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Wonder around with a broken Heart everyday
Give us back all the words that we have said
And all the dreams that are shared
The withered vine that traces life
Is but the crushing of the Soul

Once the Sun could shine
And the Roses bloomed in discussion
With the Rains sweet gift
Life was one long summers day

Wonder around with a broken Heart everyday
Can anyone be so cruel
Not to notice that this earth dies screaming
Please forgive broken love
For she is selfish in design
The Heart is but a figment of imagination - perhaps ?
feeling ALIVE,
as I Slip and slide,
and go on and glide!!
Be SMOOTH with it,
Go on and STRUT,
Keep on Stepping
You can't get enough
Feel the GROOVE!!
get up and move,
Musical sounds of CREATION!!
That helps to soothe
They say Music
soothe the
So, Jam along with us,
You don't have
You can't find
Just let the music
flow through you....
NOW, get up and MOVE!!!

Date: 03/3/2023
Aahana Dec 2024
It's 4:39 in the morning
I should've been asleep an eternity ago
But I decided to watch a movie
Or something to promote the smiths I think so
Jokes aside heaven knows I'm miserable now
Or I always have been
But the one thing i realised is
Maybe I really haven't experienced what heartbreak was?
Yeah i went through a breakup, but it's just not the same
Am I stupid to want a love that shatters me the moment it drops on the floor?
Would someone ever care about me like I'm a fragile little glass flower
Or would they always treat me like I'm just a plastic box, unbreakable.
Well it's my fault too, the way I take those beatings to my heart as they slowly breaks me up
But for once in my life, could I just get what I want?
Maybe it's all imagination, The term love
But coincidentally that's where I reside my imagination
With my dreams to get shattered like a bottle of old monk
I should probably head to sleep, cause it's 4:45 now
And I hope I return here before somebody completely breaks my heart.
Nat Lipstadt Nov 2024
~For, Inspired by,
Alyssa Holmes Underwood~

when your scalp is getting pretty thin,
and there’s not much room for a
feather in your cap,
along comes a message,
that a simple poem inspired one of our
to commence writing

and I am thunder-dumb-struck
by the piquet power of our
piquant words,
gaming each other to
reach for the pen
knowing only the When is Now,
no What or Why,
nor Wherefore  relevant,
just just just
urgent to compose
which comports
with that rapid higher heart rate,
confirming a burn of needy

and laugh hard @myself,
for nearly daily one of your writs,
provocative messages, pithy insights
to me, does exact that,
but that I could possess
that “influence”
never ever occurred to me

and I thank this human for
forging a great complementary,
this, is no spelling error unintended,
compliments be sweet,
but to be lucky enough to pass along
the incredible incredulous creation sensation
the sparkling sparking of
another’s human cells

is simply
The Greatest Complementary

two rightly angles pairing,
connecting by a tangential hypotenuse
and go to the rest of a sleep deep
with gratitude
for having lived this day
the Twentieth of November, a chilly, blustery day,
and it feels right, like a transition is incipient,
and welcome the  sensational sensation
that good is transferable
James Sep 2024
Spin and twirl on the floor
Let the music take you away
Dance like never before
Dance till the light of day

Let them cry outside
In here is your domain
Let them starve outside
Let them die of plague

In here you are safe
Out of eternity's reaching grasp
Away from the peasants' blame
You and the devil laugh

Then the front doors break
The mob swarms in with a crash
Your arms are bound in chains
Your safety burned to ash

You're kicked and dragged outside
A rope thrown around your neck
You can see the hate in their eyes
You can smell it on their breath

The starving mob, they cry
Calling for your death
Their chants reach up to the sky
"Eat the rich! Eat the rich! Eat the rich!"
Nat Lipstadt Jul 2018

you think you are done with it.
but the notion potion returns
with your stolen free will
taunting and tearing, sealing
and then dissolving
the seals

no retirement in this world
from where human means pliable
and pliable means capable of being
twisted; nay, retwisted...

last we left you,
we were weeping on the
concrete sidewalk of
Third Avenue, the police,
giving you a move on command,
as Jean Valjean earworms one into
the incapacity of movement  
because of the audacity to request
to bring him home

such is the sorrow of the lost child;
it comes with irregularity
yet, never failing to return,
the child lost, the residual, resides
within like a violin adagio reaching
the punishing silence
after a crescendo that  pretense
promised momentary relief

we struggle to keep any and all keepsakes,
polished and fed; rust and time,
no polish in the five & time dime
that does a good enough job,
but you buy it anyway

well aware that fate will inevitably
rob you, it’s so purposed

twist you, retest you and re-will you, to never forget until
you have no need for forgetting but the peace of
constant remembering when all on that day
molecules and nucleotides
collide in the atmosphere,
dog licking, cat weeping purrs, meaning hallelujah home

the endless sadness of the lost lad-ness,
dimly grow the recollections of the first word,
the first delight, the confidence complete
that your babe is non pareil;
the violin sweeps you along and the
genteel tide still too string strong to resist

the woman comes into the room;
the reddened eyes no hide
the weeping outside and in the centerpiece of a soul;
why she asks, not surprised for she’s seen it
too many **** poem-times:

my Adam, I answer;
suffices and wisely
leaves me to
compose and decompose simultaneously
weeping weeping forever weeping
even when not

furious eddies rock smashing,
curious they splash me with taunts
"you want for naught!"

but naught is the only possess
that owing it makes one impoverished

perhaps he will email me, ewail me,
does he know I am at the
Wailing Wall, Jerusalem,
insert parchment prayers for his safety

oh my Absalom, oh my Adam, my favorite first born,
come sit next to me on the sidewalk
so close to where you live,
comfort me as in the days of your youth,
now that we are both
so very much older

sleep well all you lads and children,
never mind these unstoppable tearings,
never mind the heaviness,
for it has passed
as the tears ~shed,
enlighten and lessen
my embodiment

7/16/18 prone and alone
for my kinship
Why was I so enamored as a young person
by the world I had found in addiction
and everything it encompassed;

The search, the climb
and the view from up high.
It was as a balm to my longing,
A salve to that infinite homesickness.

Why was I so enchanted as a young adult
by the moments we experienced
as companions of substance;

A breeze caught my sails
and I escaped the doldrums
of mundane existence, I knew
"Today is Yesterday's Tomorrow"
Last line is inscribed on the Morehead Planetarium Sundial.
hazem al jaber Mar 2024
The revolution of imagination...

I may not be able to keep you by my side...
and I don't have the strength to make you my destiny...
i have a heart that I will keep you in...

there is an exceptional relationship...
between you and me...
i can't find a name for i ...
but it is...
an irrevocable covenant...
it is  a revolution...
and a volcano of love ...

and i am so lucky...
that i don't have any wish...
because i just have you...
always inside my heart...

hazem al ...
Remember your true calling /
As the susurrant breeze wafts your epidermis /
And the platinum moon glistens /
Atop the clouded expanse of The Cimmerian Skies. /

Know The Transcendental One walks with you /
Forces unseen fight for thee, /
You are enclaved within the omnipresent mist, /
Of Jehovah God, The Most High. /

"But you are 'a chosen race, a royal priesthood, /
A holy nation, a people for special possession, /
That you should declare abroad the excellencies of the One who called you /
Out of darkness into his wonderful light.'" —1st Peter 2: 9 (NWTSE) /

Equip yourselves for your pilgrimage /
Doven divine Aether, /
For strength, wisdom, justice, love, /
Courage, beauty, & indefatigability. /

Your journey is yours & yours alone, /
Walk through the rain unafraid, /
Believe in The Light when Stygian Shadows fall, /
Cleave to The Cosmo-Plexus of Empyreal Love as you effloresce in The Light of The Sun. /

Your testimony is power, /
Your story is a shockwave pulsar through The Ages; /
Therefore, use your promenade down the experiential cascade /
To prepare your souls for eternity. /

(—Se' lah)
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