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sunflower Aug 2018
I'd repeat the same song,
for how it reminds me of you.
Every bit of words,
takes me back to you.
Beats by beats,
this heart suffocates.
On how you broke me,
years ago.
For when you broke the heart of an emotional teenage girl (e.g. me) that very person will remember everything including words that came out of your mouth, precisely. Listening to sad love songs are their weakest point. Anyways, changes by xxxtentacion is so beautiful.

ㅡ n.s
Poetic T Oct 2017
Life is a suffocation,
            that doesn't let us breath

But I hope most  have  been able to  
                                                exhale a little..
Sarah Jun 2017
Today was going to be a good day
I promised myself this when I woke up
I thought maybe fake optimism and forced smiles will be enough this time
And I tried to hold my head high
But things fall apart
I felt the walls closing in on me
I searched for a window but there were none Water must have filled my lungs
Because I couldn’t breathe
And another promise was broken
A promise I made myself so
At least it wasn’t anyone that matters
People say there’s always tomorrow
But that’s hard to believe because
I don’t even see past tonight
Today was so long it felt like an eternity
Maybe it was an eternity
But an eternity spent alone is not one I want
Maybe that’s why my demons are so hard to fight off
Sometimes they pretend to care
Even though they don’t care
People don’t care
I don’t care
Actually I do care
A lot
It hurts that people don’t notice me
But it’s my fault for becoming invisible
Today was going to be a good day
Look how that turned out
Jordan Fischer Jul 2016
Avoiding positivity,
You feel like dirt,
So you decide to sweep yourself under the
Hiding and cowering described as
Self enlightenment

Trying to get relief from the immense pain
that suffocates daily,
You act out with a bandaid
The short relief, blessed relief.
However great it might feel,
Only distorts the reality of effectiveness.
Sudden relief mimics an intense high

It's time to understand that all
are fleeting.
Some cause more than they cover
Countless marks of addiction and desperation,
cover your skin
Come out from under the rug
It's time to heal

— The End —