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Experiences can be beautiful, fun, uncomfortable, awkward and embarrassing at the same time.
It's not black or white and that's what life is - it's a mix of many colours.
I thought I could put you in a box
I was wrong
I thought I could work you out like math
I was wrong

I thought this was what you'd say
You said something else
I thought you were one way
You were another

But it was the same about me

I tried to put myself in a box
I tried to work myself out like math
But I'm more than that,
And I can't figure it out

I thought I was supposed to say this
But I should have said something else
I thought I was one way
But I was another

I tell myself that I don't know you
But I don't know me

And that is much worse.
Leia R Apr 2015
It's funny how we let
The people closest to us
Hurt us the most.

People who once
Meant the world to us
Have now drifted away.

C'est la vie.
Eyes closed, skies exposed
Reveal the glow above me
The slightest gleam, lightest beam
Unveils sunrise blushing.

The drip and drop, a grip that stops,
Slipping from the run;
Dream the shadow, scream the sorrow,
And stumble when you’re done.

Sway beneath the fraying wreath
Too wrought to reach the ending;
Perhaps your sleep, collapse the heap,
Will lift your soul ascending.

Deep in sorrow, reap tomorrow
The things you sow today;
Suffer, maybe, tough or shaky:
Faint, the sky seems grey.

— The End —