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Reece 4d
This year, lunchtime seems to drag on,
When previously, before I knew it, it was gone.
What has changed?
It isn’t time.
It’s the sorrowful realization,
That friends can fade,
Just like the rain,
Before you know it,
The silence,
The consequences,
I’ll never be the same.
I'm going to experiment with some shorter poems as an exercise in concise messaging. I hope they still make sense and have themes.
Robyn Apr 2016
You're walking
I'm waiting
And soon we'll be here, now.
Your heavy feet
My heavy eyes
And our eyes will meet
And my lips will bow
In a smile
Red Fox Jan 2016
You can never save the world
Without Loss
You can only change within
No Matter the Cost

Change Within
Our Greatest Weapon,
A prolific ammunition,
Conveying wounds through the most infinitesimal incisions,
Ricocheting across the battlefield,
We call our nation.

The greatest weapon
Against our greatest enemy,
Is our ability to inspire one another.
Love Conquers our Differences
Time can Build a better Future,
Even over a foundation of
**Belligerent Ignorance
I am neither White or Black
I'm just ME
Without an understanding or empathy
For anyone who can't see that
Red Fox Dec 2015
Who I thought I was:
Who I was:
Who I think I am:
Who I am:
Who I want to be:
Who I will be:
Daniel Thorne Apr 2015
The sun goes onward, rising higher.
Our bright beacon, the balloon of fire.
And little do these worldlings see,
Afternoon will go, the night is soon to be.
elizabeth Jan 2015
Sit alone at lunchtime

Learn how to think
about something other
than what others
are thinking
about you

Sit alone at lunchtime

Play a scene
of wonder and excitement
in your head
and do not worry
if others can see

Sit alone at lunchtime

Destroy the self doubt
you fill up with
prior to chewing

Sit alone at lunchtime

but not all the time

just sometimes
Word: Lunchtime

— The End —