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primordialgirl Jul 2022
There I was
I stood in the
Eternal Graveyard
Discarded melodies Long forgotten
Thought forms that could have been
Scattered across miles half buried
Broken bones
I wish this place
Was never born
in the face
But I said I'd keep going
Let this be
The time I come closest
I can't bare to see it
Happen again
Heidi Franke Jul 2022
The Illness

You spend exponentially
All services of every cell in your body
For years
To keep an ill one alive

Possible prolonged moments of happiness and hope
trickle in
Between the hospitalizations

Your spending is what you find out
He doesn’t trust.

What one finds out
Is ones unprepared-ness
My son wants to claim his life
For himself, to which could be his end or not.

Like the breaking egg, beak first
Or sunlight cracking through trees
Where light comes out and gives birth
With uneven decisions
Will I live?
And what IS living with a chronic diease like?

What he believes is not that he doesn’t trust you,
He just wants to trust himself.
What other choice in the insanity defense is there
That would be as human, then giving freedom of choice to him.
Illness Trust Paranoia
A feeling that you can never totally explain,
Often confusing, although it always remains,
Often changing, from soft to smooth, to moments,
Of going insane. A business venture, working,
For common long term, goals, those involved,
Must share, and accept, give and receive, while,
Often switching to different role’s, often seeking,
Solutions, from within the soul. A project that needs,
Constant team work, and repair, along the way,
Enjoyment, a caring nature, emotions, are more reward,
Than any monetary pay. From patience, to times of hurry,
On any day, dedication, determination, resolving,
Issues, accepting behavior, just a short list, if you want,
Love in your life to stay.

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 6/17/2022 AD
!:32 pm
Jack Jun 2022
Same wind, but in a different solitude
The petals of flame still withers
the previous battle wound still burn,
as soul of ****** seeks divine conviction,
Remain unforgiven,
Judgement for the judge,
May the last words remain to the end as a remedy for lost symphonies.
calm ocean with raging wave remain hidden,
remind me the beauty of sunset,
as I'm still alive and breathe,
for the past drift to the faraway island,
show me humanity can be save,
without mask and hidden daggers,
maybe one day,
we able to enjoy morning breeze,
without worry what's waiting in the mist.
Esther L Krenzin Jun 2022
armor donned
shielding the softness
displayed so openly
in the springtime haze
of youth
fear chokes trust
persuades us
that everyone
is hiding a knife up their sleeve
we package up our vulnerability
wrap our heart in bubble wrap
expecting each wound
to bleed a little less
but healing is impossible
in the absence
of oxygen.

Esther L. Krenzin.
I wanted to remind you
that I am never leaving you,
I want you every second of every day until the end of forever.
You are irreplaceable,
you are my everything and there isn't a second that goes by that you're not on my mind.
Ever since I first laid eyes on you,
you have become my entire world.

You’ve kept me alive for all these years. Now I’m ready for the forever with you.
Butterfly May 2022
Hidden behind nature,
hands form a wall against the fire.
Hey, guess who's back after almost two years! Im back with more trauma and ready to write about it<3
This poem is about a old friend who i always smoked with behind the bushes after art class
irinia May 2022
Faith is in you whenever you look
At a dewdrop or a floating leaf
And know that they are because they have to be.
Even if you close your eyes and dream up things
The world will remain as it has always been
And the leaf will be carried by the waters of the river.

You have faith also when you hurt your foot
Against a sharp rock and you know
That rocks are here to hurt our feet.
See the long shadow that is cast by the tree?
We and the flowers throw shadows on the earth.
What has no shadow has no strength to live.

By Czeslaw Milosz
Alyssa Underwood May 2022
Battered by idolatrous affections,
my soul cried out to Him whose love is true
to cleanse my wants and with His grace renew
my thoughts from toxicating past infections.
“Feast on My Word,” He said, “and you shall find
everything you need for restoration
in My promises of assured salvation—
deliverance for spirit, heart and mind.
When trusting Me, I’ll keep your soul in peace
and unfold joy as you learn to obey,
to follow Me upon Life’s Highest Way,
where burdens know My paramount release.
Through longings, losses, trials, sorrows, pains
My Word unleashes monumental gains.”
Cassius Moon May 2022
I have faith in you, and I know you have faith in me, and solely that is  what perpetuates my life.

To my guides, I love you.
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