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 Jun 2014 TheAshes
4 am
 Jun 2014 TheAshes
You ended something we never were, that you never gave us the chance to become,
And now it's 4 am and I'm writing poems for you over my third glass of wine,
And I am still in love with you.
 Jun 2014 TheAshes
I hate the way you compliment me
And turn around and compliment her.
I hate the way you say I'm the one for you,
but turn around and hold her close.
I hate the way I fell for you
And you fell for her.
I hate the way we go forever without talking,
while you are talking to her.
I hate the way you say you're over her,
but you're still with her.
I hate the way I love you.
This *****. I had made this last night out of a pit of sadness and rage. Decided to post it because I can.
 Dec 2013 TheAshes
Allen Wilbert

I wondered that one day,
what words I might say.
An event so catastrophic,
I became so hypnotic.
Never saw anything like this,
not something you'd wanna miss.
A phenomenon like no other,
not sure I'd ever recover.
Not something easily explained,
not a soul could be blamed.
People just stopped to stare,
something was just in the air.
These things only happen to someone else,
no words could ever try to express.
A drama turned disaster,
hair turned white as plaster.
Life flashing before the eyes,
stomach filled with butterflies.
As the world stood silently still,
you could feel a bitter chill.
No one knows how or why,
never got to say good-bye.
Everyone in a sudden awe,
felt like an episode of Monday Night Raw.
No one knows exactly what happened,
everyone felt so lost and abandoned.
People couldn't take eyes off the news,
was this real or just a ruse.
Hiding tears with sunglasses,
was billions of the masses.
Possibly the darkest day in history,
everyone had their own theory.
Sometimes you just never know,
there's an ending to every great show.
Mine ended on that fateful night,
no more words left to write.
No one ever saw it coming,
peoples hearts were rapidly pumping.
I went to sleep and never woke up,
filled with sorrow was everyone's cup.
As the world began to mourn,
one day I will be reborn.
Death feels like a hypnotic trance,
I'll return for a second chance.
As I look down from the clouds,
I watch over all the saddened crowds.
Unlike Jesus, I shall return,
still a lot of life left to learn.
 Dec 2013 TheAshes
 Dec 2013 TheAshes
"our existence is fractured"

his quite whispers in my ear pierce the silence that has enclosed my entire body.
my heart, a beating time bomb, slowly cracks and shatters, waiting to burst.
the sea foam walls encase us
and I
 Dec 2013 TheAshes
A romantic believes in six senses
Taste, touch, hearing, sight, and smell
So they know the smell of a rose
And touch, a warmth in the cold
Hearing, a voice soothing in any pitch
Taste, a kiss
Sight, a beauty that may just last the ages
All of these can be between any two and perish at the end of one
But the sixth is not physical
It is not *** but passion
Not human but soul
Not relationship but transcending
It is not borrowed or bought or born but found
It is love existing and unexplainable
There at once and always
Beyond mere ashes and dust
 Dec 2013 TheAshes
Isobel G
This pain is not new,
Not different,
Just stronger,
More threatening,
It's like glass,
Mapping out my insides,
Leaving wounds,
That will surely remain forever,
It's tearing me apart
©Nicola-Isobel H.      18.11.2011
 Dec 2013 TheAshes
L Curley
 Dec 2013 TheAshes
L Curley
I wish that pain dried up
Like puddles left by summer showers
 Dec 2013 TheAshes
Arianna Gomez
And (I) read your three a.m. texts
About why you’re sad all the time
And how you don’t find happiness in anything
That you (do) anymore
And how you wish it would (all) go back
To the way things were
(Because) you’re tired of being tired
And lonely, so lonely, you confess
Because (I) am the only one who will listen
You need someone that will (love) you
As much as (you) love them
(But) she broke your heart
And five months later,
(You) are trying to put yourself back together
You (don’t) think you’ll love someone like that again
Because you don’t want to risk (it)
This is what you tell me, at three a.m.
When your sleepy words that you keep locked in the depths
Float to the surface of your mind
For anyone to hear if they are willing to listen
And it seems
(I am) the only one willing
(Waiting for you)

— The End —