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Hannah Duffin May 2014
I am skin muscle bone
I am arm leg neck breast
I am hands that trace patterns on your skin
and lips that kiss your arm leg neck breast
I kiss you
You kiss me
If this is all we are, why are we so passionate?
I am heart love soul spirit breathing
I am eyes ears thoughts whispers
I am caresses passion tears laughter
I kiss you because I feel this all in you
You kiss me
Wendell A Brown May 2014
Ride with me where the stars are
Touch port upon the moon
Stretch out into the Milky Way
And in love please fall very soon

Let’s sprinkle dearest into your eyes
The stars that share our night
As we journey into the darkness
So we may use them as our light

Let’s cast aside our dreams tonight
And give life to the products of our thoughts
Let’s make the time become so right
For these sincere moments we have caught

Let’s feel the love that’s brighter
And much higher than the stars
Let’s ride beams up to the heavens
Up past where the angels are

Let’s ride to where sweet heaven begins
And in love let’s fall very soon
And stretch out into the Milky Way
On our love ride beyond the moon.
Written in 1977 April - May  two weeks after meeting my wife to be!
Miss Johansen Mar 2014
You lied to me, You pretended
You used me, You forced me
You knew my story, and about my broken heart
That didnt change anything, but why would it matter,
   for someone so heartless
After everything, you leave me with nothing  but a broken spirit

I am tired of trusting you

— The End —