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 Jan 2016 Mariana Nolasco
Loving you from afar
watching you happy
are all enough for me.

a quote
 Jan 2016 Mariana Nolasco
those sweet feelings of love
are oh so fleeting

the daily grind
can grind you down

and your love like dust
plays a duet

-with the wind
just outside your reach
 Jan 2016 Mariana Nolasco
In my journey
       there was you.
the unknowable item
    or the unforeseen someone.

I've always knew you were there.
watching, listening in the far corner.

You're the darkness I tried to lighten up.
No matter how much I tried to fuel up
I came out, almost dried up.

You needed help,
I needed help,
we are both, lost soul.


a little light will be okay...
Ah, could I lay me down in this long grass
And close my eyes, and let the quiet wind
Blow over me—I am so tired, so tired
Of passing pleasant places!  All my life,
Following Care along the dusty road,
Have I looked back at loveliness and sighed;
Yet at my hand an unrelenting hand
Tugged ever, and I passed.  All my life long
Over my shoulder have I looked at peace;
And now I fain would lie in this long grass
And close my eyes.
                   Yet onward!
                               Cat birds call
Through the long afternoon, and creeks at dusk
Are guttural.  Whip-poor-wills wake and cry,
Drawing the twilight close about their throats.
Only my heart makes answer.  Eager vines
Go up the rocks and wait; flushed apple-trees
Pause in their dance and break the ring for me;
Dim, shady wood-roads, redolent of fern
And bayberry, that through sweet bevies thread
Of round-faced roses, pink and petulant,
Look back and beckon ere they disappear.
Only my heart, only my heart responds.
Yet, ah, my path is sweet on either side
All through the dragging day,—sharp underfoot
And hot, and like dead mist the dry dust hangs—
But far, oh, far as passionate eye can reach,
And long, ah, long as rapturous eye can cling,
The world is mine: blue hill, still silver lake,
Broad field, bright flower, and the long white road
A gateless garden, and an open path:
My feet to follow, and my heart to hold.
 Jan 2016 Mariana Nolasco
the wind blows where it chooses
fanning embers to flame
and your memory haunts my heart

my mind twists on its axis
all out of shape
as my body soaks up the years

everyone claims time as their healer
but time here is no more
a friend, or a lover

indelible and undeniable
this consuming fire
rages wild, and wilder.
At the rise of the white moon,
our father speaks to us;
so let your dreams run free.

In the hours of the night
when you lie fast asleep,
let those dreams run free.

There is time in the sun,
where you and I run,
so stay patient, darling.

For the same love that draws
the white moon toward us,
will also draw us home.

Beneath beautiful rainbows
and high flying eagles,
we wait for perfections,

holding your hand in mine
we walk and we listen
waiting for song and pictures

The red fires of sunrise,
and the circle of scars,
and precious oaths I sing

Enclosed inside our dreams,
laughters and yellow memories
we kept the pictures of

                                       you and me.
She wrote down her thoughts
More than she said them
The paper was her confidante
And her mouth the pen.

She wrote in prose and rhymes
In words of grief and pain
Sadness was her mother tongue
And joy her only bane.

She wrote down the cruelty
Of love and of art
She fed on broken promises
That gave her a shattered heart.
Broaden my soul, keep me dreaming,
enable my soul to do good, infinitely, forever.
Speak over the barriers,then let me celebrate
in the halls of your power and song.

Let me be taken underneath
a thousand more colors of peace,
teach my soul and knit wisdom into me,
  make me whole.

Keep me in love with you,
take away my blindness,
clear the soul scars,
open the mirrors of yesterday no more.

Dry out the pain in my heart,
let me not stare in fear,
or wander, teach me, uplift me,
be my star in the sky.

Lord, remove my enemies,
appoint your strong angels
against them,
for they are many who seek
to destroy.

I am yours, think of me

always, blend my soul with your
breath and beloved music and song.

Keep me as long as the Earth endures.

          I love you.
Love prayer
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