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Ma Cherie May 2016
My Native American grandmother I hear you today
I see you in everything
The grass, the trees... the flowers, the sky the clouds
I feel you in everything that I do
In every word that I say
in all things that are meaningful
I trust you completely
I understand what you are trying to teach me

I see you in the river barefoot, catching fish and throwing them on the River Bank
No wanting for what you did not need
Never a complaint
Always kind, thoughtful and wise
With a true understanding and appreciation for all mankind
You would never judge another nor take anything for granted.

I finally feel the sun on my skin
And the breeze on my face
I feel strong and clear
a sharpness I have never known
For I have grown and I'm becoming aware of my spirit.

Thank you for the gift of life
for in me you live on
Thank you for connecting me to the great spirit Apistotoke...
and for an ability to try and share with others what has been shared with me.
Did not know her well...but I feel her every day.
buzz Jun 2014
What do you think we know
What do you think we see
Have you ever questioned life
And wonder what it could be

Have you study the number seven
And its significant means
What really are the heavens
Are they really what we read

What do you think you know
What do you think you see
Would you call me crazy
For not believing in duality

Is common sense so common
Are you the batman or the robin
Is it all a state of mind
Do you know the truth behind death or time

Have you ever been a witness
Or an abductee
Do you believe
Or are you that naive

I don't have to say it twice
The world is not what it seems
But the corruption is real
Control, ***, and greed

Until we realize we are more
Then a nine to five
It is then when
We are truly alive

But for now the artificial and corruption
Are destroying our true nature and keeping us down
While creating the most powerful evil of all

An ego-driven clown.

— The End —