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Matthew Rousseau Aug 2017
My eyes Crack like dried paper,
onto the desk at 4 am,
I'm not sure if my maker,
is a lion or a lamb,

Stuck between the present,
and the task at hand,
life is rarely pleasant,
when you can see through the sham,

I open the window, ash seeps in,
I can never duck get win,
Friends, my patience is wearing thin,
I know there's places I've been,

Not in the linear fashion of thought,
but inside the sky of my minds eye,

past, present future,
everything that can't be bought
Thanks for the read
- Matt
Lyn-Purcell Jul 2017
People spend money like water.
Especially the wealthy. As water flows downstream,
more comes in.
But for the poor, they live in a constant drought.
The sun is harsh for them so they labor hard to get by.
Until more gates open for the wealthy, they will
never know the value of a single drop...
Be grateful for what you have. Starting my life now, and my eyes are hit with the harshness of life. Its actually...quite terrifying
Autumn Shayse Jul 2017
I know what I did now,
I can understand it.
I know why you don't look at me now,
I can see it.
I know why we are broken now,
I can't fix it.

I can feel the gravity of grasping your heart
and pulling at it hard and fast;
reeling you in and turfing you out
unintentionally cruel.

People speak of heartbreak often; I am no exception
except this time,
it is me that is the cause
Funny how it takes hindsight to realise
how terrible humans can be to each other,
especially when they think
that they're acting
out of love.
I know i deserve to feel terrible for what I did to you, but I selfishly would like it to all work itself out now.

I'm sorry for what I put you through.
Elioinai Jul 2017
I look for you here
something in me longs to find myself
hidden in someone's sorrowful words
or adoring lines
I look for a mirror here
as my eyes wait for your name
I want to see myself in blazing colors
Poems from the eyes of another
But selfish never gives me happy
and I stare at my own too much
I'm choosing contentment instead
areadingwriter Jul 2017
sometimes i am a
relentless, untiring, wave that
ebbs and flows to the
shore, back and
forth, back and

but today i am
transforming and
evaporating from the
sea to the sky, yes, i
have surrendered and
turned myself into
a possessive sun.

kindness and
love are now my
rays that  i won't let
you kiss and have
anymore for
i am tired, tired, tired,

of going back
and forth, back
and forth without
receiving what i
always give.
Rianna Jul 2017
Sometimes it's heartbreaking
to look the woman
who gave me life
in the eye,
because I don't want this life
Getting personal
timestopper Jul 2017
I wore my three piece suit
combed my hair back
after wearing my wrist watch.
I had my phone book ready
to go to the neighborhood telephone,
500 meters away.
In 5 minutes I shall reach.
Here I am, at the phone booth.
Phone book opened,
quarters and dimes ready
spinning the dial, number by number.*

No answer.
All you had to do is swipe your finger on a screen.

Maybe it's I who's selfish
because I never stayed, to find out if you ever called back
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