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Jeremy Betts Jun 2023
There's all this talk around me about some profound we that's never found me
They taking a collective we?
One agreed on collectively but conveniently and continuously minus me
Is it the me, myself and I type we? Cause defining a trinity might not unveil anything holy
Or could they be referring to the we that turns to just me when things get a little bit heavy?
That kind of we?
Maybe they mean the we I'm supposed to automatically call family
Even though history will show them as a two faced enemy
Both ones I've picked or have befriended me, eventually it's contempathy from a frienemy
An uninterested we that hardly reciprocates the love that's expected to freely flow from me blindly
What baffles me still is this bloodline we that aren't even aware of me
Or they are aware just unwilling to add me to their we
Coldly my psyche reminds me, "you're nobody's somebody buddy, sorry."
Personally, I say let 'em swing from their positions above and beside me on the family tree
Unfortunately they will always be a part of the conversation when discussing this we
The good, the bad and the ugly represented by said we but projected on me
Now listen closely, I claim to have came to this conclusion organically

There is no we, only me

Nonsense spewed when angry but the me I try to hide visually, the one projecting he doesn't need a we
Cries out for somebody when times get lonely, lies and said I'm my only company
Cause I can not see the we that is meant to be, the we I thought was only a dream of a faded childhood memory
It's not only right in front of me but all around me and already a part of me
I had no idea this door even had a handle for entry with a keyhole much less a key
Apparently it was the skeleton type and had to be pulled out of me
Reality blends with fantasy in the best way, what else is there to say? I've found my we and another reason to be happy

Why did you stop breathing,
When I wanted you to have so many more breaths?
Why did you leave this world,
When there was so much experience within it that you had left?
Why do I have to live without you now,
When we got no time at all?
Why does it have to be so unfair?
Why can’t you come back once, or a thousand hundred times more?

Why did you die first,
When I am so much older?
Why couldn’t anyone do anything enough to save you?
Why did no one’s efforts work?
Why did you go from being healthy,
To unresuscitationable?

Why am I stuck here now,
Without ever being able to see you again?
What do you think about and do in heaven?
Do you think about me at all?

I’m sorry I wasn’t good enough.
If I could have had a second chance,
I’d do it all so much better.
I miss you more than you could know,
I love you and I never wanted to let you go.
In loving memory of my little brother <\3
Skylight Jun 2023
Have I ever... am I ever... will I ever be good enough?
How can I be good enough?
Why do I even want to be good enough?

My wins do not compare to my failures, much less to my mistakes...

My confidence hides my doubts.
My strength hides my weaknesses.
My smile hides my pain.
And my love... my love fades away.

One step at the time...
Falling and getting up...
Wishing and praying...
Dreaming and living...

Can I ever be good enough?
Will I ever be good enough?
Maybe some day.
But that day, is not today.
Anais Vionet May 2023
Thou hast my love and I desire thine.
Dost thou know or knowing, care?
I keep the nymph's lonely station.

But my impatience grows savage.

If thou carest not, my love,
the stars will keep their motion,
flowers will still need water,
I will learn stillness,
and the feeling will rust.
Carlo C Gomez Apr 2023
Today, my train of thought
Is a bit off track.
It's a dark and confusing smokestack.
You see, questions abound.
So buckle in as I go to town.

Which cider you on?
Apple or hard?
If a tree falls on a copier
And no one is around to see it,
Does it make a forest?
I'm rooting for yes; but quite unsure.

How many coins can a fountain hold?
I wish I knew.
Is Paul dead or the walrus?
Is Paul dead AND the walrus?
Coo coo ca choo.

What's the beef about red meat?
It fills but kills? It sells but fells?
Who knows!
The proof is in the pudding.
All other desserts are unsubstantiated,
I suppose.

If peanut butter leaves Los Angeles
Traveling east at 100 miles per hour,
And jelly leaves New York
Traveling west twice as fast,
Will they become a sandwich when they meet?
What a treat if they did.

Maybe one day these
Universal questions will be solved.
But for now, I'm quite dizzy
From all the lunacy involved.

Catch you later...
Mark Wanless Apr 2023
the answers we seek
are within as the questions
that form in our mind
Zywa Apr 2023
If only the little animal could
understand everything
no questions unanswered
when it dies

It does not live long enough
and flying is the time
of hundred wonderful times
of playing to die, the time

of asking again and again why
thus, this or that, and how
curiously cutting and pasting
knowledge, screaming

and throwing away angrily
lying down exhausted
and cry, but still
starting over once more

rearrange or discard
the half answers
and go looking
for new data

always ask another question
principally blind
full of confidence
that there will be an answer
Collection "I am"
Anon Mar 2023
If tears could speak would they be quiet whispers, barely audible? Or LOUD CRASHES with every splash on the skin?
Would they sing you a sad melody or tell a story to draw you in?

If tears could write would they tell of lost loved ones or simply a fight? Would they recall battles with others or just from within?

But, tears cannot speak, nor write, they simply fall. They create a path of their own choosing. Silently slipping down your face.  Yet they are so loud in your mind that you constantly wonder….
What if a tear could speak?
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