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Man Feb 10
As we enter and branch off
In & as each different stream of water,
Let us share flow equitably as pressure,
May no loose colmation of ignorance
Seperate us. To the maturity of our emotions
And to the equality of our intellect;
May we wash away
All the built up silt and dead rot,
Which if without purpose
Only exists as an obstacle
Toward greater understanding.
May we wind & wade not
Where we face arrest by impasses
But are found by oceans.
May we be worthy,
That we walk away
More than we entered.
Stephe Watson Aug 2018
The ****** plugged the culvert.
New growth, cut short.  Chewed short.
Grasses.  Mud.  Stones.
Branches and leaves and muck.
Roots from the far-below.

And this time.
A lotus flower.  Sprinkled in dirt.
But alabaster otherwise.
Atop the waterstop.
Brilliant as a clear mind.  White as an,
an as an an an anything overexposed to the point of

Bees in the rain.  Tending to purple
spires that no one planted.

A hawk in the birch again.
Green heron plummets toward the pond’s

Outdoor shower in thunder.  It calls.  She calls.

Poem ends.
For Sarah Noble
It is unfair
A barber's son should
Go with matted hair!

How come Ethiopia,
Africa's water tower,
Suffer for its crops
A timely reviving shower!
I am practising Taoist poetry give me a feedback
Focus on the Positive
but do not shun Negative.

Respect the Negative
by way of Positive reflection.

And, indeed, vice versa;
as if some twisted cosmic joke,
yin and yang shall interplay
e'ermore, ad infinitum.
'Vice versa:'
Latin; "the other way around."

'Ad infinitum:'
also Latin; "to infinity; forevermore."

— The End —