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A little boy plays by the river,
Slips on wet rock by the stream,
He scrapes his knee.

He cries from the pain,
But his buddies laugh it away.
And he becomes a man,
Because grow men don't cry, right?
An old piece but a good lesson. It's okay to let your tears go.
Bekah Halle Feb 12
We’re okay,
We’re alright.
Just hold on,
I don't want to fight.
Okay, alright,
I don't want to lose you
with all this might.
We’re okay,
We’re alright.
Hold on, don't lose sight
Of what we’ve had.
Its gonna be...
Okay and alright.
Malia Feb 12
I think it is a good day
I feel okay, and that’s all
I feel, no sense of greatness
Nor self-hatred, no free-fall.

I look into the mirror
No fear, just looking as I
Realize that I have acne
But it’s me and I feel fine.

Right now, I am just okay
But one day, I will appear
From silk and I will be her
From those words, so far but near.
tried an awdl gywydd today.
Rose blood red,
Pricked my finger,
Now the feeling's trapped in my head.

I think it felt okay,
But that's not okay,
I'll save my silly thoughts,
So you know I'm okay.
Really sad today, I don't know why.
Pack away smiles; just to save face
And if my face were a sketchpad,
You’d see me draw out this smile

Playing strength like the weight of a bass
Subtracting all I had, to make space to add
Still hating the math of the human race;
Running their lives in a pointless mile

he pretends to be, “okay”
if you say so, then okay.
Solace Dec 2024
there's a boy in my class who's sick
and his hair has already fallen out in chunks
and his eyebrows are thinning
and his skin has turned to flaking paper.

there's a boy in my class who's sick
and he doesn't come to school as often anymore
and though he used to be gifted, his grades have dropped
and his eyes are just two empty pools of water.

there's a boy in my class who's sick
and i wish i knew him more to offer comfort or aid
and decipher if that smile on his lips is fake or not
and tell him I care. because i do.

there's a boy in my class who's sick
and my cheeks used to flush whenever i saw him
and i used to write poems about his blonde locks
but i never confessed because it doesn't even matter anymore.

there's a boy in my class who's sick
and i worry that one day
i'll never see him again.
i wait to cross your path in the hallways
i wait to hear your laugh echoing across the room
i wait to see that A+ on your paper
because i'm scared that if i don't pay attention, you'll wander off and fade away
Kelly Hogan Oct 2024
Is everything okay?
     Everything is great! I had a great day, it's sunny outside, everyone is happy, I love life.

Is everything okay?
     I mean yeah, today was a good day, I got through it fine, it went quick and I learned new things.

Is everything okay?
     I think so, I don't remember anything not being okay...

Is everything okay?
    I don't know, I feel off, did I make a mistake? Did I say all the right things?

Is everything okay?
    Maybe not, is my cat feeling okay? Are my parents alright?

Is everything okay?
     No! I must've done something wrong, I bet everyone is mad at me. I'm lazy, I'm dumb, I can't do anything right!

"Hey, is everything okay?"
     "Oh yeah, totally fine, how about you?"
I don't know why this question repeats in my head when I'm having a good day. Sometimes it's too loud to ignore.
Ghxstcxt Aug 2024
I miss you every day
Your personality and your face
The way you'd greet me after being away
only momentarily
How you made me feel just after I wake
The weird ways you would lay
Your cheeky smile and how we would play
You changed my life in unquantifiable ways
Gave me a reason to make effort
and build on myself to be better
I hate how we parted in haste
Filled with hostility, upset, lacking grace
I replay it, and wish it was different
But I know it's something I can't change
And that's okay
Because I know you're doing well
Looking after yourself
Bringing joy to the world
Still being who you are with no filter
I keep your photos up to remember
I'll love you forever...
Jeremy Betts Jun 2024
I've stopped telling myself there's still a possibility it'll be okay
Mostly only because I've run out of things to say
That and I am tired of lying to myself everyday
There must be another way...
Either that or I just don't know how to play
What do the rules say?

Caleb Kyme Jun 2024
Went to California last week
My friends deserted me
And I was alone in the California desert
Broken heart and watery eyes

Then the sun smiled and said
It's okay
It's okay
It's okay to get a little lost sometimes

I went back and changed my name
I hoped they would not notice my problems
A fresh start in life is all I wanted
Forget all my problems in my diary

But she smiled and said
It's okay
It's okay
It's okay to get a little lost
Everyone gets lost sometimes
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