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E Jul 2020
The sky is bluer than I've ever seen it before
The grass is green as emerald
I don't have any words to describe this place
Just that it is ethereal

Blue, green

Mark Toney Dec 2019
Whoa, man!
7/14/2018 - Poetry form: Footle - Copyright © Mark Toney | Year Posted 2018
Connor May 2019
He knows how to tear me apart,
His demanding tone, his eyes of fire,
His skilled fingers, his vicious mouth.

All are instruments of delectable
Torture, made to force me into
Submission, to cater to his every whim.

I have gotten onto my back, as per his request;
The sound of his controlled breathing, and soft
Commands is arousing.

So badly is my desire to submit,
Yet I find myself wanting to
Be naughty. So I do.

My desperation for more of
His mouth causes me to get
Punished; I lose what I crave the most.

Though I know he will not drift
Lower than my belt, I still find my
Stomach clenching when his fingers wander.

The euphoria from his mouth
On my skin, biting me, bruising me,
Is that which I've never experienced.

The sensation of his lips on my
Chest, suckling ferociously, bursting
Blood vessels, marking me... is exhilarating.

The delightful pain from those
Marks remind me that
I am all his.

His eyes, looking into his eyes, is like
Staring into the clearest snow-globe: my eyes will
Linger, wonder, wander, search.

His steady glance is all it truly takes
For me to fall apart, though his words,
Whether they are of sunlight or of flames...

Consume me entirely.
For my boyfriend Cy.
Felix Dreams Oct 2017
I'm crazy..
Yes it took me a long time to figure it out because I never asked for help.  Usually people confined into me, I tell them what they need to hear and "****" they back in full function mode.  Until one day, I realized it was me, me stuck inside my own head thinking everyone else was crazy, tis was me!!!  
My love is crazy..
So crazy that it seems toooo real to be true.  Ever kiss and touch can stroke my chords but disappear by a crazy thoughts.  Crazy thoughts that would make me believe that you wasn't in crazy love with me because I wasn't too sane for you but in all reality you believe in me.  I'm just too crazy to comprehend the obvious.
MY Problem
Asking for help when my posture  is screaming for a hug but denying ever one because my slight moment of happiness my be a for day to attack my parade.
Leigh Jun 2017
every time you touch me
microscopic gunpowder explosions materialize
all over my defenseless body
balled up in my chest and spread over the surface of my skin
jittering like static shocks through my stomach and legs
i'm pulled toward you by a force so painfully strong
my face toward yours
my body toward your body
that my mind needs to tighten the reign it has on my mustang heart

                                                  i wonder what my touch does to you?
Brett Palmero Jun 2016
The Universe, an ever expanding space
It has its own will, its own way
Never to be comprehended by mere mortals,
Light has not reached its edges
Nor will it ever, for it never stops growing
An adventure in waiting, a calamity yet to be
We watch and wait
Insignificant to the being before us
Our thoughts, our being, our home
Essen May 2016
A fourth hail to the Pudding Factory
The owls' communion speaks of
Broken glass in the treehouse

Life amidst the burning bush is one of
Eating bark, like the salamanders from Labrador

Remember to bury lost socks
And build your tower of soap

For Autumn comes too quick here
And Summer speaks of the hungry bear

A fourth hail to the Pudding Factory
A fourth hail to you
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