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My eyes burn Jun 2015
Your name,
Slips from sweat-soaked teeth
And plops onto my lap
You told me you hate your curls,
But I could wrap myself in them completely,
comfortable I can
Dance around on crumbs with a cigarette dangling from my lips where that bench used to be
And I dont sleep as well as I did with Him but
I could be more Me in one night than I ever would be with You
I can be me with you
I made bets on how long you would last and I'm still waiting to see if I'll win
But my stomach hurts from laughter and I forgot how this felt
Your stomach is covered with ink and I remind you of it with my nails
We have yet to sleep before 4am and I have yet to want to sleep before 3
I want to talk to you until I run out of breath
I want to listen to you until I no longer hear
Not a day after
And no sooner too
We both needed company,
and we have found each other
I was holding your hand in a dream
So everything left.
I wish for a smile that I cannot bring
To a face that has gone.

You asked me once why I would act
Like I do.
I only ever wanted to selfishly keep

You ran away like a sane person would
So I must ask what you would have said.

That table that day.
When you forgave me, and shook hands.
If I stayed longer, would we have
Understood each other a little?

Or would it end the same with a sad boy and a girl that he will always trust.
Just thinking out loud
Aline Kaze Apr 2015
1.  you're entire family will one day consist of just one person - yourself.  No one tells you this until after it happens. And when it does, everything that you thought you knew, doesn't make sense anymore.  No man is an island until he becomes one.

2. My dad used to say all of these really great things when I was a kid that I wish I could remember. I'll know my name when he calls it. I hope I will know.

3. Am I supposed to consider myself lucky because I'm a first generation? Because my ancestors weren't stolen and sold? Because my parents chose to come here? Weren't deprived of their identity? Because they were educated?  Am I allowed to grieve my peoples tragedies? Can I call them my people even though our great grandmothers didn't go through the same struggles? Some would say no.

4. College is ******* expensive. I'm already broke and I don't even have my first degree yet. It's almost starting to cost more than my ambition. Might need to take another loan out.

5. Ever since I was too young to fully comprehend the finality of death, that people can suddenly cease to be, she taught me while teaching herself how to live without him. She never taught me how to live without her because we both thought that she wouldn't have to. Now I'm teaching myself to live without them and we never thought that I'd have to. Will I have to teach my kids one day how to do the same? I pray to God that I wont have to.

6.( Invincibility doesn't mean **** when you see it die in front of you.) I still use the present tense when I say your name. My mom says that, sorry I meant used to say that all the time. My dad is really, sorry I meant to say was really tall. Life's constant grammar lesson : past tense - a tense expressing something that previously existed.

7. Alcohol is your friend until it's not. People are the same way, except they are harder to find on a daily basis and you can never run out of alcohol.

8.  I have a habit of calling wherever I'm going home. If I'm laying my head down there for the night, it's home. Because for me it's always temporary and somewhere different. I'm never homeless.

9. We are supposed to trust no one, but love with all of our being. You can't do both. Pick one.

10. You're family will one day consist of just one person - yourself. No one tells you until after it happens. And when it does, everything that you thought you knew, doesn't make sense anymore. So you start over.
Chill Luciani Mar 2015
a goat encounters a lion. normally the lion sees the goat as food. instead The Lion offers shelter warmth theo goat offered protection awkward that a four-legged hooved animal could protect the queen of the jungle protection together they stood both natural leaders both immature in the ways at the time neither wanted to back down from the other but that's what made it work despite the goats dexterity and natural stubbornness in his ways the lion SAT and ate with the goat. years and years they feast upon the golden ducks they collected at the rivers which they traveled odd as combination is professionals know that that is not even a combination amongst the food chain but fore a while they dined peacefully. the lion roared bloodthirsty the goat while being the loner the leader willfully back down from the lion scenario has a goat beat a lion. The goat couldn't bear the lion parting ways the goat be that as it may just wanted his own way but the goat has to learn sometimes the best win is to back off not every wall is meant to be broken especially that of a lion and her pride so the lion beautiful as ever smirked as if we were the prey and the goat knowingly put his head inside her mouth I'll let you tell it
love and hatred
Casey Carter Feb 2015
I've given birth to many things
Cloudy nights, slanted rays
Set ways, uneven days-
Wet it, let it
Permeate its hues-
Like rock 'n' roll
from the womb of the blues

I got a whiskey-drinkin' woman
She waits for me around the bend
Starts harvesting the plants
Now, whenever I drop in
We both play mute, 'cause we know
Where glowing fingers of the fire
play blown wood, like a piano

I've given birth
to birds and snails
Solar systems
that have failed
Let it pour, let it roar
and pay its dues
Like rock 'n' roll
from the fertile
womb of the blues
Currents © 2013, Casey Carter
eye say ahhhh Jan 2015
The option of life is hard
To keep on and on without an end
I watch the train arrive and go
I ask myself is this the one
What burden bothers the conductor
Could I stop this train in time
Will he try to die tonight
I've contemplated everyday
The pros the cons
But anyway
Arcassin B Nov 2014
By Arcassin Burnham





In bits and pieces,




Maybe if you would have called a little bit sooner,
Maybe turn the sky a little bit bluer,
I never seen you in a dress before,
I never seen you in a dress before,
Smile could light up the moon,
Also in its darkest hour,
Beauty to make you do anything,
She had the power,
Of Lovin you.

Tease me into an open casket,
Forgive me if I ever had the thought of looking ratchet,
I never ever judge cause that's your fashion,
Basic teens never quite get a reaction,
She was sure she had me sprung,
She was sure she blew my mind,
She was sure she made it work,
Theres no clock that can handle her time,

There's no other way to be afraid,
There's no other way to be a shame,
Even though your the one to blame,
Two never made it out as a result of getting yourself into an unknown,
That's leaves home grown and clarinets and trumbones,
Everyday is a new wave of doing wrong,
There no there way to say this,
But my boy your going home.
love / style / death
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