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Kewayne Wadley Jul 2024
We reach for the last slice.
Fingers touch and eyes lock.
In a world with enough scarcity
In it, I've had my fill.
I've eaten until my heart's content and offer you the last slice.
It was yours from the beginning.
There was never anything to ask.
Before the dough was baked, before
the free pieces of sausage and
pepperoni rattle around the box.
There are certain things in life that we cannot hide.
Undeniable flavors that coax our tongue.
So take the last slice
and enjoy the last bite.
This is a hunger that goes beyond the physical.
Everytime I kiss you.
I'll remember how my tongue rattles
Around your mouth, the same way
Hundreds of items have been used
     For money over the course of history.
          Yet they cease being money when
               They cease being scarce, through
                    New technology, along with greed.
                         No tangible item has true scarcity
                         What we need is digital scarcity.
                    Digital content is usually easy to
               Replicate and therefore not scarce.
          So we need a system that is digital
     Yet also perfectly limited in supply
Bitcoin’s the digital scarce solution
You can see this poem on a background here -
Perfect Scarcity - Bitcoin Poem 095.  Number 024 in the Problems and Solutions series.  Inspired by Dante at Swan Bitcoin.  So many things used for money stopped being money when they stopped being scarce.
Carl D'Souza Nov 2021
My economics textbook says
resources, products, services are scarce
and should be distributed by market-relations:
those who can afford to pay money
get the resources, products, services
and those who cannot afford to pay money
do not get the resources, products, services;

But I think
my economics textbook
has a scarcity-mentality
which looks only to the short-term;

I think
the human aspiration
should be
over the longer-term
to strive with optimism to achieve
an abundance
of resources, products, services
distributed by market-relations and by any way
so that every person
can get enough to be happy.
Glenn Currier May 2020
Don’t brag about your good fortune in bad weather
unless you’re ready to hear how theirs is better
Glenn Currier Nov 2018
The last time I was sick
throwing up pints of ick
not once did I think of love
or anything above
that porcelain refuge
the object of my deluge.

Being sick focuses the brain
on the body’s strain
chains freedom to pity
makes one feel so bitty
all you can see is the floor to the ***
hoping you’ll be in time to squat.

Next morning when I hope it’s passed
questions arise in me to ask
what if this pause in my health
is no pause but a demise of the wealth
I’ve so long taken for granted
and I’ll be forever stuck and disenchanted.

Scarcity focuses the brain
like drought makes you ache for rain
or poverty narrows your sight
to the very next meal or bite
what you don’t have in hand
makes you do anything you can

makes you shout and sing
for that longed-for thing
you look hither and yon
for what seems so far gone.
Then you must work on relearning
to let go of sick yearning.
Written after a night and morning of the upchucks.  Writing this also brought reflections on some other things I've been thinking about lately.  Funny how poetry brings together seemingly disparate things.
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