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Roxana Feb 2021
I stared at your eyes as you poured into mine, together we were alone and alive, so full of love and all that is good but, yes there’s a but in every love story.

You stared at my eyes as I poured into yours, giving myself to you with no choice because I wanted to become one with you but, yes there’s a but in every love story.

Let’s recapitulate, recalculate, put it on pause and really meditate upon the events that transpired, because at first we were so wired, secretly in love at the wrong **** time, fire was burning and we were just learning, really understanding what was happening, but the thing is the moment wasn’t right, we tried to make it fit but it really didn’t sit well with the universe’s plan... whatever that is.

This is for you, to understand my truth. To understand and comprehend that I owe you my truth. I can’t stop thinking about you, and that’s the truth. I’m hoping the universe delivers on our love story, because you’re the only one I love unconditionally and truthfully, it’s kind of scary. Time is going on and I’m waiting for you, but truth is I’m getting worried it might not be you. Maybe I’m fantasizing about something untrue, but I’ll always keep a place for you in my heart, in case you come back and decide which path is the one for us because I trust you with my soul, and that’s the unconditional truth.

I am in love with the pain in your eyes, it has me regretting all these lies that were enmeshed all over, entangled with power struggles and manipulation, when all I really wanted was honesty and your affection. I know I didn’t show it and my actions weren’t always what I wanted to portray, but it is what I displayed and I’m left alone licking my own wounds until they scar while you’re somewhere far, it’s so bizarre, how we collided once upon a time and now you’re out there while I’m taking lime with my tequila to mask the pain...

I believed for so long that we were meant to be, but I can’t go on thinking it will be, for this hope has me holding onto you and I can’t cope knowing, and not knowing, what you are thinking. Sometimes I reminisce and think about our kiss, fireworks around us while I was your miss, full of love and passionate, you were definitely my favourite. My inspiration and the reason for my poems and ideas, can I get a subpoena and get you to come see me? Is that a possibility? Would you promise me the world like you did before or would you run away to even the score from when you once loved me and I did not, a regret I will not forget...

Through the ups and downs, the happiness, the sadness and the madness, we have failed to make it work. I used to go berserk when things didn’t work in my favour, for I would lurk just to feel close to you... but the time for endings has arrived and deep inside it feels like suicide but I will let it slide for I won’t be defeated or succumb to negativity, and at last go on with my life blissfully, for there is so much to live for and I believe in my core of cores that beautiful things await. For you, for me, and for all; just know I would give my all for one more talk with you, oh the things I would say, I always pray it happens and maybe one day we shall cross paths again, but this pain doesn’t make me want to gain another rendezvous with you, so I’ll just leave it be. You will always be in my heart but this is the part where I say, goodbye.
Frannie Feb 2021
Dear Morgan,

Hey Tink, I just want to be able to give you the world. I want to give you all of the opportunities I was never given. I want to hold you in my arms and protect you forever. I just want to see you smile every time I am in your presence. You, my dear are chosen, you are destined to be great. You will go on yo do incredible things, we just have to be strong and have patience. You are filled with such curiosity, creativity and compassion. My life before you was pretty simple, but life without you, I couldn’t imagine. I wish I could solve all of your problems before life throws them your way. But *** is impossible to avoid life’s obstacles so be sure to paint many rainbows for times when your skies are grey. Life is a balance of both good and bad and I witness this every day. I promise to always listen to you, even when I can’t take your pain away.


          P.S. Be Brave, Be Fearless, Take Risk
Frannie Feb 2021
From the moment I first heard your heart beat, I knew my life would be forever changed!

From the moment I felt your little flutters, I knew that our connection had been perfectly arranged!

The first time I held you in my arms I felt a love like never before.

The first time my eyes connected with yours I knew that my heart had been chanced at the core.

You have shared my life in many ways that I would have never imagined.

You have helped me to refocus my hopes and dreams by helping me find my passion.

From the start, I was a frightened young girl just waiting to conquer the world.

But you have taught me how to be brave and how to take on the world unfurled.

Sometimes it’s hard to believe that God trusted me with someone so precious and pure.

But with my life, I promise to love you, nurture you and keep you secure.
I‘m never scared of losing you
because whenever I can‘t find you,
I just look into my chest,
I open up my heart
and there you are.
you‘ve got the key
to the most precious ***** I carry,
and some emotions might vary,
but my love for you has no limit.
and once you entered my heart,
you will forever stay in it.

- gio
GothicWonderland Sep 2020
Dearest Flower,

I know you have suffered
that you suffer still
but know this
that I love you
no matter your name
no matter your pronouns
no matter your size
no matter your shape
you are you
and that is who
I fall in love with
every day
I love YOU
no matter how
you define yourself

Love your Boyfriend
Ashish Khurana Jun 2020
I can't love you partly
l can't love you in bits and pieces
I accept you completely
with all your virtues and vices

I don't like everything about you
but I have my flaws too
it's not about who is right or wrong
its about making our bond strong

beyond what we say or do
somewhere within me and you
is a beautiful and sacred shrine
where resides the ultimate divine
which connects your
soul to mine.
Love is Divine
In the world full of fake
I have you in my fate
Who surrounds me in my bad
The one by my side I always had
You are my smile you are my pain
You caught me when my eyes rain
You are with me unconditionally
Either I shout or I cry
You loved me...
I don't know why
U make my life special
Nd u r my only treasure
Mothers always stand by, no matter what...
Kimberly Rose May 2020
I gaze into your eyes to see
You no longer have that love for me
Your love felt so destined
I couldn’t see an end
You’re the one I want forever
It was supposed to be you and I together
I constantly reminisce how you’d call me your lady
Now I miss you so much I feel I’ve gone crazy
You’re always on my mind, regardless of what I do
I pray you never forget how much love I gave to you
Keiya Tasire Jan 2020
Dear Inquirer,

Thank you for your beautiful expressions.
Asking about opportunities and possibilities.

Love is full in my life.
Experience and expression flows from my heart
From the imperfect experiences
Expressing a desire for something more
To raise the vibrations of lower emotions
Discovering how to embrace a higher light.

I am blessed with a husband who is imperfect
He challenges me to grow within our love.
By understanding the underlying needs
Echoed through his imperfections.

These roots of our yearnings
Reveal a child neglected.
A child conditionally loved.
A child buried within the man
Who desires to give and receive love.  

Yet because of his imperfections
Expression can be awkward, at times.
His child who mirrors so perfectly
My own imperfect inner child.

Through the ups and downs
We agreed to keep a promise.
That no challenge, no issues
Will ever be more important
Than our hearts desire to
Learn and grow deeper in love.

So we journey together along the road.
We bump into our hurt feelings and misunderstandings...
The very opportunities within our garden
That bloom into greater wisdom and undying love.

Long ago when our love was young
It was necessary to put our pride aside.
As the fire of anger roared
He taught me how to open my  arms.

Together in an embrace.....
We breathe ....
Until the hammering stress subsides.......
Calming, cradling our pain.  

Together, in turn, we explore:
What do I need to understand, right now, in this moment?
What was my trigger? Who or what am I reacting to?
And the pieces of the puzzle fall together.
Our Promise remembered.
Our promise fulfilled, once more.

Over the years
Our wisdom and love grows
Knowing 90% of our anger
Is from our hurt and sadness, rooted in the past.
10% from our protective ego's, "How dare you!!"
Aimed at the teacher, my mirror, my love, my companion
Who is but keeping his role, very well.
As we bump into each other
To dance with the shadow within, each of us.
We step into the darkness with faith
To find our courage and embrace
Our lesson wisdom and Light.

Dear Inquirer,
I am grateful to be loved unconditionally
I wish for you this beautiful form
Of ever growing unconditional love and joy.
May it bring you adventures
Deep appreciation and a beautiful growing
Courageous love, in this lifetime.
Please, count me among the ones
Who hold this blessed prayer for you.

With Best Regards,
I respect the bravery it takes to reach across miles to someone to ask if there is an opportunity or a possibility of finding love together. This poem celebrates that bravery; plus is an answer that my life is full of love, challenges, growth, and expanding unconditional love. This poem ends with a prayer for the Inquirer to find his love and bliss too.
Nolan Patterson Dec 2019
Even when you are shattered
When nothing remains but shards of glass
Some people are willing to sweep you up
Gather you in a bucket
And slowly help glue you back together
That is unconditional love.

Even when the shards cut them
When everything you do seems to hurt them
They are still willing to keep help you
They work through their own pain
To help remediate yours
That is unconditional love

Even when it feels like you deserve nothing
When nothing and nobody seems to accept you
Those who love you welcome you with open arms
They surround you with their warmth
And continue to help you grow
Because that is unconditional love.
I know the rhythm in this isn't the greatest, but this sits strongly with me due to some recent events in my own life and I thought I should share how I see unconditional love.
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