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Stagger Lee Jun 2018
I wished upon a star and I gazed upon her face,
for a moment I went numb,
for a moment I went deaf,
the cliché is true,
love is defiantly blind,
it's ruthless,
it's unpredictable,
and it wreaks havoc in our souls,

love is the ruler of my mind,
my heart is like a helpless slave,
I carry chains of hopeless passion,
love is my never ending hunger,
love is the most important thing of all,
without love I'm nothing but a king of my internal abyss,
nothing compares to the compassionate warmth of another,
loving someone from scratch is like creating a beautiful painting,
when your glittering auras dance in the beautiful moonlight,
when you see past each other's eyes you can feel the sparks fly,
In that very moment everything's perfect,

she made my whole world stop,
like being frozen in time,
like traveling to another dimension,
She rearranged the cosmos,
I gave her all I could give,
I gave her all of me,
but just like the sands of time,
love forever escapes my grip,
if I ever find my twin flame,
she'll be all that I want,
for all I'll ever truly need is my one true love
Stagger Lee Jun 2018
Just like everything else she goes away in the end,
there's no such thing as special,
it's all just the false spectrum of our perceivable desires,
liberty's eyes of unappeasable bliss maniacally stabbed out,
everything is nothing,
and nothing doesn't exist,
In the unforgivable end I'm always alone,
I live for your romance, but my love lets me starve,
loves unstable walls of unbridled lust,
The ****** weeping angels of pride,
classical war zones of ridiculed misery,
the devils mine of fraudulent consciousness,
starkness clouds of fictitious reality,
life's a dangerous game, humanities humble begrudging essence,
all for one and none for all,
our world's gone mad,
all lives taking part in the hollow pit of it's permanent nothingness,
it's a sad sad world
Love, life, meaning, romance, death, pain, poem, alone, lust, pride, misery, consciousness, humanity,
Stagger Lee Jun 2018
Succulent hate and misconceived trees of sorrow,
living under the devils tombstone of love,
rattling my subsequent bones of decay,
on my knees begging to be saved,
witnessing cains ******,
whipping gods eyes,
throw the feedbag on the horses face,
gorging the lies,
galaxies spark strange atomic waste,
suffocating the creator,
starving the witch,
branding the third eye,
searing flesh of goblins
distorted cries,
screams of freedom,
screeching violins play in Lucifers den,
ancient prognosticated scriptures of evil tribes,
frivolous hope crushed again by temptation,
reaching for the forbidden fruit,
love always just out of my grasp,
laughing and mocking my desperate tries,
my crippled desire burns to death right in front of my eyes,
helpless crushing weight from the chains of despair,
cage my raging savage endearments,
destroy me, my tortured love
Stagger Lee Jun 2018
Tired of living in a false paradise of consumption,
suffering everyday our labored prostitution,
trade in your hours for a handful of scraps,
smile while your master puts the cigar out on your back,
this is the workers symphony,
aching joints, aching psyche,
smothered in whiskey to **** the pain,
our autonomous freedom we'll never regain,
slave till you die, laugh till it hurts, your meaning in life, to merely survive,
collect your checks week after week, creative minds stomped out, just smile and drink,
be a good slave except your fate,
it's just the way it is boy get back in your place,
we gravel in dispair, they spit in our face,
we waste our lives away,
on our hands and knees but we just smile and drink,
thinking about breaking these chains,
it's punishable by law,
authority laughs when you die slow for your keep,
with your eyes wide shut,
don't wake your slumber,  
it's all a bad dream,
just go back to sleep,
and forget life's blunder
Stagger Lee Jun 2018
Shackles of my eternal prison,
the chains I bear are translucent,
it doesn't really matter what I do,
life is a dice game,
my dice are loaded,
I sit back and think about my past and my future,
I can't figure out my internal plight,
why am I treated like this,
I'm a whimpering dog in the cold steel night,
tossed aside and forgotten,
my candlelight sussed out,
confines of my being don't really have much meaning,
tried to find my way,
love cut me down,
my pursuit of life,
executed on sight,
my bloodthirsty hell
the fire of passion raging inside,
extinguished by my hunger,
my famine of love,
everything's broken,
my paper mache soul,
a smashed porcelain doll,
my whitering heart,
a slave to my shattered devotion,
sentenced to a life of hard labored desire,
a quivering caste system of worship,
nothing but dust in the end,
the stars cry for me,
I had all I ever needed,
I had her,
now she's gone,
I'll find solace in death, empty living, nothing left
Stagger Lee Jun 2018
Brisk lies of torment shake the foundation of time,
I'm breathing stale led air through the jesters tortured soul,
the darkness surrounds me under the murderers stone,
creations of decieved conceptual evil,
the marionette master of toiled deviation,
a songbirds symphony of infinite pain,
cast iron crown of peasantry nailed to my head,
brainless maggots of dead religions call to the sky,
the underworld answers, heathens of insanity cry, nothing truly exists, perceive your mind, one last breath, it's time to die
Stagger Lee Jun 2018
Unimaginable understanding of our cosmic reality,
our job in life is to seek crippling fatality, hostile universe enforced in suffering,
our primitive minds incredulously wondering,
the purpose of existence,
the perpetual question,
there's no rhyme there's no reason,
our misguided fears,
our self conscious treason,
we cry, we live, we die, we dig,
lives wasted toiling, masters thrive,
our planet broiling,
what is the path we take?
the people rise, the power crushed,
the sleeping will wake,
we must fix mans mistake,
open your crying eyes,
wake up and see for yourself,
the false prophets of life,
the living dead, our worthless wealth, 
death smiles as ignorance leans,
it's time for change,
all your existence disguised,
is not at all what it seems
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