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Viseract May 2016
"Are you human?"
"Do humans breathe if they're dead?"
"There's your answer".

I'm dead inside, my heart still beats
My presence gives people the creeps
I didn't mean to be this way
I'm the reason people stay away

And lay awake at night
Shivering, eyes wide with fright
I'm the reason people starve
And I'm the reason people fight!

I'm the dark surrounding the tunnel
The ever-present majority of the funnel
Stray off the path and you'll find me
And be as bad and ****** as me!

I'm the shadow through the woods
I'm the figure in the hood
I'm the violence you can't resist
I'm the reason depression persists!

I'm the dead that's breathing
I'm the pain you're bleeding
I'm the undead surrounding you
I'm the demon inside of you

So when you ask "are you human"?
You know now what the answer is
I'm the one to blame for all
The hatred and the pain
Not about me, obviously
Big Virge May 2016
Does The Sight of My Hair ... ?    
Make You ... STARE ... ???  
If Your Answer Is ... " Yeah "...    
Do You Think That's Fair ... ?    
Do You Think I'm MUSLIM ... ?!?    
Does It Make You Feel SCARED ... !?!    
Does It Make It Worse If I Start To GLARE ... ?    
Your Attitude's Are Simply RUDE ... !!!    
Just Because of ... " TV News " ...    
Or Because of ... TAINTED Views ...    
Have You People Got NO CLUE ... ???    
How I Look ... Is NOT Your Proof ... !!!    
That I'm From The ... " TERROR School " ... !!!    
Or A Man Who Carries TOOLS ...    
Like An AXE But Some Use That ... !!!    
Those Who Make RACIAL Attacks ... !!!    
That's A FACT ... !!!    
How'd You Feel About That ... ???    
Those Are Words I WON'T Retract ... !!!!!    
....... Anthony Walker ..... (RIP)    
REMEMBER His Name ... !!!    
Cos' His LAST Game ...    
Was Feeling PAIN ... !!!!!!!!!    
Whilst The Blood ....    
Ran From ... His BRAIN ...................    
Now His Fam' Must Take The Strain ... !!!!!!    
Because of These ... SICK Racist Games ... !!!!!    
These Are Times of WICKEDNESS ... !!!!!!    
Because of Hair Or Style of Dress ... ???    
Right Now We Are In A MESS ... !!!!!    
This Is NOT A Driving Test ... !!!!!    
Loss Of Life CANNOT Be Right ... !!!!!...    
When It Comes To ... Petty FIGHTS ...    
People Look WITHOUT Their Eyes ... !!!!!    
Then Wonder Why Some Blacks Try ...    
To Take From Them To Live Their Life ...    
May Well Result In More Attacks ...    
That's NOT GOOD ... !!!!!!    
You DON'T WANT THAT ... !!!!!!    
Blacks These Days ...  
May Just FIGHT BACK ... !?!?!    
REJECT Your Pride ... !!!    
Because This Goes Out To EVERYONE ... !!!!!!    
White or Black And Yes Asian ...    
" IMAGINE....... "    
Walking Down A Street ...    
With Your Girl And Your Baby ...    
Then OH OH ...    
What Do You See ... ?    
Some Young Blacks ...
Across The Street ...    
Then They Start To ...    
... " Make Their Move "...    
Here They Come ...    
Approaching YOU ... !!!    
Do You Try To ... " Play It Cool " ...    
When They Start To HURL ABUSE ... !!!    
You Want To Go Before They BLOW ... !!!!!    
But TOO LATE A Gun's Now Shown ... !!!    
Then You See TWO Bullet Holes ... !!!    
NOT In YOU ...    
But In The Heads of YES ... " These Two "...    
Your Girl And Child Now This Leaves YOU ... !!!    
When You Look For These Black Youth ...    
They Walk Away LAUGHING At You ... !!!!!    
You Want Them DEAD Oh YES It's TRUE ... !!!!!!
Am I Getting Through To You ... ???    
RECOGNISE .....    
This Is THE TRUTH ... !!!    
These Are Things ...    
We Blacks Go Through ...    
DON'T FORGET Young Stephen Lawrence ... !!!    
All This HATRED Defines NONSENSE ... !!!!!    
Anthony Walker Has Now GONE ...    
LEAVING ALL OF HIS ... " Loved Ones "... !!!    
While These KILLERS Have FREEDOM ... ?!?!?    
Do You Get The Point of This ...    
RACISM Is DANGEROUS ... !!!!!!!!!    
For ALL OF US NOT JUST Black Kids .... !!!!!!!    
DON'T Presume And DON'T Pre - Judge ...    
SHUN This ................................................................ HATRED ...............    
Show MORE LOVE ... !!!!!    
Do This Thing ... STOP THESE Killings ... !!!    
This Is All A Part of Life ...    
And PAIN and STRIFE ...    
Even YES These Racist Fights ...    
But Ladies and Gents ...    
Use Your COMMON SENSE ... !!!    
Put This Question In Your Mind ...    
When All's Said And Done .....    
" Are These Things Right ? ? ? "......
Sadly, as relevant a piece now, as when it was written ... I face and deal with the looks and stares and judgements whenever i'm in public, to this day. All I can ask is that you, Don't do a Trump, and dismiss this stuff .... !!! As the poem asks of you, just put yourself in a situation, and, hypothetical as it is, think on being a victim of racism ...... Stop the division and embrace UNITY & LOVE .....
Randy Johnson May 2016
I've been shot and my life is about to end.
I took a bullet to save my wife from her ex-boyfriend.
He regards her as a piece of his property.
What he intended to happen to her, happened to me.
The cops just arrested him and took him away.
He's a violent and crazy man and now he will pay.
I love my wife more than life itself and without her, I wouldn't have wanted to go on.
I don't regret taking the bullet for her even though I'll soon be gone.
She's holding my hand and she's crying.
It's tearing her apart because I'm dying.
Everything is getting dark and I feel so cold, I can hear the angels calling on me.
I regret that I'm going to lose the love of my life but one day she and I will be together for eternity.
Viseract May 2016
My anger is like a demonic possession
I have no control over this powerful obsession
How often I compare myself to fire, when sometimes I am ice... and vice versa
Grey May 2016
You look me in the eyes and spit,
          And I kick dust on the wet spot on the ground.
This is how we are, a conversation; you never cared to call me something like my name.
           I never cared to see you in any way but under my boot with blood on your teeth.
               There is no moon above us, even when the sun’s gone to hide at the nearest bar.
This is not a war that can be won with pickets and strikes.
The only way to end the battle
                                                Is that someone has to die.
        A standoff only ends when one is left standing, it’s the rules,
but you never did care for rules, and breaking is easier than bending.
               You never apologize and I never want to hear those words come out of your mouth.
            The sun’s gone to hide at the local bar and it drinks whiskey shots like water.
It has seen us fight.
            The moon doesn’t want to come out, stays tucked safe in its bed.
It has heard stories.
                         Only the stars act as referee, calling out which one of us died better.
            It’s all an act, a ******* contest, and you sure are good at wetting the ground.
                 I’m better at covering up where the bloodstains were,
                         stain chicken feathers red as the sunset, Please, I ask you,
Let him win one last time.

                               The hourglass broke, the sand mixing with the red clay,
And you claim to know that his time is up.
                 I claim to know that you’re a lying ******* who takes what isn’t his.
                        And you claim that I’m just a child,
                                           but children don’t know why their knuckles are
                                           and children don’t get why their jaws hurt
                                           and children only bleed when summer is restless
                                           and children never pull real guns anyway.
          You brought a knife to a gunfight,
                 a gun to face the firing squad, a one child firing squad,
                    knees stuck together with blood and chicken feathers.

Please, you ask me,
Let me win one last time.

                     And I learn that breaking is easier than bending;
And I learn how my name sounds on your lips.
SAM May 2016
I look at her, waiting for her to say something.
her voice is a sound I crave, loving it when she screams.
I loved her tongue, which used to belong to me, it tasted like
red candy apples, the ones you get at a carnival.
the cinnamon would claw at the back of my throat, but I didn't care
I couldn't get enough.
your eyes are light, almost too light, blindingly so
where mine are dark, like the other side of the moon.
and how ironic is it that the universe would have us collide?
I huff
what? she says.
I notice her eyes are starting to lose their color
pale blue fading to grey, the color of a corpse.
I speak
leaving your body covered in marks.
I didn't mean to cut you, to make you bleed, to cause you pain
but I have a bad habit of destroying things are are not mine.
now your covered in red clay, I've painted you copper.
she speaks
don't leave I say, my hand extending forward
I burn her, but didn't mean to
the monster in my heart did that, not me
she screams from the touch
I should feel remorse but how can I when her scream sounds so lovely?
I can't bring myself to explain
she turns away, but I don't want her to go
please, save me I plead
She doesn't turn to face me again but I know
her eyes are white now, purer than the color of bone.
she leaves anyway
leaving me alone with her fading presence still lingering in the room,
enough to form a memory to bind her to.
she's might be gone but in my mind, she is there
with the others,
treasures I keep close.
I place her wings in my trophy case.
Viseract May 2016
Restricting your airway
Throw you down the stairway
Violence made my mind break
Oh wait!

You think you can escape?
Leave me after you played your game?
The silence was a mind-****
And now you try to escape?

Why the **** are you doing this to me
Am I your ******* experiment?
Just another play-toy, just another boy
Only this time this one rises with the decision to destroy

Why'd you **** me over like this?
What I did wasn't this bad
I become obsessed, it's true

Yet I still want to talk, God knows why
When clearly you've made up your mind now I gotta decide
Whether or not to fade away, turn to grey
The mist through the hills on a cold and rainy day

Or stick around and get ****** over more
I demand answers, I need some ******* answers
I have too many questions and I never was a dancer!

So stop waltzing with my conscious around this God-forsaken floor
Find a better one, a cleaner one, before I'm missing you when I destroy it all
**** this stupid little game... I need to talk to her. she's ******* me off. We need to talk one. Last. Time. Before I totally lose my ****
A hot summer day, the roar of police sirens and
a lifeless body, cold blood evaporating on the pavement....
Naomi Chevalier May 2016
The sound of the heart
The steady drum that determines the time and rhythm of our life
This heart is a token of our life that we all possess
It sends life blood, shooting through arteries and streaming inside our veins
This persistent *beat
beat beat
determines whether we live or are considered dead
If we are all moved by this immensely powerful *****
That beats for life
and what could be,
Why do we insist on treating one another less than our equal
This hearts that beats cries for what we all want acceptance and love...
If we want to initiate change we need to have a discussion
But after feeling pride that we CAN recognize that there needs to be change and doing nothing for the injustices we see
We need to decide how much of our heart are we willing to give to another
to make this change happen
We will find that we cannot give what we do not have, and in order to have, we must give away

We are all here... and we are all born with the inalienable right to be loved, and to love. It is our choices that take away the freedom of others and ourselves. We must make choices that benefit, more than just ourselves, but ones that help other people be their most capable and confident.
We need to love
L Seagull May 2016
Old man soaked in his *****
Dripping down his pants
Down the flight of stairs
His stare blurry
Past the point of no return, past his dignity
Drowned humanity
Went down with his only little
baby girl now a mother
Not any more
Slain by the hand of her children's father...
I played with them
She was kind and pretty
He was a brute
Shallow and dangerous...

I never saw them again
Kids stayed with the dad
Old man needed his space to fall apart
Police didn't play the part
I am still sick only thinking about
What life some people have to face

You're asking why the comfort doesn't
Keep away the angst?
They're still with me
Memories of all the broken people
I had a chance to meet
They never fade
That memory composed my purpose
Without it I don't exist at all
Just some childhood memories that made me chose my path in life. I am getting a bit crazed being out of work for a couple of months
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