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Marieta Maglas Jun 2015
Sulim said, ‘’the moon rises on the sky like a child.’’
''The jeweler is going to come tomorrow to
Bring me jewels for those wanting their life to be styled.
Although I can't sell them, I want all her dreams come true, ''

Frederick said. She replied, ''I can't wait to choose them.''
''They are expensive, and it's hard to find customers.''
Sam said, ’’ increase the price when two eyes light on a gem.''
''I have to deal with the coast-men, who are expert smugglers.''

'' 'Twas another world, when jewelry meant a business.
I had to wear a lapel clip to be fully dressed.''
Sam said, ''to the jewelry theft, I'm an eye witness.''
''To protect this ship from pirates, I'll do my best.''

He kissed her, '' you're the most important jewel for me.''
She touched her womb, ''this fetus is the most important.''
''And I hope he will become what I want him to be.
I know he feels, even his feeling is quite dormant.’’

(After a few seconds of thinking, Frederick continued to talk with her.)

''Are you sure it's a boy? '' ''I am absolutely sure.
Moreover, he will be like his dad.'' The man held her
Into his arms, '' I'm strong enough this fate to endure.
Is he as beautiful as me? '' He played with her hair.

Dreamy and meditative, Geraldine told him,
''He's already a sailor in my womb.'' He laughed.
''Son, I want you to hit her a little in a gym.''
She exclaimed, ''he moved.'' ''He’s maestro at this craft.''

(Early in the morning, Frederick and Geraldine woke up. They used to sleep in the same bed, although she was pregnant.
She had to prepare the breakfast for the sailors, and he had to go to the nautical bridge to take back the control of the ship.)

''You'll stay at Lisbon for a few years because the child
Must grow up enough to be taken with us on the ship.''
''I do not let you roaming through the freedom and the wild.''
''I don't go, I stay with you, '' he whispered lip to lip.

''Are you afraid of losing me? He asked tenderly.
''I'm afraid that something bad is going to happen.''
''With five belly dancers around fashion'd slenderly? ''
''Imagine this! You're going to be a real captain! ''

He laughed. She gave him a pat on the back with her cushion.
''Do you see those five lateen sails? They dance in the storm.''
He wanted to make love with her, but she kept on pushing.
He immobilized her screaming ''Love me to keep me warm! ''

Ismail knocked on the door and told Frederick that the jeweler was on the ship.

(to be continued...)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Jun 2015
Mary was a carrack around two hundred in size
Having a cargo space and five masts with lateen sails.
The men climbed to the top of the mast to front the skies.
Loaded the cargo and prepared it for heavy gales.

This ship had a main mast with a square sail for speed
And triangular sails for maneuverability.
Being eager to eat, to drink and to smoke their ****,
To load brocade and silk, they got the ability.

They had to purchase these goods of China to Lisbon,
Where they could exchange it for some Portuguese silver.
The crates were quite heavy, and Frederick asked Brisbon
To hire men, 'cause ‘’at time, the goods they must deliver.’’

Brisbon hired sailors from Istanbul for the crew.
They carried the crates, one by one, into the cargo.
Sulim came and said that the gangway was damaged, too.
‘’What else? ’’‘’Three crates of goods and Abseil’ hands, ’’ said Fargo.

''We have to get to Gibraltar before September
In order to be able to pass through the mousetrap.
There is a strong current, which can be our ship's dismember.
It flows in the opposite direction. Here's the map! ''

Sam said, ''captain, how fast are the currents through this strait? ''
''The water at the surface flows between 2 - 4 knots.
The Autumn current can make us strain as through Hell's Gate.
Losing knots in speed, we can die; life is in my thoughts.''

'' The merchant wants to leave and doesn't know what to do, ''
Said Sam. Frederick and two men went into port to seek
Someone, who could repair the gangway and someone who
Could treat Abseil’ hands, because to sail he was too weak.

Geraldine was in the kitchen to prepare some food
For the ******. ''Where do you go? '' She asked Frederick.
''A man's job! You're too jealous. I don't mean to be rude.''
''At noon, they drink.'' She laughed. ''My time is always metric.''

Frederick descended quickly into the boat with
Sulim and Suaram. They went ashore and went up
In northeastern outskirts of the town, where the fifth
House was an unfinished jewel under the sky's cup.

After two hours, they brought a few craftsmen the gangway
To repair. Finally, all the goods were brought on deck.
When the men started to eat, 'twas the end of the day.
'' The water swallows the sun; it's time for the dreams' trek.''

Said Sam while eating bread. ''And darkness engulfs the day.''
On the deck, the lanterns' light made the place enchanting.
They ate in silence. The water sprayed wet pearls away.
Frederick said, ''Now, the timeless our sleep is granting.''

(to be continued....)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Apr 2015
In fall, the trees watch
The rise of some butterflies,
When the leaves fall down,
'Cause they have the same color,
But a distinct sense of flight.
Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Apr 2015
In cosmos, our kin
Have the rainbow on their skin.
They live free from sin.

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Apr 2015
In a red, fire world,
the life colors disappear.
Colors go to naught.

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Apr 2015
In a dreamy field with dark blue irises,
Her lips are like falling, red butterfly wings.
In his blue eyes, she sees that hope rises.
O'er the life bridge, sometimes, the bell of death swings.

In the flower-filled wind, so high is his thought
As near is his feeling to the heart of love.
Flapping skywards, the dark spirits come to naught.
So sunny the sky, here flies the white dove.

With his long black hair and his beautiful chest,
He is a Polish king in their wedding bed.
His ringed hand swings the paradise of her breast.
From there, so far is the rising moon and so red.

Their thoughts into the vast infinity slip,
Into the flowers' seeds; untouched sutured wounds
In forgotten memories flutter and clip.
Prayers from afar do flow to the lips' sounds.

She wakes up in the field; the irises have grown.
Her vibrating horizon is forsaken-
A love so near that her heart has never known.
Knows now who she has, from her dream, awakened.

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Dec 2014
An all-seeing eye of cosmos opened
within me having an epistemic sense of
power. The rain trickled down the oval-shaped

wet window. 'Twasn't a blue eye, yet 'twas bluing.

The blues of the stars
were trickling
out of their core. Over
your tasting part of the tongue full of sensations
about itself, suffering words
struck the silence between us. I could not
comprehend their sense- their meaning

sank in the sadness of the rain.

The blues were absorbed by this rising dreariness.
I couldn't see you. Nor could I
achieve the tranquility of mind. However,
I might presume that God might see this.
Marieta Maglas Dec 2014
The suffering train
takes me to somewhere.
I really want to get off this train, but
it is running too fast-
a wave of despair.

I had no courage
to face the truth,
nor I had courage to believe that
we could be together,
maybe no courage at all-
shadows of my youth.

You didn't know
'twas a matter of time.
You were right there, waiting for me-
it could be truly sublime.

Be my lover,
or be my kiss, or
be my happy December!
Now, take a chance
love to rediscover!

Don't say,
'should happen once in life'
all the rest means lie -
some games -
I couldn't face on-
unseen scars of war and strife.

There's only a train
to run to nowhere
too fast, never for two,
but I want you to be always there
waiting for me, because
I'm waiting for you.

Don't ask me anything,
not any longer-
the last word rhythm entrained by love-
no more nothing.

The feelings are freed from chains
on December reign,
I love you more than ever,
when you can wait for
my suffering train.
Marieta Maglas Nov 2014
Like a tired eyelid was your deep last
thought, or like an eye of water being
darkened by a shadowing cloud. Like
a tear and a stargazer lily smelled your

gaze. Like sadness and longing your last
smile longed for love. You were my love
embracing. Between me and Jesus, only
you were my awakening, while you were in

leaving to be with Him through a last prayer.
I followed you on the Way of Love as a
prayer. God started to send His rain of grief
from His heaven inside of us. I was able to

see you in that Light. How beautiful you were
in that sense of life. He allowed me to hope
this love would never end. I woke up alone.
The rain was beating against my window.
Marieta Maglas Nov 2014
A red bird has flown soaring in the great height of the
purple sky. The thrilling scream was as a shrill cry on
the soundtrack. The bird has disappeared into the sky,

and all it could be heard was the sound. That cold sound
became fluid in the ears. A forked green lightning following
a zigzagging pattern appeared from an antimatter space.

The eyes fixed wide-open up, and the mouths kept silent.
A ship has left the dock to disappear in the mobile horizon.
It seemingly disappeared and reappeared based on where

the eyes were looking; the eyes were not able to leave the dock.
When the ship could not be seen, a prolonged blast could be
heard. Finally, the ship disappeared in an antimatter space,

where cold could illuminate and beat the heat to burn everything
as we beat the heat with icy cold neck wraps. The eyes fixed
wide-open toward, and red screams grew from open mouths.

The sun lost its strength to become redder than it was before.
In the twilight, its disk disappeared below the mobile horizon.
Its power was in the spirit and the matter of the freezing cold.

The eyes were unable to see where the sun was going. In the
soft and purple mist, they looked like little amethyst stones.
The violet light slowed down in the water much more than the

red light refracted. The waves of alternating strength in electric and
magnetic fields moved around the Earth in the tick of a clock.
The mouths murmured, but the anti-sound made them all be quiet.

From an airplane in the sky, the eyes could see two rainbows with
colors in opposite order forming a complete circle. The eyes could
move up and down to see the red light that refracted out of

the droplets at steeper angles than the blue light. The mind could
imagine another rainbow made of complementary light wavelengths
such as green, blue, violet, red, orange, yellow-orange and yellow.
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