Beyond bread and wine
one year later, I step into this in awe of
The quest mark
symbol of the snake facing west or east
standing on the point that sets the plain
so much meaning, so little time.
that's mortality, not life.
quest marked.
a point made
whose horizon meets mine
vanishing point of no return
death may be that idea.
beyond that
which lie will you allow?
which lie called lie is illegal? Be lief being
thy will being done by you
on earth whether
or not.
Will you let the liears lie? Lying ears?
was re a son in this mad man's stutter static
tune to tomorrow nonono live for today nonono
die, or don't --do or die
some old guy just looked you in the eye
winked. "zero beat, and wait for the signal."
[a cameo by Radioman of Judging Angels and
Unmazing Grace game fame, after the silence]
Going with the flow, it seems sensible, a syl lable at at time. Sillables have somethimg to to with lips, if you twist the babble legend and bake it in a PIE.