That the truth of real freedom

Is to simply have a real freedom of truth

Seriously though, either way,

whether freedom is absolute

Or it's a façade of a god made human brain

I say do what feels good and enjoy the now and today.

So what did I do along the way to meeting god you say?

Brace yourself. Cause this is exactly what I told god straight to his face.

God greeted 'Hello my son. How are you feeling today?'

"Hey Lord. I feel ******* great. This life was more than just okay. I mean you know what I did along the way"

"But hear it from my mouth. And the lack of conviction my words carry to this day "

"I listened to loud music and damaged my ears for so many ******* years."

"I filled my lungs with toxic clouds of smoke, stupid **** like dope, contemplated consequences but treated them like jokes"

"I damaged my brain with an array of narcotics."

"Subjected myself to a list of voodoo tonics,  sometimes just pure demonic ****. And I loved every second of it."

"To the point where I altered my already imbalanced chemicals beyond repair. There. I said it. Now it's out there for you to judge. "

"To you I am probably the Antichrist. And ******* It feels nice! "

"I pierced, stretched and wounded my skin, until the shape of my former self was beyond any contemplating."

"Relating it all to an an expedition of self expressions. "

"Erections? I got them everywhere. In the classroom in the office, walking up the ******* stairs "

I mean I even had them in church for ***** sake. Sorry about that. That was weird i guess but it was kinda different. Kinda felt great. "

"I did, and would do again, with total disregard for recommended calorie intake,

"Eat a whole pizza by myself. That right there to most, don't feel like a big mistake. "

"I mean none of this does. Least not to me at the time. I mean what else is there besides the now? "

"And what else then that is more sublime?"

God: 'Well...'

"Hang on. Not finished. So I got ****** up, I ****** up and sometimes I just simply ******. "

"Enough wasn't enough. This kind of lifestyle ain't tough, let me tell you"

"I did at least one stupid thing every day. Sometimes beyond a countable array. "

"I didn't learn from most mistakes i made. "

"I definitely disappointed my parents. Well **** em I say. "

"I didn't get to choose what life I was born into. Did you choose for me God? Well, did you?"

God: 'My Chil...'

"Don't answer that actually. Your words may just further infuriate me "

"I mean I've probably ****** you off more than you have me, right up until my last dying days. I REALLY went out in an unholy blaze of glory. Still an epic story don't you think?  "

God: 'Your stor.....'

"Shut it lord! I told you I ain't done! Cause just like you I knew one day this moment would come."

"And i've had countless years of your sermons shoved down my throat. And DON'T make me utter what else your holy servants made me choke."

God: '......'

And God was completely silent, and the heavens were calm. The sudden changed should have alarmed me. But it didn't. Cause I felt like he knew what I was going to say, every step of the way.

So I cried. And the next words I had to utter in complete dismay, but total clarity and no iota of disarray

"You did this to me. All of it. I hope you understand. You made this world what it is, and who i am."

"And I broke your rules, and the body you gave me. "

"I never once begged for your forgiveness or hoped that you or your son would save me."

"I never once asked for your help, and expected it to come."

"Us humans truly felt abandoned beyond any recognition."

"But this isn't me complaining. In fact, this is me saying cheers."

"Thanks for all those struggling, harsh and ******* cruel years."

"You see I know you "

"And this world you had a hand in "

"The strength you need to live in it is so demanding"

"Beyond any priest, pope and pastor"

"I learnt about you "

"And who I am so much faster"

"Through mistakes and wrong doing"

"Infinite battles ensewing"

"Within my mind and throughout humankind"

"I grew"

"I felt"

"I knew"

"There was a point to it all"

"And even in my continuous fall "

"From your holy grace"

"I understood why you breathed life into the human race"

I was silent. I wanted God to ask why

God: 'My dearest son. Give me your perspective on the meaning of all life'

I was frustrated and I angrily stabbed back like a knife

"My God! The meaning of life was simply just to live! Beyond a simple explanation and perspective, I ain't got nothing more to give!"

God: 'Then don't give me simple, give me complex yet precise. I WANT YOUR TAKE ON THE MEANING OF THIS LIFE!!!'

I stopped in the beckon of his holy colossal voice.

And In his frustration. I found some sense of absolute rejoice.

I waited. contemplated. I felt something inside my soul I had never felt before.

"No" I implored

Then I just smiled and stared.

God shouted 'WHY?!'

"You don't get my answer, in metaphor or otherwise"  

"You don't get the privilege of what it means to be me."

"You see, I understand that you may know everything already, within your created lands"

God raised an eyebrow and ushered with his hand

God: 'Go on my son'

"So asking me this question is redundant to me and the point is really none"

I paused and waited.

God contemplated

God: 'Well....what you say is right. And now the real question remains;

Through your mortal answer what does I, God, gain?'

'Must be something' I exclaimed

God: "Yes it is. And I'll i'll tell you what it's all for.
It's nothing more than another perspective. Call it if you will, an act of me being trying to be self reflective"
'You see in all it's glory, the world i made, follows rules and so must I, be as it may'
'So I can't know what you are going to say next. I never knew where this world was going to head'
'I never knew the human race could be so unkind, that hate would be the benchmark to define your lives'
'And I could sit here and give you a thousand sorries my son, but I had no hand in your life after the initial one'

"I kinda felt it" I muttered. Crying amongst uttered words

And I knew from God what next was going to be heard.

God: 'Freedom created comes with it perks, but also what lurks behind it all
Is the creators knowledge he could watch the beauty of it all disastrously fall'

So, I Met God the other day, And this is what he had to say

But don't let my experience cause alarmed dismay

Don't ask where I am now, or what happens after death

Don't ask me about life's secrets, another's answers are useless

Just know that your perspective, is truly a blessing

Your experience is yours to keep

It's up to you, to mean something

This gift we have been given

Is not for God to take

Unless we choose to do so

Freedom is ours

For simply freedom's sake
I didn't really meet God.

It was probably Zeus or something.

He was very beardy and thundery.
David Moss Dec 2014
A quaint little shifter

From purple to green

He can hide and appear

So funny when seen

With beady weird eyes

And a look of apathy

Don't be fooled by it's demeanor

It's as cute as can be

I'm talking of a lizard

Can be small as your thumb

They can make me go silly

And shout '*** LOOK AT IT'S TONGUE!!'

But really, truly

I do love you

Mr. Chameleon
Sometimes, very very rarely, I write silliness.
David Moss Dec 2014
Ruthlessly honest

I'll wrack through your brain
Without guilt
Without shame

Until we can see
Change in you and me

I'm something you've lost
Through lifes biggest regrets
I'm something you need
Even if you don't know it.

I will never forsake you
If you understand time
The brave seek me out
The meek stay in line

The old don't have time for me
The rest think they're still young
To understand my power
Could shift generations to come

I am something you make
Yet don't actually exist
I can drive you insane
If wrong; sorely missed!

Don't try to abuse me
Just give me a voice
I am your silent, humble savior

I am yours

I am

Riddles are hard to write. I have a greater appreciation for Batman's 'Riddler' now. XD
David Moss Dec 2014
Tick tock tick tock

Is their any difference between a tick and a tock?

I mean conceptually of course

Not just the workings of a clock

I guess the ticks are every moment

And the tocks is what will be

All tocks become ticks

But all tick tocks go eventually

Not to worry

I care more though in concepts

Of looking past our man made time

Ticks and tocks don't really matter

If you don't pay them any mind

That's a funny thought though

I like that actually

Paying time our money

Money equals time they say

But to me it's a little funny

Cause what if you don't care for money or time?

What then defines your existence of being alive? 

I mean to me a more sound measure

Is perhaps the pleasure

Of feeling my heart beating

A personal repeating of self made time and space

And once that tickers gone

I'm sure to follow along to our final resting place

Fitting we call our hearts the good old ticker then, hey?

My lungs are therefore the tocks

Like two little personal clocks

Working together differently

But in symbiotic harmony

All beats become breaths and all breaths pass by eventually

To me this seems a more valid sense of time

Like when you think of the sublime setting of the sun

Moments as these seem to slow down

And you're stuck in blissful entraption

Some moments just go so fast

And some feel like the last an eternity

And all the while inside me

My heart and lungs slow and speed accordingly

It's quite beautiful actually

Cause now when I think of us

I can count what you mean to me

115,200 ticks of my heart
30,000 tocks of my breath
Those are my average daily rates at rest

80 ticks of heart a minute
30 tocks of air
But around you I am sure

These numbers rise beyond anything compared

Like when I first met you

I think my ticks were at least at 122

Yes to be fair

My breaths fell short in some way
I guess from all the kissing to be had that day

And when we first made love

I felt like both were above

Anything I have ever felt before

And darling

If I could store my ticks and stocks in a special place for you
Reserve them in a bank for us to save
For special days between us two

I think it's safe to say
I'd gladly let you withdraw and take

All my beats and breaths away
First Draft!
David Moss Dec 2014
Head aching

Sorry faced

Bed ridden

Guilt laced

Sun rising

Curtains drawn

Strangers sleeping

Embracing warmth

Eyes shifting

Waking noise

Bodies rustling

Moments poise

Confused glance

My smile

No pants

Then denial

Your frown

Spells mistake

No sound

Awkward state

Drunken stupor

Night before

Shameful regret

Nothing less

Nothing more

Except a Shameful Closing Door
One night stands are scary.
David Moss Dec 2014
Autumn closes the door

As summer sighs itself asleep

Cloudy blankets cover a seasons work

And it sleeps long and deeply

And it's dreaming of winters harsh ways

Until spring creeps in one morning

Whispering in summers ear

Like a song bird wishing for dawn

'Awaken again, my friend. The kettle is on, and there is work to begin'
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