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Mythical May 2019
Inside this poetic mind of mine,
Lies a monster that's ticking time..

A monster who is being pushy,
Making me write everyday..

Even when I got nothing to share,
He whips his whip without care..

Making me bleed my words out,
Blood turns into ink...

Until I've come up with something new,
The monster will continue to torture me..
Amanda Kay Burke Apr 2018
Will you ever open your eyes and see
Past my skin and long brown hair?
I am beginning to think, "No"
Prove *** is not the reason you care.

You understand my thoughts so well
Own so much information about
My life you could ruin it
My dreams and you'll do it no doubt

I don't think the love you hold inside
Is the same love I feel in my heart
It is strange but I'm starting to think
It would be a good idea to part

I am finally fed up with
Pushy pressure and forceful remarks
Show some respect; give it a rest
Your hands behave like hungry sharks
Written a long time ago about a handsy boyfriend
spamming your email inbox
with messages that harass
none of them do you wish
to have on your receipt's pass

these sorts of communications
you haven't requested
though the pushy sender thinks
of them you'll be invested

do you ever recall asking
for bedeviling telegraph cables
to be jammed into your
receiving stables
Brent Kincaid Nov 2015
I’m going to solve my problems
By fixing you!
That sounds like the perfect thing
For me to do.
Life would be fine for me if you
Did not insist
On carrying on all the time and
Getting me ******.

You keep on ignoring me when I
Tell you what to do.
Everything would go just right.
It’s up to you.
Do what things like I tell you to
It’s best for you.
You never manage things as
Well as I do.

I’m amazingly organized and
You are not.
You haven’t the gift for it like
I have got.
You’d just mess things all up
For me to fix.
I’m not stupid, you know, I’m
Onto your tricks.

You get the wrong thing because
You did not hear
What I was saying went in and
Out of your ear.
Things always need to be done
A certain way.
And they would be if you would just
Recall all I say.

I swear I don’t know what you’d do
Without me.
You’d turn into some kind of major
Chaos factory.
We’re much better off if you just
Do as you’re told.
This petty bullheadedness is
Getting rather old.

Because all that is wrong with me
Is the stuff you do.
I would be a success story if it
Wasn’t for you.
You manage to ***** things up by
Not following rules.
Nothing would ever get built without
The proper tools.

But things will get better soon,
I promise you that,
Because a hot new slugger has come
Up to bat.
I’m taking over everything so
You just lean back.
In no time at all I’ll have your life
Right back on track.

— The End —